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Exotic Hunt with Moosie and Calif. Hunter

Redneck Reese

New member
Jan 20, 2001
Coppell, TX. U.S.A.
I wanted moosie and the calif. hunter to know I enjoyed the ram hunt in Texas. This is the drunk guy with the heavy Texas accent, but really from Oklahoma and the heavy black leather coat. Drop me an e-mail when you get back home.

They did it this weekend I think, hope they enjoyed it. I missed hooking up with them. It was the last weekend of duck season so I did that. It was a record day for me saturday, 7 shots' shells and 6 ducks picked up by 8:30am.
Reese ya Drunk BAstage!!! HEhehe This Is OSCAR!!! Nice time Hunting w/ ya!! I got Pictures back , I went straight from the Airport today to Walmart 1 hr photo

Will post pics tomorrow!!!

TOM, I asked Temple about ya and He said you probably wouldn't make it!! I will post the Story tomorrow on how it went and have pics ta boot....... I am thinking about a HUNTTALK.COM hunt there next year!!! Imagine 16 of these friggin Yahoos All in Texas HUnting....

<LI> AKA Moose Hunter


Sounds like it could be a good time, Boss. They even got some pretty cool stuff to hunt there dont they?!?

Live to Hunt-Terry aka Coydog.
Hey Terry aka coydog,

Yea, there are lots of different animals you can hunt in that area of Texas. All types of exotics, hogs, whitetail, etc. There is too many to list. The Thompson Temple ranch is really cool. Most women wouldn't agree with the accommodations but its a perfect setup for guys. Thanks for the welcome reply. Drop me a note if you have any Texas Hunt questions. If your ever have a chance to hunt with Moosie or Calif. Hunter go for it, there good feller's.

Redneck Reese, I'm sure hoping in the future to hunt with those guys. I may have tolook into a Texas hunt.

I think this year is full but that depends on how I do in the draws that are coming up.

Live to Hunt-Terry aka Coydog.
RRREEEEEEESSSSSE! How the heck are ya?
Reese killed the biggest sheep I ever saw. I think it was half Moose! (Say, Moosie -you sure this was your first trip to that part of Texas? You ole sheep-lover, you!) I just got back and I'm beat. I had three days of boring seminars to sit thru, and then I had to give a boring seminar.

MOOSE IS DA MAN! He was whacking and stacking them sheep, then he started poppin and droppin 'em. (Then he finally started hunting...) Seriously, Moosie is a die-hard hunter and one all-right fella. WIthout a word, after I dressed out my sheep he grabbed it, thru it over his shoulders and started off down the cliff with it! I'll let him tell the story with hs pix, and I'll get mine developed tomorrow. He hunted hard for the last two rams he got, and the cover was so thick that he couldn't even draw his bow! So he shot them with my new he's killed one more animal with it than I have!
I am pooped, so I'm gonna glance thru the rest of the forum and go to bed! A good time was had by all. Huh? What? WOTTABURGER!

Ahhh the memories..

I stayed up watching the "GREEN MILE" LAST NIGHT w/ the family.... Excellent show.....A MUST SEE!!!

Anyways, I didn't ge the stories posted yet !! I'll skip lunch today and post!!!!!!!

Cali thanx for the use of the .270


<LI> AKA Moose Hunter


I volunteer to help the women next year in finding good accommodations. I can at least be a guard. We can at least put the women in one bedroom with a bathroom next to it. Or we can get a room or two in town for them. Usually women go to the bathroom on the right of the tree and men on the left there. Women are always right!
By the way, Reese, I would have stayed up even later, talking with you guys like Moosie did, but I was whipped. He didn't call me at my motel until 11 PM the night before, just to tell me he'd be by at 4 AM to pick me up.
After his call, I couldn't sleep and watched TV until 1 AM and just kinda dozed after thing I know, Moosie is in the lobby!
Have you tried eating any of that Ram yet, Reese? I have my pix over at Savon's one hour photo shop now, but willwait to see Moosie's pix before posting them so that I don't duplicate what he posts.

[This message has been edited by Calif. Hunter (edited 01-25-2001).]
TOM, Remember that the "WOMEN" will be married 'K .......

Cali, I sgot my Story up..... Now you know the Lies I said, Follow some of them 'K.......


Can't wait to hear it from your view as well!!!!!!! Start a picture posting BUD!!!!!!!!!

<LI> AKA Moose Hunter


Hey Calif.Hunter,
Hope you had a safe trip home. Sorry to here about your sleeper seminars. Good to here from you. I haven't had a chance to view Moosie's "stories". Your right though, Moosie was wacken and stackin. Is he having all those rams mounted or what. Let me know if or when you plan on heading back to Texas. I've got a pretty nice hunting lease. Lots of whitetail, tons of quail, few turkey. We used to have way too many hogs. We hired a guy to trap the hogs out. After 3 weeks, he trapped 52 hogs. They were runnin' all the whitetail out of there. Don't get me wrong, I like hog huntin but there are way too many of those little guys runnin around down here. I do plan on getting back to the Temple ranch. I've got 5 rams to drop to complete the "Texas Grand Slam". Let me know.
Over and out!
The a-frame has one big sleeping room. The house trailer, aka Cowboy Casa,up the hill, has several rooms to sleep in. The women could have more privacy there. Maybe a single one will come to hunt or whatever?
Moosie and Calif. Hunter.........what's up guys?!?!? This is the other redneck from Texas who was with Reese on the ram hunt. Great site you have going, lots of good information. Reese told me their are some pictures of our rams here somewhere, but I have been unable to find them....any suggestions?

Glad to hear everyone made it home safely and I hope you guys enjoyed your stay in Texas. Come back anytime and we'll go kill something else.....what a rush!!! Have a great day!
Daddy Cast.. Who's yur DADDY!!!!!

Is this Todd by the way or the other redneck?!?!
Forgive me but I don't remember your Real name So I'll cally ya DADDY!!!!

I just posted your pictures in the topic "Texas trip according to Cali".....

<LI> AKA Moose Hunter


Daddy cast, welcome to Moosie forum. Hope you become a regular and share with us on a regular basis. Have a good one.

Live to Hunt-Terry aka Coydog.
Yes, this is Todd. The other guy was from Marble Falls and he told me he didn't even own a computer! I think he is the last person who does not, even my dad (who was at the lodge) has one. By the way, would you believe my dad went into the hospital with a stroke when we got back. He is coming home today and should be fine.

Anyway, thanks for posting the pictures. Redneck Reese was drunk and his finger over the lens when he took pictures of my ram..............just kidding Redneck!

Thanks for the welcome Coydog. I look forward to sharing great information.

Have a good one!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
HI, Todd - welcome to Moosie's Place! This is Rick. Glad to see ya made it!
The pix of you are over at "Texas Trip According to Calif"

[This message has been edited by Calif. Hunter (edited 01-29-2001).]

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