Ollin Magnetic Digiscoping System

Episode Four - Montana Whitetails

yes, oregon isnt overly freindly with non resident tag allocations and we do have some nice antelope in se oregon,I was finally lucky to draw a antelope tag last year and got a dandy with my old muzzleloader,will be ranked 42nd in oregon record book in black powder catagory in next edition,we also got some good bighorns too,been applying for years but havnt got that lucky yet,if you do get after the columbia blacktails the southwestern vally areas is decent area for them.
Fin and Oak, great episode and a couple of dandy public land bucks. I will echo the sentiments stated in previous posts, Kudos to ya Big Fin for putting together a great show that the regular joe hunter can relate to and can accomplish.

I aint making any comments on which one of you is better looking.
Finally my DVR recorded the show. Skipped the first showing altogether, got 7 minutes of the second showing and did the whole thing this time.

Great show as usual. Not used to seeing a whitetail hunt on tv without a treestand and a bow. Great new concept there.

I think Oak brought a little extra to the table.:D:D:D
I can warn you that this is not your typical whitetail episode. No food plots, no tractors, no tree stands, no bait, no high fences just off camera, or the many other things used to acquire high quality whitetail footage in other shows.

...no kidding. NIce job Fin/Oak.
I've got to agree with everyone. That was an awesome whitetail show. Two great bucks taken. Too bad about the other film getting ruined on your kill but you guys did well for what you had.

So, I thought I had seen every episode, and then last night I fired up the DVR to see what OYOA episode I was going to get to watch this week. I figured it was going to be a re-run; which doesn't bother me in the least, and I find it is a Montana Whitetail hunt that I had never seen before. I was thrilled and loved the episode.

I have been chasing whitetails since I was 12 years old in MN both in the farm country and the big north woods, but this was something I have never tried, and now I am going to have to.

Randy, you are making my bucket list grow every year, I think I am heading to SE MT in 2013.
Same here, expecting to watch a rerun off the DVR while working out on the elliptical and it was one I've never seen before (I haven't seen any of Season 1).

Oak is a lot shorter on the big screen than he is in his pictures on here.
Evidently not everyone liked this episode. Got this comment yesterday. The joys of producing a TV show.

Guess I should shoot those deer moving through brush at 300 yards, regardless of what kind of shot is presented. I mean at 300 yards, they are "walking all over me." Anything under 300 is self defense mode, right?

Headed down to the arcade to practice some today. Easier than driving out the range. And, the folks at Federal will save money by not having to send cases of practice ammo to a TARD like me.

Evidently we on TV are not supposed to pass anything that is bigger than what we eventually end up with. After all, we have editing equipment where we can change the story if a marginal shot does create a mess.

Oh well, off to the arcade and them home to review some more edits of TARD's On Your Own Misadventures of deer waling all over me. :D

-----Original Message-----
From: "xxxx xxxxx" <[email protected]>
Sent: Friday, March 2, 2012 3:47pm
To: [email protected]
Subject: OYOA Contact Submission

Name: xxxx xxxxx

Email: [email protected]

Comments: Just wanted to e mail you and tell you I just watched the show of the white tail hunt in montana. I have to say you are either and idiot of a hunter or you didnt really want to shoot the buck you let walk all over you. so my suggestion is practice shooting in difficult terrian or put your gun up and go to the video game and shoot some deer that dont have real world situations in front of them. so basically I find you to be a joke of a hunter TARD.
The camera always makes me look 6" shorter.:confused:

Yeah but how many cameras they shooting you with? ;)

Randy- Check and see if there's an 'expert' difficulty setting on that arcade game. Then maybe you can you can finally kill something in difficult terrain, Tard. Oh, excuse me, I mean TARD.

Anyone wanna bet a nickel that aol tough guy is from the east and hasn't stepped foot in western terrain? That or a Texan. Sorry Ken.