Kenetrek Boots

Episode Four - Montana Whitetails

Yeah but how many cameras they shooting you with? ;)

Randy- Check and see if there's an 'expert' difficulty setting on that arcade game. Then maybe you can you can finally kill something in difficult terrain, Tard. Oh, excuse me, I mean TARD.

Anyone wanna bet a nickel that aol tough guy is from the east and hasn't stepped foot in western terrain? That or a Texan. Sorry Ken.

No way it was a Texan. We never put our feeders 300 yards away and always clear the brush out of the way that is in between our recliner and the feeder.;)
Exactly why I wrote that jabber. AOL Tough Guy probably thinks it was a 30 yard shot because he's never heard of anyone shooting 300 yards at a whitetail. Shooting across 8 other guys' stands is just not done. ;)
Just finished watching this episode and it is one of my favorites because A) I like hunting whiteys in ponderosas and B) you make Oak a big time TV star :)

I'm guessing you gotta have thick skin to be in the public eye. Plus you likely have lots of SFW apologists flooding your inbox.
Fin saw the whitetail hunt today and it was great - might have convinced me to give eastern Montana a try. Have a question for you and Oak. Before you shot your bucks - what in the hell do you both have in your packs? It looks like you are hiking in for the duration but I got the impression you two were staying in a hotel - so how much gear did you guys carry on your backs?
Great show Big Fin and Oak! I think the AOL dumbarse fell out of his tree stand too many times, he should just go back to his little food plot and treestand and stay there, he couldn't handle out west OYOA hunting!
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