Leupold BX-4 Rangefinding Binoculars

Elk sheds yet?


Active member
Sep 26, 2006
Kalispell/Helena, MT
Anybody? They should be coming off pretty soon. I ran into four bulls standing in the little clearcut I like to hunt around, all still packin. 2 dinks, 1 nice 5, and 1 big 6, a great looking bull. Sure love to find those sheds. Cripes, they went running down the hill, I kept hoping the jarring would send those big antlers off.
No one I have talked to her in ID has picked up any browns as of yet. but soon very soon !! Going to take a 3 day weekend April 2, 3, and 4 should pull out over 35 browns if the snow stays a little longer!
Wow, I don't know of any place where I could find that many. Maybe if I stumbled all over this area, I might find one. LOL.

Actually, I would like to hit that big area of winter range off hwy 2 along the middle fork, but since that is inside the Glacier Park Bdny, that would be rather frowned apon, probably get my name in the paper.
I really don't start looking for elk until the middle of April. Last spring I ran into a group of 12 decent bull about April 20th. Of the 12 only 3 had dropped.
I went out looking this weekend with my dad and two of my boys. We found 7 mule deer sheds. I seemed to find plenty of elk manure and tracks but zero elk sheds. I'm guessing it is too early for Montana.
47 bulls in one group here in MT...............Every single one still packing as of Friday...

It would be nice if everyone left them alone until late april but we all know thats not going to happen......

I'm planning a 5 day hit it hard and be done for the year around mid to late april........
47 bulls in one group here in MT...............Every single one still packing as of Friday...

It would be nice if everyone left them alone until late april but we all know thats not going to happen......

I'm planning a 5 day hit it hard and be done for the year around mid to late april........

47 bulls in one group??? Great, now I am sure I am wasting my time poking around this jungle for 4 or 5 dinks I see at a time.

Take me with you, my god man.
I would love to go and clean up 'ol Teddy's property. But you are right, may as well be on the moon. I WOULD probably have a better chance of getting those sheds out of Glacier Park.

OK, just kidding, don't anybody get their knickers in a twist.
leading edge.............they will fall off if you throw stuff at them really hard.

Bambi..................i don't even waste my time looking at turners stuff. like you said, they might as well be on the moon.

It was crazy, i've never seen that many bulls and especially on public land............problem is, I know i'm not the only one who has seen them and as soon as one horn is missing from an elk, there will be guys chasing the chit out of em and i'm sure will chase them to sacred ground:) You just cant fix stupid:)
Last year I watched 32 bulls all packed up on the local game range. I was glassing them about three miles from the road and figured sweet, I've got the inside scoop on where to head come May 15.
I showed up shortly after the gates opened at midnight, and had over two hundred pick ups in front of me parked all around the spot where the bulls were... I went and looked for deer horns instead.
Last year I watched 32 bulls all packed up on the local game range. I was glassing them about three miles from the road and figured sweet, I've got the inside scoop on where to head come May 15.
I showed up shortly after the gates opened at midnight, and had over two hundred pick ups in front of me parked all around the spot where the bulls were... I went and looked for deer horns instead.

That doesn't sound like fun at all. In those regards, I would rather just poke around the woods and not find anything than be a part of some cluster dorked up race.
That doesn't sound like fun at all. In those regards, I would rather just poke around the woods and not find anything than be a part of some cluster dorked up race.

Yeah really. Definitely won't waste a good day bear hunting messing with that clusterf##k again unless they go to the walk in only rules for a couple days.
Yeah really. Definitely won't waste a good day bear hunting messing with that clusterf##k again unless they go to the walk in only rules for a couple days.

You guys need a can do attitude. Its all about sneaking in early.

State Park, National park that means nothing to me. Well I guess thats not true, it does mean less people.

Shed hunt at night around a full moon. You have a couple days either way. Sleep during the day. On a good "mooner" you can haul anywhere from 50-60 SETS of brown elk antlers.The crazy thing is coming across someone else in the dark. It happens every year. And then of course you get the rookies out there using headlamps. Amateur hour.

I wished I lived in WY now that there is a shed law. Less people out there right now for sure.
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Ah this reminds me of a couple stories....

A guy won the MM's.com shed antler contest a couple years ago with a couple elk sheds he found in Yellowstone.... That was some funny chit.....

Then about 8 years ago a guy drowned trying to sneak out sheds on a raft. He had too many sheds and the boat capsized.....

Ever try running packing bulls down on horseback and ropping the sheds off of them in the moon light?
Ah this reminds me of a couple stories....

A guy won the MM's.com shed antler contest a couple years ago with a couple elk sheds he found in Yellowstone.... That was some funny chit.....

Pretty sure that same guys posts some of his same park photos on Tines Up. Funny to see him carrying around an empty pack frame and holding up monster antler after monster antler but never packing any of them out.

So is it lame to go catch and release antler hunting in a park?
Pretty sure that same guys posts some of his same park photos on Tines Up. Funny to see him carrying around an empty pack frame and holding up monster antler after monster antler but never packing any of them out.

So is it lame to go catch and release antler hunting in a park?

This is awesome. If you guys have a link handy I'd love to see some of the pictures.
Ever try running packing bulls down on horseback and ropping the sheds off of them in the moon light?

No I haven't. I hate riding horses. Last time I rode a horse it fell off a 20-25' cliff. Also if I'm going to harass wildlife its going to be a big old muley, not a stinkin' elk.

Pretty sure that same guys posts some of his same park photos on Tines Up. Funny to see him carrying around an empty pack frame and holding up monster antler after monster antler but never packing any of them out.

So is it lame to go catch and release antler hunting in a park?

Yeah it is "wyoshedhead". Whats funny is in the "antler world" hes a known yellowstone shed poacher. His buddy in the pics on MM's.com got caught taking sheds out of the park. Even got some jail time out of the deal. "ted" is smart enough not to post pics with his buddy in them anymore.

I don't think its lame to go play catch and release antler hunting in the park. I mean, if thats your thing and its legal by all means go for it. Also it makes it easier for me when guys will stack 10-12 in a big bunch.

There is more bad apples on TinesUp than any other site IMHO. I love it how the tinesup guys stuck a convicted poacher on the cover of their new hunting dvd. Some jackass the other day posted ATL's of a fresh deer shed in a closed spot in wyo. I called him out on it and the post was gone within mins.....

This is awesome. If you guys have a link handy I'd love to see some of the pictures.

Ask and you shall receive http://www.monstermuleys.com/photos/PhotosID18/104.html

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