
USFWS - NW Montana - Supplemental EA open for comment on construction of new admin. buildings


Well-known member
Oct 23, 2023
FYI, these buildings may be built on a Waterfowl Production Area, currently open to public hunting. Location is in the Mission Valley of Montana (towns in the area are Ronan, Charlo, etc).

Details at:
FYI, these buildings may be built on a Waterfowl Production Area, currently open to public hunting. Location is in the Mission Valley of Montana (towns in the area are Ronan, Charlo, etc).

Details at:
Wow, this was posted here going on twelve days ago and not one response from anyone, even though it has been viewed over 100 times.
Here are comments submitted by Montana BHA
Only the government. “The mission of the US Fish and Wildlife Service is working with others to conserve, protect, and enhance fish, wildlife, plants and their habitats for the continuing benefit of the American people.” Unless we gave away our offices and we can’t afford new land so we are lobbying to plow up and develop 12 of those acres we wanted to conserve.
Wow, this was posted here going on twelve days ago and not one response from anyone, even though it has been viewed over 100 times.
Here are comments submitted by Montana BHA
Not sure how to respond. FWS said they looked at acquiring another property and couldn't find one. I take them at their word. BHA comment just says please find another property and don't build on current one. Seems like it is hard for the individual to comment when the issue is a bit opaque. Locals probably have the best insight on this.
Just looking over those WPA's on OnX & Google Earth you can see some spots where buildings wouldn't necessarily compromise the WPA's. Stuff close to the pavement, or even cultivated fields could work well.
Not sure how to respond. FWS said they looked at acquiring another property and couldn't find one. I take them at their word. BHA comment just says please find another property and don't build on current one. Seems like it is hard for the individual to comment when the issue is a bit opaque. Locals probably have the best insight on this.

Not sure how to respond. FWS said they looked at acquiring another property and couldn't find one. I take them at their word. BHA comment just says please find another property and don't build on current one. Seems like it is hard for the individual to comment when the issue is a bit opaque. Locals probably have the best insight on this.
I can just about guarantee you this would be cheaper than anything the government is planning to build, and it’s 1 mile south of their proposed build site and would provide 160 acres additional protection from a developer!🤷🏼
I can just about guarantee you this would be cheaper than anything the government is planning to build, and it’s 1 mile south of their proposed build site and would provide 160 acres additional protection from a developer!🤷🏼
Call them. Maybe they were not looking at 12,000 sq ft single family resident log cabins on 160 acres that doesn’t list a price. It doesn’t look cheap, so I’m not sure about your “guarantee”. Also, there may be people in the region that have a problem with the government acquiring more land.
Call them. Maybe they were not looking at 12,000 sq ft single family resident log cabins on 160 acres that doesn’t list a price. It doesn’t look cheap, so I’m not sure about your “guarantee”. Also, there may be people in the region that have a problem with the government acquiring more land.
Weird the link doesn’t show price but here it is in a screenshot.IMG_1656.jpeg

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