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Elk .... Let's see them!!!

Marcus took this picture and it probably captures my perfect elk hunt more than any images we've ever taken. Too many reasons to explain, but when we premiere our film project on this Arizona Wilderness Area hunt, hopefully it will convey even half of what it meant to me. Seems age is giving me cause for appreciation of things I previously took for granted, and this hunt took that appreciation to a higher level.

I've never been up to where you were on the mountain (looks awesome --- cool pic!). Really looking forward to the video (and Marcus' film) ...
Yep he’s a cool looking bull. He reminds me a lot of a red stag, which is fitting as I killed him with an old pre WW1 London proofed Mauser sporting rifle.
Here is my first elk. Taken DIY in MT on block management. I shot him with a 6.5 creedmoor 140g Accubond Long Range. A bit of thanks to Bambistew, Southernelk, and to all of the rest of the HT crowd for all the help in making it happen. ( my orange best came off for the photos of you were wondering)
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Dang. Wow. Seeing all those fine pictures of your awesome trophies and some snow mixed in, got me super pumped up. I'm so ready to go myself! I got have 14 more days until I leave(Nov.9).
Our cow hunt led to this spike with a broken pedicle. Put him out of his misery, his left eye had issues due to the broken pedicle. General area, any elk.
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At 74 years old and no desire to ever chase PP's again, this was my last time to hunt Elk in Colorado. My first Elk hunt was in 1973, so this closes a 44 year long "season". I took this bull at ~175 yards shooting a 30-06 with a 165 gr Nosler Accubond.

My Son accompanied me, and hopefully I will be able to accompany him next year.
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