Caribou Gear Tarp

Williams Peep for picatinny


Well-known member
Jul 17, 2020
Longmont Colorado
Good morning all, I have a muzzleloader that currently has a scope on picatinny rail. I'd like to make it western legal with a peep but prefer to leave the picatinny on to make swapping easier.

I know Williams has the ace in the hole picatinny peep combo, but as I already have a picatinny I'd like to find a peep that will mount on my existing picatinny. I'd also prefer one of the Williams peeps with target knobs to make adjustments for longer pronghorn shots. It does not appear ace in the hole has a target knob option.

I'm not tied to Williams if y'all suggest another great option but in doing research they consistently pop up.

Thanks in advance
If you put a peep on a pic rail you may end up shooting high with the factory front sight. I'm not really sure about that with a muzzleloader but that happened when I put a peep on my 30-30.
The muzzleloader has an adjustable comb so maybe that would help me in this case? But I think I totally get what your saying
The muzzleloader has an adjustable comb so maybe that would help me in this case? But I think I totally get what your saying
The comb won't help. The problem comes from the sight itself being so high above the bore.
Check out New England Custom Gun. I came close to ordering a rail peep sight from them. Adjustable vertically and horizontally. I decided my old eyes can't handle a peep that close and instead bought a leaf sight for the barrel. You'll need to do some caliper measurements to determine if a new front sight is needed.

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