Dreams of being a hand model squashed. (Graphic)

You lucky SOB. Bet it didn’t feel too lucky when it happened though.

Side note, how the hell was that tree ever allowed to grow up and through power lines like that? Were they live while you worked? Hell of a lot worse things than smashed fingertips can happen up there. Stay safe!!
I can feel my fingers throbbing from squishing them doing stupid shit... You're lucky you still have them! It's always the most concerning when you crush them, then you can't feel them. Leads you to wonder if they're still there!

This thread would be much different if you weren't wearing gloves I'd bet!
You lucky SOB. Bet it didn’t feel too lucky when it happened though.

Side note, how the hell was that tree ever allowed to grow up and through power lines like that? Were they live while you worked? Hell of a lot worse things than smashed fingertips can happen up there. Stay safe!!
They only clear from primaries, and on a very delayed scheduled. They hacked the top half on the power line side off last summer and that stressed it out so much that ips beetle was starting to kill off the tree.

And yes, the last thing on my mind the was my fingers getting caught. I was constantly watching where the wires were relative to my body, saw, and the pieces coming out.

It wasn’t a fun day before the finger smash.
Nothing like your story but I had a lock-on treestand come closed on my finger 25 feet up in a tree one time. My dad was on the ground and felt something wet hit him in the firehead. It was blood that shot out from under my fingernail....

In my case, I said the F word....30 times in a row. lol
Well when i seen topic i thought and expected lost fingers knowing your line of work. Point being could be worse! bet that hurt like a SOB but you still have them. Worse part with finger/hand injuries is when your trying to figure out to how to get it un stuck with only the other hand. So lesson learned, from experiance i have found if you wrap them around a cold cylinder (beer can sized) it will help reduce swelling your likely dealing with today. Heal up and glad its not worse!
I don’t drink alcohol or soda, we’ll anything in a can I guess, this will have to do. 121E0E55-1F12-458C-B552-676B35B6716E.jpeg
Had you gone to a medical center with orthopedists in training, I'm guessing/fairly certain that they would have done a XRay/CT scan of your hand, followed by a discussion of whether it is safer to remove the nail/s and do some prevention antibiotics, and then given you a full on wrap of your hand, with work restrictions for the rest of the week.

@Dsnow9 some of your photos look like you are standing on the cable/wires?
Gooly gosh is your phrase with the neighbors or client watching.

I was eMeffing screaming when the cable slipped and caught my hand. The Dr told me not to watch as he cut the bloody glove off my hand. Lost 4 nails and it pinched a couple fingers into the twist they reside now.
Still fully functional. I can tell when the temps drop when my thumb goes numb now.

Now I could do hand ads for Old Fart Hank Tools. But there is no market for that.
Had you gone to a medical center with orthopedists in training, I'm guessing/fairly certain that they would have done a XRay/CT scan of your hand, followed by a discussion of whether it is safer to remove the nail/s and do some prevention antibiotics, and then given you a full on wrap of your hand, with work restrictions for the rest of the week.

@Dsnow9 some of your photos look like you are standing on the cable/wires?
Yeah they would have charged me a bunch of money, told me I couldn’t work, and likely did the same triage I did. I still have full movement. Keeping an eye on the pinky nail because it is completely detached on the cuticle side.

And not standing on wires but definitely had to avoid them the whole job.
I ripped one of my nails out like that and it was still attached at the tip. When the back end started curling when it dried up it pulled on the rest, resulting in even more pain than I already had. Good luck!
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