Easy Summer livin

Looks like a great area and a relaxing campout. Hey are you heading North again for your annual Dall sheep hunt?
I have a 45 minute commute. I make the same money I made in 2002 and my expenses are double what they were then. But………………….guess I will stop being a baby and suck it up. Maybe try and make more money?

My point and shoot camera is a Panasonic DMC-TZ4. It just happens to fit in my spotter perfectly. So perfectly in fact that I can touch the camera to the eye piece and it keeps the shakes out most of the time. If I have the light, shazam it works great. I also have an adapter but I have never perfected the technique yet.

I am not going sheep hunting this year in Alaska. Hoping to take the sting out of that by killing 2 big bulls:rolleyes:. One in Wyoming and one in Colorado. Not too much to ask is it.:D

Probably won’t go Colorado archery unless I kill a Wyoming archery elk and Colorado bear in 5 days or less. But I have never seen this kind of OTC action before. I might do something stupid. I have a soft spot for cheater 7's:D

Oak, not the tree. I have been over there 2 times and haven’t seen beans.

It was a pretty good 24 hours. Almost felt like Marty Stouffer:D Just need some footage of some weasel like animal making the same noise over and over.
Looks like a lot more fun than the weekend I had. I did get to spend my birthday yesterday packing because we are moving, I can only wish I was moving somewhere like this.

Cool pics! Thanks for sharing.
Tough life... Working to live... Nah, you should try the city folk way - living to work... Sell! haha!

Very nice pics! Need to wipe the drool off the desk now.
Very cool.
It's gotta be pretty easy motivating yourself to bust ass in the fall knowing there's that many bulls in the area.
Thanks for sharing the pics DS, that was a busy 24 hours!
Breaks my heart to see all that dead timber. Hope and pray noone throws a cigerette out their window anywhere between Walden and Vail this year.