Dream Critters

My thoughts on this are because for two of the critters I got I know I'm not going to get any bigger. So my hunt philosophy changed for those. Moose took crazy luck just to get the tag, then 50"+ on top. So if I ever draw Maine, I already decided to let my step-nephew take the bull since they allow that. My elk goal of 350" via bow being met has changed that to seeking enjoyable hunts with friends in low pressured area lots of bulls lots of bugling. Probably why I'll burn 25 points of Colorado 61 archery this year. My whitetail goal being met has changed that strategy to getting a giant for my hunting buddy. But ultimate pipe dream goal would be getting one of my three video game/IT boys to hunt anywhere with me. Better chance to draw a sheep tag!
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A sheep hunt is my dream. Since I can't afford an alaska hunt and will probably never draw in the lower 48 I have decided that in the next few years to dive into New Mexico draws and otc units for the cheap sheep ( auodad ). I figure that's the closest I ll ever get to a sheep hunt.
A sheep hunt is my dream. Since I can't afford an alaska hunt and will probably never draw in the lower 48 I have decided that in the next few years to dive into New Mexico draws and otc units for the cheap sheep ( auodad ). I figure that's the closest I ll ever get to a sheep hunt.
The cheap sheep is getting pricey these days too. I like looking at some of the west Texas private land hunts for them online
The cheap sheep is getting pricey these days too. I like looking at some of the west Texas private land hunts for them online
I've tossed that idea around. I'm fairly new to hunting the west. Did a few antelope hunts so I want to hunt some elk and mule deer first. I guess I have a few years to plan the auodad hunt.
An elk, mule deer and antelope with the bow. Saving up for a high elevation mule deer hunt. I'd have to add mountain lion, wolf and black bear as well.
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My list is long... and really expensive. My grandpa did these plus a ton more.

Marco Polo Sheep
Bighorn Sheep
Dall Sheep
Stone Sheep
Desert Bighorn Sheep
Kodiak Brown Bear (close to or over 10ft)
Moose 60" or bigger
Mountain Goat
Big 5 in Africa
Polar Bear
Mountain Lion

That's what I can come up with off the top of my head. Africa would be cool, but I have other places I'd prefer to go first!
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I have taken...

1 big black bear - California

The following in NV
5 mountain lions
5 antelope - 2 bucks and 3 does
4 does and 7 buck mule deer
3 cow elk
And just last week - a desert bighorn ram.

My list is quite short by a lot of standards. I dont apply out of stste much, and just enjoy hunting close to home.

I would like a Nevada black bear and a bull elk. Mountain goat and Rocky/California ram are also on the list but are long shots for sure.

One thing that does entrigue me is a white tail deer.
More lions than elk!? Awesome.
The cheap sheep is getting pricey these days too. I like looking at some of the west Texas private land hunts for them online
My brother and I did self guided Aoudad hunt last December in Texas. It was a very tough hunt but super rewarding. We were both able to take silver medal sheep.
Grand Slam. But only if they are big enough to put me in the 700 club. Add one more bighorn from the MT unlimited areas. Needs to be an exact 3/4 curl lamb. And then finally a sora, snipe, and Virginia rail.

Jokes aside, a big bull elephant with 100+ lbs tusks.
Need to add a wolf to my list. I’m going to set a bait and cell trail cam to watch it this winter and hopefully a wolf shows up and I can start sitting for him
When I was a little girl my grandfather took me mountain lion hunting and I loved it. I could not wait to get to Africa to hunt lion, leopard and cheetah and I wanted to hunt a Tiger. In the late 70's they had a man eater killing locals and had hired a couple of fellows to hunt it and put it down. I did everything in my power to convince them to let me help, but it didn't happen, so that itch will never be scratched

My husband and I did take two tiger tours into the jungle via elephants and that was fun, but ----not a hunt :(

I enjoyed reading this thread and wish each and everyone of you success in completing, or adding to , your bucket list

Best of luck gentlemen
80" antelope with my bow
Really big mule deer with kickers with my bow.
A good representation of a Gila Bull with my bow.
And hopefully at least get to draw a bighorn ram tag, desert or rocky in NM before im to old.
Still waiting to shoot a big tom lion over my hounds as well
A Bald Eagle would be excellent.
“Freedom Jerky”
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