Kenetrek Boots

Elk .... Let's see them!!!

Hey guys! New to the forum. I've been teaching myself to archery elk hunt for the last 5 years and have been lucky enough to take 3 bulls in that time. I've got a ton to learn, this place looks like a great resource. Here's a couple of my Washington rosies
2006 colorado archery elk

I got this elk on Colorado public land with my bow at 26 yards. I setup in a small aspen grove on a trail that ran between a wallow and a bedding area where I had seen two bulls cross the day before the season started. Ronaldo


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bull elk idaho.jpg

First elk. Day twelve of the hunt. Solo DIY OTC public land in Idaho. Called him in during a snow flurry to just over 20 yards. First shot was lethal and he ran into the creek and couldn't get out. Once I realized he wasn't going to get out of the water I unloaded the quiver until he stopped breathing.

The series of events that day was a rodeo. Butchering in the creek with him was the worst part, but I'm happy to say he's in a cooler back in Nevada.
Obviously not my bull, but this was a damn fine Wilderness hunt in New Mexico last week. Add that to the Arizona Wilderness hunt the week prior and not sure what we will do for an encore this year.


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