Elk .... Let's see them!!!

Guess I need to add this year's Wyoming bull to the list. Shot 10/3/14.

2000 Missouri Breaks Unit 622

This bull was a big 6x6 from out on U.L. Bend again. We were leading the horses, sneaking on a big bunch of cows to see if there was a bull, when I looked about 50 yards to our left and with his head up in the branches of one lone juniper was this bull watching us. He was all by himself. As soon as he knew we saw him, he was off to the races. I got him on the run with the ole .338. Again, his ivories were almost totally gone.

2000 Randy Shores' bull Missouri Breaks Unit 622

This was Randy Shores' big 6x6 from just across on the East side of U.L. Bend from where I shot my 6x6 two days later on the West side of "The Bend". I ran into Randy later and he told me it rough scored 360 B&C. We helped him pack it out.

2004 Missouri Breaks Unit 622

This bull was from the Brandon Coulee area in 2004. Yeah, I know that was 3 breaks bull tags in 10 years. I'm way overdue now. We saw a big bunch of at least a hundred elk come over a hill at least two miles away. They were headed towards us so we just settled in and waited to see what happened. I be damned if they didn't come right up the coulee we were sitting above! They settle down and started feeding right below us. There were at least 30 bulls in the bunch. What a cool thing to have to try to pick one bull from a bunch like that! This bull seemed to be the king of the hill, because he was pushing everyone else around pretty good. He kind of fooled me score-wise but I don't care, he's a nice bull.

2007 My brother's Breaks Unit 622 Bull

This 6x6 was out on the tip of U.L. Bend again. Probably the same ridge that my 1994 bull was on. He thought it was high time he drew one.

Brother John's 2005 Swan Bowkill

This bull was one my brother got down the Swan drainage with his bow in 2005. HE was sitting in a treestand waiting for a whitetail and in walks this bull. HE shot him and he ran right towards the turnout on the highway and died within 30 yards of the rd. While he was gutting, a truck stopped and a guy walked up to the roadside just above him and bugled! The guy never even saw him! HE was so flippin heavy even cut in half we couldn't hardly get him loaded in the truck! There's something about those Swan elk and the Libby and Troy elk. I swear they're a different sub-specie from the East side elk!

Opening Day 2014 Mt. Unit 104 Bull

This bull I got last weekend in the same area I have been trying to find a moose in. The guy that cuts up my meat said he got 165 lbs. of hamburger alone. He filled his two freezers up. We have some good scales here in our lab, I'm going to bring the meat here on the way home and see what it all weighs. It's the biggest bodied bull I've ever seen. What do I do if I get a moose?? Maybe it's a good thing I can't find one! Nahhh!!

Me, Ken and My Dad
Ken is 57 years old with diabetes and shot this 6x6 bull at 30 yards with a 700 mag.
read the story in Forum: ELK


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Still Kickin' took this one in Wyoming last month. I promised him I would post it here, but forgot, until now.

I think a few of you guys are sand bagging us. I know of a lot of other bulls killed this year that are not on this thread.
I hunted first time this season as a resident in Montana, and several times before as a nonresident with no success on elk. I tagged this bull after a four days hunting in mid-Nov. I followed his tracks for about 3.5 hours over a mile circle. I got very lucky for having never set foot in this area. The snow, extreme cold, and light wind all helped in tracking him. It was a 40 yard shot to the neck with a 7mm mag. 150 core-lok..


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Since I did not draw a NM bull tag again..(2yrs) I used one of my own LO cow tags I get for my ranch.
The trophy cow meat and hide.


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....more from this years cow hunt. I know it's not much of trophy to some,but a nice fat cow in the freezer will do.
I'm hoping for another chance at a bull here in NM soon....and I'll be as picky as the previous 8 tries. Same with bucks.
But when it comes to putting meat in the freezer,I'm ruthless....


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