EABCO or Williams?


Jan 10, 2020
So, I'm looking at upgrading my sights, live in Colorado and have to open sights. Anyways, I'm looking at the Williams Ace in the Hole and EABCO PeepRib sights. Very similar. i want to keep a rail to hunt other states and load development with a scope. Does anyone have experience with either rear sight? I'll be using a Lyman front globe with crosshair inert. Thanks in advance.
I use the EABCO on my muzzleloader. No complaints with the peep rail to date. I have used the peep in conjunction with the Lyman globe front sight and am looking for a better alternative for the Lyman. I lose visibility of the front sight during first and last legal shooting times to continue to use it as is but don't believe it has anything to do with the rear peep ring.

I am unable to compare the EABCO peep rail to the Williams since I have no experience with the Williams.
My understanding is that the EABCO is actually made by Williams except it has the "twilight aperture" already installed. That being said, they are functionally identical. I am actually trying to sell a brand new Ace in the Hole Model 70977 (Traditions) so PM if you have interest or have additional questions. Sometimes you have to work with shims to get the front and rear sights to line up. Williams is great to work with as you go down that road. I ended up with them just for the customer service alone.
I just ordered the new Williams Western Precision Muzzleloading Sight Set. I'm anxious to install it and give it a whirl - never used a globe sight before. Going to put it on a White Whitetail.
I know nothing about the sight.....but I know the owner and a few others at EABCO personally. Good, honest people who work very hard and stand behind their products.
Well, I just ordered the EABCO PeepRib. I already mounted a Marbe's front ramp and Lyman globe with Lee Shave crosshair insert. Give it a few weeks and lift of the Colorado stay at home "order" (don't get me started), and I'll try to do a range report.
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