Episode 51 - Fred Eichler and Kyle Lamb

This was the best episode I have listened to yet. Enjoyed the humor. Had numerous people looking at me as I was driving down the road laughing my ass off.

In response to the comments Kyle made. All I can say is THANK YOU FOR YOUR SERVICE!!!! Those of you that have an issue with his comments should remain anonymous and continue hiding behind your keyboard. Him and many others like him ARE the reason you are able to do that.
I almost had to pull over on the side of the road yesterday as I was listening to this. I was nearly in tears a couple of times.

"Bringing good companies to their knees".....

Those that are offended, that's okay. I share stories with co-workers that have us rolling on the floor, that I wouldn't share with my wife because she wouldn't find the humor in it. When you work with the darker side of humanity, your worldview changes. You learn to laugh at things others wouldn't.

Keep things in context. When you are hunting bad guys, your perspective changes, and you look at things from the context of using a bow in order to not blow your cover.

One of the funniest (to me) things I've ever seen in my career involved a K9 unit dog bite. I'm somewhat of a flaming liberal, and I put a very high value on human rights, and taking care of society's outcasts, but sometimes folks make the bed they are going to sleep in and there's a lot of irony and humor in the outcome.
I almost had to pull over on the side of the road yesterday as I was listening to this. I was nearly in tears a couple of times.

"Bringing good companies to their knees".....

Those that are offended, that's okay. I share stories with co-workers that have us rolling on the floor, that I wouldn't share with my wife because she wouldn't find the humor in it. When you work with the darker side of humanity, your worldview changes. You learn to laugh at things others wouldn't.

Keep things in context. When you are hunting bad guys, your perspective changes, and you look at things from the context of using a bow in order to not blow your cover.

One of the funniest (to me) things I've ever seen in my career involved a K9 unit dog bite. I'm somewhat of a flaming liberal, and I put a very high value on human rights, and taking care of society's outcasts, but sometimes folks make the bed they are going to sleep in and there's a lot of irony and humor in the outcome.
Does Henry know? ;)
Hey Bruno Stickler! Another great podcast. Can't wait to see the wolf hunt. This was the funniest one yet. Keep up the great work!
Well I’ve been debating posting anything for a long time because I can see both sides of this issue, but every time I think of this podcast I get a strong mix of emotions that doesn’t seem to passing with time, so I guess I better get it off my chest.

I have great respect for the folks on this podcast, so I’m not here to throw anyone under the bus. I have a brother in the military, a brother in law enforcement, and I have deep respect and gratitude for the sacrifices they and their families make to preserve our freedoms here and win freedom for other around the world.

I also have an adopted son from a Latin American country. I also have friends who fled oppression in their native countries in the middle east. So, when I was listening to this podcast with one of my sons after a day of skiing, and heard jokes about skinning and quartering people who are coming to the US from Latin America to find safety and a better life for their families, I grimaced. And when I then heard jokes about how it would be cool to kill bad guys with an arrow to see a similar reaction to the elk I’ve double lunged and didn’t know what hit ‘em, well then I turned the podcast off.

Do I support our efforts in the Middle East. Yes. Do I support the men who are doing the dirty work for us over there. Hell yes. Were I in their shoes, facing what they face every day, would I resort to humor to deal with the stresses of that. I’m sure I would. But these are fellow human beings we are talking about, and I fear that if it becomes OK to joke about killing human beings in ways that equates them to animals, then I fear that we have lost something, and I fear that we are all diminished by it.

If you'd been in the amount of gun fights Kyle (me as well though not the same ones) and other various near death experiences that are entailed in the miltiary and even more so in special operations outfits, you'd crack jokes as well. Do guys like us get some sideways looks by people who don't know any better when we make such remarks? Absolutely. Just the other day I was in Virginia Beach and Arlington for my Brother Ryan Owens Funeral and I was joking with guys who were fighting beside Ryan when he died. We were making absurd jokes while having beers afterwards. That side of it will never go away. Trust me when I say Kyle Lamb has paid his dues and is free to say whatever he wishes about war. Let it eat.

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Count me as another who found it distasteful, and yes I did enjoy some of the humor but eventually ended up not listening to the whole thing. I understand that some people in certain situations deal with difficult situations differently. In my days as an EMT we certainly handled many of the things we saw and did with humor but for the most part we did not share that with the outside world. I came away feeling the same way I feel when I hear someone tell an off colored or insensitive joke in mixed company, that being I didn't need to hear that, and I shut it off. There was also a time in my life I would simply let it slide but I now feel the need to express my opinion and not let folks assume I agree by my silence.

I think folks should be able to set around and have some fun, but I also feel a little restraint was needed here. I've seen enough death and trauma and granted it wasn't in a war zone just the streets, roads and communities here in South Dakota don't really need to waste any more of that two hours listening to it. If you liked it great, I did not. You finished listening and enjoyed your time I shut it off and went on to a Meat Eater Podcast that I hadn't listened to yet.

I appreciated Fin's perspective that what he found on the AZ/Mexico border was not a dangerous area full of murderers and drug dealers. But it soon went to far. As a fellow South Dakotan I am thankful for men like Kyle but I don't need to hear how fun hunting people can be. I think all humans deserve some level of dignity and respect. I'm glad I did not have this episode playing with children or my wife or mother around.

Still love the podcast and will listen to most.

Oh and by the way, my name is Jim Zeck and I am not passing myself off as anybody else, just me.
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You know what I like about this forum? You guys speak your mind, but do so without attacking others opinions for the most part. It's not many places you can find that and I only know of one other forum.
This was a great podcast, I have loaded your podcast on four buddies phones. Non of them knew about them or knew they had an app on an iPhone. This is the one I load for them first, it has hooked all of them. Good job!
You have to remember not everyone is a hard core advocate and this podcast was a great one to get them listening to message newberg is....and others are trying to get across. It's ok to change it up, this was a good set around the camp fire and tell stories kind of listen.

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