EMERGENCY!!! Returning to the dream of one hunting rifle…

First, I am diagnosed with all sorts of mental health shiz. One of them is OCD. I crave that “just right feeling.” Second, I’ve got the itch for the infamous “all-around North American Big Game Rifle.”

My tendency is to have a “perfect” rifle for each species, but I’m looking to simplify and relax. I am overly practical.

I live in Washington, and primarily hunt “western style.” I hike a ton, but am not an ounces prince. I hunt Montana every year in some way shape or form. I currently use my 22-250 for sub-pronghorn; 6.5 for deer, and 300 wm for elk.

I will be keeping the 250, because I love it and keep pelts. However, I want to pass my 6.5 along to a family member and probably sell the 300 to move to a middle ground.

I am already hard of hearing, and am going to buy my first suppressor.

My budget is ~3k for the rifle and can combo.

What are your exact rifle, can, cartridge combos? I’ll hold my current idea for now to not sway ideas.

P.S. It should be able to go to Alaska and also shoot my first NRL Skills competition third year.
KISS - 22/250 and 270 Win. I doubt there's a better Western combo - that pair smells of sage brush and tall timber. The 22-250 up through deer, and the 270 for elk and bigger.

You don't say what 6.5 you have, but you could do that and the 22/250 as well. Ditto a 308 and 22/250. But in my mind the 22/250 and 270 Win are an ideal pairing.
I’m a one rifle guy.

Brady’s in Missoula sold me a Tikka 7mm Mag in 2005. Killed from 85-385 yards. Shoot copper out of it now. Still sub 1” MOA.

Have thought about getting it cut for a suppressor but worried about losing that grouping.
I have a Remington 721 that was gifted to me by my Grandfather in 1966. The year I was born. Chambered in .30-.06. I find myself picking up this rifle a lot these past years. mtmuley
I got my grandfather’s 721 also in .30-06 after my dad passed. Well used and took lots of animals up to moose size with it. I need to shoot it as I never have-always just grab my Model 700 .270.
I think I’d land on a Browning X-bolt 2 Speed in 6.5 PRC. Do the spring switch or buy a trigger replacement. Put a Zeiss V4 6-24x50 on top of it and use some kind of Ti Can (Banish Backcountry is short, I love my Q Trash Panda) and shoot Hornady ELD-X factory loads if you don’t hand load. Take the time to lap the scope rings and watch it drive tacks at whatever distance you are comfortable shooting. Should be just a touch over $3k but very close.
Awaiting a Seekins PH3 M3 Element 7PRC...VX6HD Gen 2 3x18x44 from @schmalts twiddling it's thumbs in the safe. The 7 Mashburn has served me well...we'll see if the hoopla that handling a Gunwerks caused last January is justified.

This is something I’ve considered deeply. Throw a Nomad LTi XC on it.
I have 3 big game rifles only. A 7mm-08 I haven’t used in years, 300 win mag for deer and 338 win mag for moose elk bear. I could easily cut it down to one rifle. Probably stick with 300 mag. Im
Lucky mine shoots my fast 165 had loads and 180 factories in the same spot. So I use the 165 for deer and if I want to use it for bigger stuff I shoot the 180’s. Now we won’t even talk about my obsession with varmint guns lol. Couple 22’s, 22 mag, 17hmr, 22x250x2 and next gun I want is a 17 hornet
I love my hmr and 250. I want to throw the can I get on the 250, and it would be interesting on the 17.
My recommendation: Tikka T3X Roughtech or similar with a Cerakoted barrel in .30-06 or .300 WSM, or if you want to get real funky, rebarreled to .338-06 or 35 Whelen. Stick a Swaro Z5 or a Trijicon TenMile on top. Go forth and prosper.

My 6.5 is a roughtech and I love it. So does my buddy. It’s going to head his way. It flat out shoots.
I'm going to be the A-Hole here....
Perfection is highly overrated. I'm a one rifle guy shooting the wood stocked production rifle manufactured in the 1980's. I bought it used 30 plus years ago as a 16 year old . I've seldom gone to a Public range. Obsess about your time in the field pursuing game in the same manner you want to mentally self abuse yourself over miniscule differences in caliber, trajectory and velocity.

Nobody cares if you shoot a 1/2" group or a 1" group at 100 yards off a bench. Show me the coyotes you killed this winter or the pile of ground squirrels you applied that accuracy to. Spend your money to apply for hunts or save up for unpaid time off from work. A lot of what people call OCD is pursuing other people's approval. Put that effort into improving your abilities in the field and it will pay off in much more rewarding fashion.

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