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Elk .... Let's see them!!!

first elk.jpg
wow! Great pictures. Here's my first elk ever. A cow hunt in Wyoming (2015). Elk hunting was a blast and definitely something I want to do more often. It looks like I found a good resource.
First time hunting Colorado this year and I got it done the first evening. Had a blast though!
Extremely happy with this late season AZ bull! He came out of 7 West, north of Bull Basin Mesa. Treated him to a 7mm Rem. Mag. Hand shake on day three at 323 yards. So happy to have harvested such a funky bull.
My uncle and he and his brother with their 2016 CO archery bulls. Both shot opening morning less than 2 hours apart in the same drainage!


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Proud of myself

First picture is my first ever bull, 2014, taken with the bow at 42 yds, quartering away. Second pic is my 2nd ever bull, and my first solo big game harvest, taken in 2016 with my Ruger American 7mm-08. Both were on public land in Alberta, Canada

I was able to find a nice bull in central Wyoming this fall, all DIY and on public land. The bull was just a bonus. I was able to explore new country and spend time with family.

Easterner here (Boston, MA), but figured I'd post my two bulls. 3 years of hunting almost all solo, OTC / General tags, and two successful hunts to show for it. Just goes to show - you can get it done if you put in the effort.



I don't like directing people to other forums, but I have write-ups over on Rokslide if anyone wants to see 2014 and 2016 (2015 was the "miss" year" and I never wrote it up)
2012 Elk Hunt


This is a 5x5 bull my f-i-l harvested in 2012 here in NM in the Carson Natl Forest. We had been hunting hard for five days and were on the last hour of the last day, minutes to end of legal shooting, when out walk these two cows being pushed by this fella. He quartered away leaving Lew with nothing but a Texas heart shot. Lew took aim at him and shot high - hitting him right in the middle of the spinal column, dropping him right here in the road. Lew's first elk at 74. A hunt I will never forget.
New to the forum thought I'd share a few pics
2016,a diy hunt with my girlfriend where she was able to get her first bull
I was able to get some of it on film as well
My bull 349"

Her bull 315"
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