Agreed. I shoot a cheap scope/rifle combo. It groups terribly but Iv not missed a deer or elk with it under 300 yards.I'm going to be the A-Hole here....
Perfection is highly overrated. I'm a one rifle guy shooting the wood stocked production rifle manufactured in the 1980's. I bought it used 30 plus years ago as a 16 year old . I've seldom gone to a Public range. Obsess about your time in the field pursuing game in the same manner you want to mentally self abuse yourself over miniscule differences in caliber, trajectory and velocity.
Nobody cares if you shoot a 1/2" group or a 1" group at 100 yards off a bench. Show me the coyotes you killed this winter or the pile of ground squirrels you applied that accuracy to. Spend your money to apply for hunts or save up for unpaid time off from work. A lot of what people call OCD is pursuing other people's approval. Put that effort into improving your abilities in the field and it will pay off in much more rewarding fashion.
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A 30-06 with a 22” barrel +6” non direct thread can with a swaro 2.5-10 z3 would be my vote.
My current set up is a rem 700 22” .270 with a timney trigger, bedded alum frame stocky stock(meh) and it will get a swaro z5 cause it shoots quite well. It’s unthreaded but when I maybe replace the barrel someday it will be threaded.
My gun from teenage years is a rem 710 30-06, I just upgraded the scope to a mid 1990’s Leopold 3-9. Always come out when the snow is falling
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