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Extreme Elk Magazine

EE subscriptions are a considerate gift to fledgling elk hunters. My son and SIL dogeared all my old issues..grandsons like em too. Great information professionally disseminated...the fact that they are a sponsor is appreciated but coincidental in regards to renewal.

As I understand from my paper copy subscription confirmation, the first issue is soon to be delivered. Looking fwd to em.

..my unsolicited two cents on the shirts/skins dust-up is that Bob's initial comment was entirely benign. .
Thanks for having to point out which was for the rest of us with common sense...somewhat obvious. It's a shame you have to waste your time babysitting.

That. It's amazing how quickly a thread can go off on a random tangent. We're all older than 10 years old aren't we?

With that being said, Extreme Elk is a great magazine, keep up the good work Corey!
..my unsolicited two cents on the skirts/hems dust-up is that Bob's initial comment was entirely benign. .

FIFY on the last part, but agreed with the overall sentiment. Good thing some early hunts will be starting soon - the hurtin' will be put on some bucks and bulls instead of just butts. ;)
So does the electronic version offer an advantage over paper copy...like previous issue access?
I'm the kind of person that will lose interest in digital format books/magazines but will read and reread paper version.
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I'm not one ot use a heavy hand on moderation. Please keep this thread on track about Extreme Elk Magazine. That is what the thread is about, not magazines in general, not about anything else.

It is about a great group of guys who are doing a lot to promote the style of hunting we promote on our show and on this forum. The thread is about Extreme Elk Magazine.

Nothing says you can't provide information about other magazines on this forum. It is merely standards of respect that you would use PMs or start a new thread if you wanted to inform people about other magazines, rather than do so in a thread talking about a business that is supporting this forum and helping promote.

I don't think such expectation is out of line. This thread was to inform people about my appreciation for the great group of guys at Extreme Elk magazine. To hijack it with information about competing magazines is not respectful. This is not the end of the world, so let's move on and appreciate the great magazine Corey and Dirk put out.

Feel free to talk about other magazines, I would just ask that you do so on other threads or via PMs. I don't think that is too much to ask and certainly shows respect for those who are supporting this style of hunting.

Thanks to Extreme Elk magazine for all they do to promote the self-guided public land hunter.
Sorry for my part in the derail. I plan on subscribing to the magazine and have gotten good info from their website and on forums where they've posted.

-Rich Kid Out....
I was bummed to hear it as well, it was pretty cool having a local from close to my hometown putting out an Idaho based magazine. I would think they would honor all subscriptions as part of the merger...or extend your subscription to the one.
Kind of a bummer, but I guess I will have to give it a chance. I wonder what happens to those that have a subscription to both.

The remaining EE left in your subscription will be added to the remaining EH magazines you have remaining. So if you have 3 left of both, you will now get the next six EH.

At least that is what they said in an email blast yesterday.
So I'm now wondering where this is going as far as sponsorship of this site seeing as to what WB mentioned in his post about the ties with AZSFW!
I really liked EE Magazine. It's disappointing to hear about the SFW connection with Elk Hunter. If that's the case I won't be renewing.
Before this gets too far sideways, chris Denham pulled back from the tag grab after public opinion was seen to be massively against the idea. I give him credit for that.
chris Denham pulled back from the tag grab.

Sort of...

But, the bottom line for me is that both NR and R hunters of Arizona came together and squashed it. They squashed it hard enough that its not been brought up again.

I feel that Chris actually thought he was trying to help, he just went about it the wrong way. Also, he wasn't the only person that was pushing the idea, just the most public. That's tough sledding when you decide to put yourself out there and support what turns(ed) out to be a very unpopular idea.

Hopefully he learned his lesson, and hopefully sportsmen learned that they can make a difference if they voice their concerns.
The only hunt mag's I get anymore are Bugle and EE,renewing soon.

I get the same...along with the BCHA publication. Now I'll be down to one less magazine. I got EE partly because it was local, even though not all the content wasn't. I'm pretty bummed about it being merged.
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