Caribou Gear Tarp

E-bike Access?

Do you support allowing e-bikes (electric motor assisted) into non-motorized areas?

  • Yes

    Votes: 38 14.9%
  • No

    Votes: 212 83.1%
  • Unsure

    Votes: 5 2.0%

  • Total voters
I think there is an issue with airstrips in certain areas, I’m aware of the FS being sued over one currently. That said I think every wilderness airstrip I know of existed before the area was a declared wilderness. It’s not like they are a new thing being pushed into an area
They were set up when they were designed in most cases. No one then seemed to mind having access to remote areas via motorized vehicle via air? I understand they are not new. Are we just going to say use case scenario? We live in a time we could stop using them and decommission them? But will we not likely it takes access away. And access is important.
Are they more enjoyable then the old MREs?
Having "enjoyed" the old C-rations, then MREs, and now really liking the Mountain House meals, yes for sure that backcountry food technology has improved.

But comparing backcountry meal technology evolvement in enjoying a meal up the North Fork of the Sun River in the Bob Marshall Wilderness to the issue of allowing E-bikes to access the Bob or any other wilderness is more like comparing apples to giraffes!

Follow the link and comment. This is a huge evolving issues. I am an avid hunter, mountain biker and conservationist. I am a member of RMEF and the Lands Council out here is Spokane.

E-bikes, technically electric motor assisted bicycles, should not be allowed in non-motorized areas like some are pushing for. They have a place, but not there. They are faster, cause more erosion, and will spook more game. I believe mechanical bicycles should be given more access. They cause little erosion, while still being human powered. This will damage the efforts to gain access for bicycles.

What are your thoughts? Silence = Acceptance. Let the powers that be know your opinion.
Back in the day when I was young, I was a purist when it came to fair-chase hunting. My thoughts were; If you can't hike, stay home. However, now that I'm older and wiser, I feel mechanical bikes and non-motorized game carts should be allowed on well established trails while hunting. We allow horses, which is a form of transportation. However, that also opens the door to easy access for hunter harassment. During hunting seasons, recreational bicycling should be banned.
There's a line between devil's advocate and blatantly disregarding the facts of the issue. "Some technology"
The facts are no matter who you are you have easier access into these areas period now. You have a truck? A side by side? Snow machine? Did it make it easier to get to the trailhead? Then it was 15 20 30 40 years ago? Advancements. Plain and simple. Did it used to take 4 hrs in your truck to get up the forest service road? but you can cruise up in 45 mins with a quad.... they might even manage that road better.... you all are trying to live in the 70s still it's like trying to say because you get better gas mileage now were gonna restrict your access to only half this range. Back in the 60s we couldn't drive that far on a tank of gas so this isn't fair. Restrict them.
The facts are no matter who you are you have easier access into these areas period now. You have a truck? A side by side? Snow machine? Did it make it easier to get to the trailhead? Then it was 15 20 30 40 years ago? Advancements. Plain and simple. Did it used to take 4 hrs in your truck to get up the forest service road? but you can cruise up in 45 mins with a quad.... they might even manage that road better.... you all are trying to live in the 70s still it's like trying to say because you get better gas mileage now were gonna restrict your access to only half this range. Back in the 60s we couldn't drive that far on a tank of gas so this isn't fair. Restrict them.
Welcome to HuntTalk. mtmuley
The facts are no matter who you are you have easier access into these areas period now. You have a truck? A side by side? Snow machine? Did it make it easier to get to the trailhead? Then it was 15 20 30 40 years ago? Advancements. Plain and simple. Did it used to take 4 hrs in your truck to get up the forest service road? but you can cruise up in 45 mins with a quad.... they might even manage that road better.... you all are trying to live in the 70s still it's like trying to say because you get better gas mileage now were gonna restrict your access to only half this range. Back in the 60s we couldn't drive that far on a tank of gas so this isn't fair. Restrict them.
And again at some point something has to give. You willing to give up a year or two of hunting because success rates are too high? Give up multiple days a year of season length go to shorter seasons? I know I’d rather have current access and not add more to it in exchange for keeping my current hunting opportunities
And again at some point something has to give. You willing to give up a year or two of hunting because success rates are too high? Give up multiple days a year of season length go to shorter seasons? I know I’d rather have current access and not add more to it in exchange for keeping my current hunting opportunities
No I agree I love being able to hunt or fish year round. my point was, had "motor" never been used and pedal assist was. If everyone would be as fired up about it. Trying to play the other side. I see everyone would be still. I was just curious if it would have changed the debate. Its all technology advancements. I personally don't care how you access your spots as long as we can all agree is respectful. But to say the advancements haven't made it easier in general to stay out longer and have some luxurious when we go out is just a lie. It's fine to only appreciate some things and recognize it could put to much traffic to certain areas. And possibly be a huge issue.
No I agree I love being able to hunt or fish year round. my point was, had "motor" never been used and pedal assist was. If everyone would be as fired up about it. Trying to play the other side. I see everyone would be still. I was just curious if it would have changed the debate. Its all technology advancements. I personally don't care how you access your spots as long as we can all agree is respectful. But to say the advancements haven't made it easier in general to stay out longer and have some luxurious when we go out is just a lie. It's fine to only appreciate some things and recognize it could put to much traffic to certain areas. And possibly be a huge issue.
'Don't understand your point(s).:confused:
absolutely no to the e-bike. Last thing I want to see on blm or CMR is some gomer on an electric bike 🤮
All the roads threw there wouldn't make much difference, I wouldn't think. Most are motorized. Went that way last year. I hadn't been since I lived up there in the 90s. what an influx that area has seen with people. Was still able to get away but took some planning.
Glad my xr400 dirt bike has throttle assist, so its no longer considered motorized. I can now go places and do things like these "electric non-motorized pedal assist" folks. (Sarcasm)

Im running into mountain bikers, both regular and motorized, at a certain trailhead I hunt and fish often. After a mile it crosses into wilderness, and these bikers go right past the wilderness sign. 3rd year now, no enforcement despite reporting, getting worse. The level of ignorance is astounding. This is the latest @$$&!?% I ran into out there while trying to teach my 5 year old son how to do things right. This guys excuse? I didnt know and wasnt riding, Im walking my bike... hes 1 mile into the wilderness and was fishing a lake thats sooooo hard to access, my 5 year old can hike it in 2 hours...IMG_5197.jpeg
There's a line between devil's advocate and blatantly disregarding the facts of the issue. "Some technology"
Disregarding the fact all these places are easier to get to. Your trucks not the same as it was is it not? Was it expected upon the customer it would be better then it was in the 90s. It's all the same it's acceptable to be able to stay out longer in the backcountry because these advancements... is it not? No one bats a eye when someone says they just got back from 12 days backpacking. We might even be jealous. Would that not be more pressure in these areas? But the rifles. Optics. Backpacks. Water systems. Food. Clothes. Boots. Down to the socks and undies are better. Technology...That is like having restrictions on boots because they are to comfortable and stay dry and we should only be able to do x miles a day or else it's just too much of an advantage.
What do advancements have to do with being declared legal in a non-legal area? Machine guns are an advancement from flintlocks but we can't use them.
We couldn't use silencers either. Now we can. Again advancements. What's ethical and what is slaughter. Plenty of full auto hunts going on in the US. I'm simply saying it's funny where hunters draw the lines of what's according or just what hurt their feelings.
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