
Draft Regs posted

Who ever said you have to increase tags numbers? Only you have mentioned that I never said to increase tag

You just take a percentage of the type 1 tags and make them type 9.

Not all archery hunters are the same I could say the same about rifle hunters wounding game but I will refrain from that that comes done to people making poor decisions and is not a primary rifle or archery hunter problem.
Piss aren't going to take a single type 1 tag away and offer them exclusively for archery hunters.

Put in with everyone else for a type 1. Hunt with your bow if you choose...
So 100 tags. Maybe 5 go archery hunt and 2 harvest so then 98 rifle hunters come back opening day.
The only pressure it lowers is during archery season. It's insane to think that the current structure doesn't over pressure during rifle season

colorado is the extreme version of what you're advocating for. and boy do we have some fun with pressure down here.

if the only change colorado made was to only offer one otc license good for archery and a week of rifle, we'd probably start breathing down wyomings neck as having the best combination of quality and opportunity elk hunting in the lower 48. a few other tweaks like capping NR and we'd turn into the best state without a doubt.

sure we oughta cap those NR. but just attenuating pressure like that would do wonders.
So 100 tags. Maybe 5 go archery hunt and 2 harvest so then 98 rifle hunters come back opening day.
The only pressure it lowers is during archery season. It's insane to think that the current structure doesn't over pressure during rifle season

i think one way to think about it is tags per day of legal and available season and that can just be a good, simple baseline measure of overall pressure.

forget archery and rifle and who hunts when and where for a minute. just, how many tags (hunters) were given out and how many days are available to hunt those tags. use that metric to think about how pressured the elk are and how many shoulders your bumping into.

i think we could have fun if we start doing those calculations between wyomings seasons and colorados
As i posted in another thread wyoming issues 520 tags as type -9 tags in general units as outfitter welfare. Residents and NRs who get generals should be pissed, that directly effects your hunt quality especially those who want to bow hunt any of those units. The -9 tags should be disolved back into the primary unit tags or generals, if you draw a LE hunt YOU choose the how/when to hunt that tag.
Let the NRs choose their weapon, residents don't want it. Take those Type 9s from the NR quota and spread them out over the entire state.

I've seen the pressure in a Type 9 tag area, way more archery hunters in there now than before when it had no Type 9 tags.
Before they issued any Type 9s a person could archery hunt the area and maybe see 1-2 other hunters, now they are bumping into each other all over the area. Pressure way increased during Sept with the Type 9 tags.
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