Ollin Magnetic Digiscoping System

DS and Anaconda

Sounds like a party to me.. Glad you two got 'em. Looking forward to more stories...

Good going you two.
Sounds like you earned every one of thoses animals.
That really sucks on the buck .
DS and Anaconda,

I've got a question.. Doesn't the landowner have to let you on to recover your animal? I thought that was law. If you mortally wound an animal. which you did.. You have to grant them persmission to recover the critter...did you guys contact the game warden or sheriff's dept?? I might be wrong but either way him not letting you on is bull schit.. What was his name and the name of the ranch.. Anyways Congrats Boys... sounds like a hell of a good time. :D
Boman......we were told by the ranch foreman that the ranch was in the Ranching For Wildlife Program and no one was allowed on the ranch for any reason otherwise. He basically said his hands were tied and he could do nothing to help us, that was the ranch owner's rules. He did indivate they would follow up the blood trail and if they recovered the animal they would "take care of it" :rolleyes: He was a real nice guy and said he felt bad but the onwer didn't even allow him to hunt.

We felt part responsible for hunting only a few hundred yards from the fenced property, but that is where all the deer were. At least the animal will be recovered, so going to the Ranch house on the main road was the right thing. I will post a pic of a bruiser buck I took on the way to the ranch house soon.

As far as the name of the ranch.....I won't say, as that would give away not only where we deer hunted, but elk hunted as well ;)

I'm not real sure on the laws concerning this....I've heard it a dozen diffrent ways......we played the hand that was dealt and lived with it......

Your right. Sorry that was a pretty bonehead question for sure... but if I were you I would follow this up with the Dow and the sherriffs offices. I will also do my part to find it in the regs what the law says. I just think you guys should get your buck is all. I think it's bullschlit that someone else can tag your deer. I mean that is friggen stealing. And if they dont' tag your deer then they should be busted for illegal take right?? Anyways I just think you guys worked too hard to have someone take your critter. Thanks DS.
DS, OK this is what I've found out so far. Check out page 6 under the heading "It's also illegal to"

12. Not make a reasonable attempt to track and kill an animal you wound or may have wounded. If the animal goes on private property, you must try to contact the landowner or person in charge before pursuing it.

I will look into this more. But to me this say make an attempt to contact the landowner and you did that. Now they didn't let you on to get your animal. I think they are in violation of the law. I will keep searching.
The law says that you have to ask permission from the landowner, and if you can provide a blood trail from public land to private land the landowner is required to let you follow the trail. If he doesn't, you go to the DOW and show them the blood trail. Then you get to follow it. It doesn't matter if it's a Ranching for Wildlife ranch or Billy Bob's Awesome Elk Shootin' Ranch.

Colorado Oak is right My dad asked a guy that works for the dow last night (not sure what he does though) and he said its your right to and obligation to collect your animal if you've made a shot on an animal. Its up to you but you've got something you can pursue if you really want to. Let me know if you want my help. I would be happy to help you guys out.. good luck
I think it is a mute point now guys.......that was over a week ago and a lot of new snow insures there is no blood trail there now. Besides, the ranch foreman told us they would follow the blood trail and collect the animal, so it is surely long gone as well. Just another case of being in a "gray area" and not knowing exactly what laws apply. I hate it for Dan, but we'll know more about it next time. And maybe being farther from the fence-line wouldn't be such a bad idea either.

Anything that would have been pursued in the way of contacting DOW or anyone else would have had to be done while there was still a blood trail over a week ago........so it is a mute point now. No question in my mind though that on that small ranch they did recover the animal as they said they would, so at least the animal wasn't wasted.......

yeah it probably is a moot point by now. At least you know the law if it ever happens again. I know how you feel though. Anyways you still had a great season. Take care

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