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Extreme Elk Magazine

I'd recommend Elk Hunter & Wester Hunter magazines 1st if anyone asked.

Much better mags than anything else out there by a long shot. TV show aint bad too

Insert Happy Face here ----> :D
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Something tells me based on the reputation of the individuals that produce Extreme Elk and WH/EH, that they would both be personally honored to be considered in the same class as the others. Based on what little I have witnessed of these two groups is that they represent our values better than anyone else. IMO, they are equals among peers, and I will continue to vote with my dollars by supporting both.

Corey/Fin, I hope you are not offended.
My agonizing period of time is filled in quite well by EH/WH,EBJ,EHJ,MC,HF,HI,and numerous firearms publications and the throw it all together magazines, drives the wife loony, forgot about Big Buck mag out of Canada, man they shoot some dandy muleys on what is so far remaining public land.
! pointer just has to allways get his 2 bits in here. Its his op is the only 1 that counts. When I first started posting on this site he called Me a douche and the post had nothing to do with Him and had no bussiness to do that Or didn't He know me . He is a dis respectfull know it all. Needs to keep his thoughts in Indiana. and grow up .I aint on here to bash people.but when then start it and deserve it they will get it. Mind your own Buss..You don't own this site. I respect Randy and his sponsors. I was answering a Guys post. If it doesn't pertain to You shut up.................. Repectfully.....BOB!
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I think we need hunting season to get started . . .

My thanks to Extreme Elk Magazine. Welcome aboard! Randy has supported your mag for quite some time and even told me he was thinking of writing an article about our elk hunt from last fall to be published. . . I'd offer to help him but I'm far outmatched by his recountal abilities.
I have heard good things about the Extreme Elk magazine and might subscribe soon as I love to see pictures of big bulls! They seem to be good/down to earth hunters and strive to put out a solid product. Fin's endorsement certainly carries some weight.

Western Hunter/ Elk Hunter magazines are owned and operated by board members of AZSFW. They were a major driving force behind the attempted AZ tag grab. Needless to say they will never see a dime of my money again.
Western Hunter/ Elk Hunter magazines are owned and operated by board members of AZSFW. They were a major driving force behind the attempted AZ tag grab. Needless to say they will never see a dime of my money again.

Disregard, Chris Denham... I was thinking it was Ryan Hatfield and Nate Simmons, and I was not aware of them being involved with SFW.
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Disregard, Chris Denham... I was thinking it was Ryan Hatfield and Nate Simmons, and I was not aware of them being involved with SFW.

You might have a hard time digging that up if it's true...I doubt they would want you to know that, although in retrospect probably a lot of people don't care as long as the information in the magazine is useful to them.

I would like to know the answer to this too though...:D
! pointer just has to allways get his 2 bits in here. Its his op is the only 1 that counts. When I first started posting on this site he called Me a douche and the post had nothing to do with Him and had no bussiness to do that Or didn't He know me . He is a dis respectfull know it all. Needs to keep his thoughts in Indiana. and grow up .I aint on here to bash people.but when then start it and deserve it they will get it. Mind your own Buss..You don't own this site. I respect Randy and his sponsors. I was answering a Guys post. If it doesn't pertain to You shut up.................. Repectfully.....BOB!
Sweet! Another drunken post. Keep on keeping on.....Respectfully.
Just another dumb post by a spoiled rich boy. I work for a living and drive truck. I Aint been drinking bone head. I can't to drive ,but You are too dumb to figure that out. Once again You don't even know what You are talking about and My last post was the truth. People come on these sites to get info and I aint ever seen none come from You, only critiuqing people and babbling is all You do. If You wanna learn to hunt Western Game I will give You all the tips You need other wise stay in Your treestand in Indiana. How do You like it back at You? Randy sorry for the rant but when one acts like that they deserve it back. I support all Your Sponsors and will Buy the New Elk Magazine and check it out. Hope they make it Big. .Great site here except for a few. Maybee I will stick to The Arizona sites I belong to From now on Thanks.............BOB!
Well, getting back on track....I just subscribed to Extreme Elk Mag. I cant wait until I get the first issue!
I'm not one ot use a heavy hand on moderation. Please keep this thread on track about Extreme Elk Magazine. That is what the thread is about, not magazines in general, not about anything else.

It is about a great group of guys who are doing a lot to promote the style of hunting we promote on our show and on this forum. The thread is about Extreme Elk Magazine.

Nothing says you can't provide information about other magazines on this forum. It is merely standards of respect that you would use PMs or start a new thread if you wanted to inform people about other magazines, rather than do so in a thread talking about a business that is supporting this forum and helping promote.

I don't think such expectation is out of line. This thread was to inform people about my appreciation for the great group of guys at Extreme Elk magazine. To hijack it with information about competing magazines is not respectful. This is not the end of the world, so let's move on and appreciate the great magazine Corey and Dirk put out.

Feel free to talk about other magazines, I would just ask that you do so on other threads or via PMs. I don't think that is too much to ask and certainly shows respect for those who are supporting this style of hunting.

Thanks to Extreme Elk magazine for all they do to promote the self-guided public land hunter.
I'm not one ot use a heavy hand on moderation. Please keep this thread on track about Extreme Elk Magazine. That is what the thread is about, not magazines in general, not about anything else.

It is about a great group of guys who are doing a lot to promote the style of hunting we promote on our show and on this forum. The thread is about Extreme Elk Magazine.

Nothing says you can't provide information about other magazines on this forum. It is merely standards of respect that you would use PMs or start a new thread if you wanted to inform people about other magazines, rather than do so in a thread talking about a business that is supporting this forum and helping promote.

I don't think such expectation is out of line. This thread was to inform people about my appreciation for the great group of guys at Extreme Elk magazine. To hijack it with information about competing magazines is not respectful. This is not the end of the world, so let's move on and appreciate the great magazine Corey and Dirk put out.

Feel free to talk about other magazines, I would just ask that you do so on other threads or via PMs. I don't think that is too much to ask and certainly shows respect for those who are supporting this style of hunting.

Thanks to Extreme Elk magazine for all they do to promote the self-guided public land hunter.

Thanks for having to point out which was for the rest of us with common sense...somewhat obvious. It's a shame you have to waste your time babysitting.

I just ran into Dirk a few weeks back at the archery shop. These guys are down to earth and top notch with just being friendly guys that like to talk to others about hunting elk...without pushing products on you. You can't go wrong supporting this magazine, or the guys behind it.
Enjoy the magazine and video. Ashamed to say I got busy and let mine run out so just today renewed and bought 2 gift subscriptions for friends, another DVD, and a sweet hat!
Thanks Corey, Dirk, Fin, and other sponsors of Hunt Talk
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