Eastern MT Action!

Nice 151 5/8" (am I close?)very symmetrical, massive, 5x5 eater buck Greenhorn. :rolleyes:

Congrats!!! Very nice buck! :cool:
Ridgetop... Nope. He scores a whopping 140. It's a good picture of him. But don't feel bad. I'm as big an idiot as you or more so because I figured when I shot him that he was all of 150 and more.

Butt-stab.. Can you teach us idiots how to judge deer? You must be the best.

Sounds like a good hunt!
That pic from behind makes him look bigger too!;) Do you guys get a single tag per season statewide or is it split so you can buy two buck tags?
Good buck Kurtis. Im going to guess him at 140.5687 gross. Am I close??

seriously nice looking deer. Did you kill him Ice Fishing? that looks like a pretty flat spot!!!
One stab, do I know you? Dont think so... go forth and use your one stab wisely, like they do in Japan.

I got a shed hunting pickup rack European mounted in my garage thats frame looks very similar, that scores around 152 gross. If overestimating a deers score from one photo by a 11 points makes me an idiot than you are one of the biggest geniuses to ever walk the face of the earth your poky self... :rolleyes: :D
You are off by .00198" FGH! Good guess though. Keep working on it, someday you'll have it down.

Actually, I've caught a lot of fish on the ice in that picture a lot of years ago... a few Northerns with a spear even. While under the influence of Schnaplets.
Wow, that is a nice buck. If you caught it threw the ice it may be a world record!
Thanks for proving to us that you are real Kurt. No disrespect meant for your buck, that is a nice buck, great picture too! Just nice to see you in the real world numbers

You know though, you will be bopping around later this month and stumble across a damn 190!

Gotta get your bear now eh?
And another great buck Greenie..Another year or so, and your collection ought to look like the Cabela's show room!!!
Way to go... :D

Nice buck man. Sounds like you had a great time too. I wish I could shoot a "dink" like that. :eek: Congrats again to you!
Dandy! Did you actually find him there when he died, or drag him there for the pic??
Awesome buck Greeny, you da man. If you end up out again with the Moose, make sure you load up on eggs in the morning. He said he loves that. ;) ;) ;) :D :D :D

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