PEAX Equipment

Elk Hunter Magazine and Extreme Elk

I'll give any University of Idaho Grad a chance. Thanks for explaining where your editorial standpoint was Ryan.

Extreme Elk Magazine, and those involved with the magazine, stand as far away from SFW as possible. In my opinion they don't represent the regular hunter and we've opposed their agenda on a personal level for many years.

Extreme Elk Magazine will focus on DIY, public land elk hunting that 99% of elk hunters are going to be able to relate to - the same style of elk hunting that we personally take part in. Don't let the "Extreme" fool is a focus on what makes the adventure extreme for each hunter...whether it be driving 2600 miles to spend your one week of vacation, or doing Beast Mode curls every night...every elk hunter has an angle that makes their individual hunt extreme. It will be the extreme adventure that elk hunting brings that we will focus on.

As it has been said before, having two elk hunting magazines available for elk hunting enthusiasts is a great thing! We're just excited to be able to help fill a void that has been present for many years!

Many thanks,
Corey Jacobsen - "Extreme Elk" Magazine
I'm an Idaho native who grew up in a town of 600 and I was excited about a magazine with so many ties to my home state. After I found out about the SFW ties I was more than disappointed. I'll see where this goes before I order it for a year. For now it looks like extreme elk will get my money.
I'm an Idaho native who grew up in a town of 600 and I was excited about a magazine with so many ties to my home state. After I found out about the SFW ties I was more than disappointed. I'll see where this goes before I order it for a year. For now it looks like extreme elk will get my money.

Elk Hunter Magazine has no ties whatsoever to SFW. AZ Sportsmen for Wildlife Conservation (ASWC) is NOT AZ Sportsmen For Wildlife (SFW). Different groups that are completely unrelated - no ties at all. To my knowledge, none of our editors at all are members of SFW, including me.
Elk Hunter Magazine has no ties whatsoever to SFW. AZ Sportsmen for Wildlife Conservation (ASWC) is NOT AZ Sportsmen For Wildlife (SFW). Different groups that are completely unrelated - no ties at all. To my knowledge, none of our editors at all are members of SFW, including me.


CHAIRMAN: Alan Hamberlin


Chris Denham
Brian Dolan
Randy Gaskill
Hays Gilstrap
Floyd Green
Todd Hulm
Nick Heatwole
Mark Nuessle
Art Pearce
Trent Swanson

CHAIRMAN: Alan Hamberlin


Chris Denham
Brian Dolan
Randy Gaskill
Hays Gilstrap
Floyd Green
Todd Hulm
Nick Heatwole
Mark Nuessle
Art Pearce
Trent Swanson

Drake, there is a lot of confusion on that, but they are not tied. The names sound similar (obviously) but AZ Sportsmen for Wildlife came into existence at nearly the same time as the "SFW" that most people think of. They are NOT tied, in any way. No affiliation, no subchapter, nothing. Just trying to set the record straight on that. Thanks.
Im an Arizona DIY hunter and was completly appalled on how SFW tried to sneek in that bill.I personally sent out tons of email to those so called SFW hunters and my local reprensitives.Look what they did in Utah and Alaska. Im gald to see one of there guys got busted for poaching in Alaska and he had to resign his position.
How could someone like your editor be associated with a group like that? SFW or any group that has ties with them are just in it for the money.The AZ debacle proved it in so many ways.Luckily us hunters here have a voice and a vote. I for one will not purchase any magazines that is affiliated with them.You may say your editor has his own opinion but on this one he is way off base. You may have a great magazine and I would of loved to subscibe to it since it caters to us DIY and from what I have read on here you are just like one of us DIY.I was once told that we are judged by the company we keep.
Looks like a great magazine ryan. Ill be purchasing a subscription soon. All of us who have followed you through the years know your a hard core DIY OTC kind of guy along with guys like Nate Simmons. No need to slam an entire magazine just because theres one writer you dont like. Good luck to you and hopefully this fall ill have a story for you on my first elk!
Not sure how or why I got a copy of the magazine in the mail. But I do like it. Really enjoyed the Swan River story and hope every issue has some old stories in it like that.

idahonative- Have you found any downsides to the Blaser?