Elk Stolen in Billings

If you can’t kill one steal one, oh the memories. Hope the hunter gets it back. I dread this time of year in Montana.
Stuff like this has me reevaluating taking a head out first to lock it in the capper, or leave it in the woods to maybe get stolen while I’m packing out.

Usually a meat first kinda guy, but Jesus this is bad.
My buddy had one stolen outta his pickup in the high school parking lot. We went out there at lunch for him to show me and there was nothing there.
I chained a B&C whitetail to the bed of my truck for this very reason….

Hope they find it

Trust in America is gone.
Certainly crime effects communities well out side of our own. But I can't help but think something like this being caused by our (hunters in general) fetishizing big antlers. Undoubtably that bull represents more than we will ever know to the hunter, but to the thief its just a set of antlers. Sure he will probably make up a lie to tell his friends or maybe cut it up and sell it to next years antler buyer for $18/lb, but those antlers will never represent the memories of the hunter again.

Trying to get into the mind of a thief is an exercise in futility but I just can't help but think no one would be interested in stealing something like this if we all didn't care about them so much.
That guy had a heck of a year, first the ram, and then that bull. It does suck that the antlers were stolen.