Caribou Gear

Ever been asked by an outfitter to show your hunter safety training course certificate?

I tried to get a copy of mine from CA and I am gone from files. A glitch,an error transferring from files to micro in late 60's. The fact that I had it at the time I received my 1st licences, gave me a chance to hunt other states and I was in the system...except.
Funny thing is I helped give the classes for years and never retook it, just teach.
In a lot of states you are required to carry your hunter safety card along with your license if you're gun hunting. I assume the outfitter just wants to know you have all necessary paperwork should you encounter a warden. Colorado just started printing your hunter safety ID# on your license so you don't have to carry it separately, which is quite nice.
Never heard of that. How does that work with non residents? I took my hunter's safety course 28 years ago. Haven't the slightest idea where the card is. Didn't need it again once I'd bought my first license.
Never been asked. Mine is Colorado. Wyoming does not require it for people my age. Guess it be bennie of being an old fart.
Never been asked. Mine is Colorado. Wyoming does not require it for people my age. Guess it be bennie of being an old fart.
Not quite. I now need one if I was to ever want to hunt in CO. They do not recognize having a hunting licence for 45+ years as proof,in 3 other states too. 1955 was the crack year I fall into and the crack occurred in the 70's.
I'll just get one here in NM,where I have had a lic. since the late 80's.
Besides,I'm putting in for Oryx. Even a Lifescan clearance does not opt. the base requirements.
Interesting read:

Persons born on or after Jan. 1, 1949 must complete hunter education and have certificate on his or her person while hunting.Tel: 303/291-7300 or 7264

So if you're under the age of 73, you need to complete it - and have on you when hunting.
for colo you can get hunter safety card verified at CPW, then every time you buy a license in person you are not required to show it, including buying onlime, they stop asking for the data.

And your licenses has “HS verified” printed on it so no need to carry it.
Not to show it, but yea, it's been mentioned to make sure there'd be no hiccups. Have also had to have a copy faxed to Pagosa Springs to perfect an OTC Bull tag purchase, even though I had drawn and held a Muley tag. Moral is....keep a copy in your wallet.
It's always a good refresher. I think I've "taken" it about 6 times now. Originally, to get a new card, once each with both my kids and with two nephews. Got a couple grandsons I plan on taking soon as they are old enough.

Once with each of my three boys, once more with my granddaughter. I'm due to do it again. I was in AZ all last week. I got to thinking I need to do the AZ online and then scedule a field day on my next trip.
When I helped with an outfitter, we required the guests to show us their hunting license but never the hunter safety proof as that would be required to buy the hunting license.
When I ran a hunting camp / guided pronghorn, white tail, mule deer
every hunter was required fill out some license & legal paperwork
before a hunt , all hunters safety information is available in a online database in all 50 states and USA territory, and is on a state issued license , so a quick look @ a hunting license usually has the HS#, same for permits
I got mine in 1984 to hunt New Mexico and have never needed to present it, in Colorado, New Mexico, Alaska , Idaho , Arizona, Louisiana
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Hopefully never asked for it as I have no clue where it would be. Hunter Ed was when I was about 15, bowhunting maybe 20 years ago

Not a chance I could produce them
Same for me, 11yrs and 12yrs old when I went to classes.
Whatever state you got your certificate in will have your number on file. You can get a duplicate for little money. In Iowa you can get a duplicate anywhere licenses are sold.
Not Az.!! I found out the hard way, they have no records of
my taking classes. My Dad and uncle were the instructors! 💥
Same for me, 11yrs and 12yrs old when I went to classes.

Not Az.!! I found out the hard way, they have no records of
my taking classes. My Dad and uncle were the instructors! 💥
Like I said ,the same for CA. I had gotten my AZ lic. on it and that one added led to access to NM,MT,UT,OR lic's. Lost my card in a flood in '83...
Never heard of that. How does that work with non residents? I took my hunter's safety course 28 years ago. Haven't the slightest idea where the card is. Didn't need it again once I'd bought my first license.
I assume it is the same for residents and non-residents but may depend on the state. Only reason I know this is because when I was a Wyoming resident a warden checked my license and wanted to see my hunter safety card. I didn't have the safety card and he told me that I was required to carry it with my license. He let me off with a warning, but ever since I make sure to carry it!

I think you can get in touch with the state where you got it and they should be able to make a duplicate.
I can't say I've ever heard of an outfitter requesting such proof. I would assume that by purchasing a hunting license that part was taken care of and outside of the outfitter's responsibilities. I could see where an outfitter was made the bad guy because he didn't say "hey bring your HS card to purchase tags" or the guys were checked by a particularly thorough game warden and hunters were like I didn't know about HS certification requirements.

I haven't been asked by anyone except when I was youth hunting turkeys in NE. I was the age where I had to buy a tag but not buy a habitat stamp so between 12 and 16. They wanted to see a copy of HS card which I gladly shared. I distinctly remember that interaction with the warden being one of the few negative interactions...he was searching for something and came back to our campsite multiple times over the weekend.

When buying turkey tags in ID for the first time I was surprised that they wanted HS card number which I didn't have so I had to call NE to get the number before I was able to hunt.
I can't say I've ever heard of an outfitter requesting such proof. I would assume that by purchasing a hunting license that part was taken care of and outside of the outfitter's responsibilities. I could see where an outfitter was made the bad guy because he didn't say "hey bring your HS card to purchase tags" or the guys were checked by a particularly thorough game warden and hunters were like I didn't know about HS certification requirements.

I haven't been asked by anyone except when I was youth hunting turkeys in NE. I was the age where I had to buy a tag but not buy a habitat stamp so between 12 and 16. They wanted to see a copy of HS card which I gladly shared. I distinctly remember that interaction with the warden being one of the few negative interactions...he was searching for something and came back to our campsite multiple times over the weekend.

When buying turkey tags in ID for the first time I was surprised that they wanted HS card number which I didn't have so I had to call NE to get the number before I was able to hunt.
There actually is an ethical liability (and it is often treated as legal too) for the outfitter to ensure that his clients are following all game laws. If the outfitter knowingly allows his client to hunt without a proper license and the game warden finds out, the outfitter will be punished for not reporting it.
There actually is an ethical liability (and it is often treated as legal too) for the outfitter to ensure that his clients are following all game laws. If the outfitter knowingly allows his client to hunt without a proper license and the game warden finds out, the outfitter will be punished for not reporting it.
Yes it’s truly amazing what some state game warden check for
HS #
ranch license
cooler / storage license
and about 1000 other rules and regulations

good thing states issue a annual booklet and my advice is to have a copy on your person !
I assume it is the same for residents and non-residents but may depend on the state. Only reason I know this is because when I was a Wyoming resident a warden checked my license and wanted to see my hunter safety card. I didn't have the safety card and he told me that I was required to carry it with my license. He let me off with a warning, but ever since I make sure to carry it!

I think you can get in touch with the state where you got it and they should be able to make a duplicate.
Reading through the Wyoming regs it seems like that warden was probably stretching a wee bit with that one.....
I keep a digital copy of mine on my phone, but I've only been asked once and that was a long time ago. Got me thinking, anybody ever get asked to show it?
No. Most states require hunter Ed to buy a license now. Might be more appropriate to ask to see license.
That’s what I do now.

Flew from NJ to Boise about 20 years ago and went to buy my license the lady said I’ll need to see your hunter education card. :oops:

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