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Dr. Welner Was Able To Silence Them!

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I don't make excuses for the Bushmaster, I also don't make excuses for the media. Neither the Bushmaster nor the media was breaking the law, both most likely contributed to the carnage but the shooter is the ultimate problem.

I don't like or support the NRA position but not sure you can say the NRA has blood on it's hands either. Like I said I am all for doing what is necessary to reduce the number of these mass killing from happening.

As a percent of population White's appear to have just as many mass killing incidents as all other ethnic groups.

So media has zero influence on people's choices? Might want to tell that to the advertisers who spend billions each year in getting their product onto media outlets and into the public.

Think as you wish, doesn't mean media doesn't have an impact. Unlike Wayne Lapierre, I don't blame media for what happen, I do believe media plays a role in putting ideas into people's head and that all the violent images seen in media, regardless of the context affects people decisions.


Does "Media" mean just print and tv journalists? Or does the term "media" mean much more (Hollywood, Video Games, Cable TV, Print, Billboards, Google, etc?)

I was assuming the ass-clown on The View was blaming the journalists.


Edit on the race issue:

Looks like 62% of the mass murders are white males while less than 40% of the population are white males. Seems like something in the "media" affects white males and causes them to go haywire more than other segments of our population.
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"Other than calling old people "funny" or "Texan", or, in some cases, both, I try not to insult people. If I fail at that goal, I apologise, and vow to work harder in the coming year. I will not apologise for asking people where they got a bat-shit crazy idea that has the intellectual depth of pond water."

You got to be kidding me! You insult more people with your posts than everyone else on this site put together!!! Read what you posted in response to John and tell me that wasn't cruel! I guess I will take back my apology, as you just don't get it and never will!
Does "Media" mean just print and tv journalists? Or does the term "media" mean much more (Hollywood, Video Games, Cable TV, Print, Billboards, Google, etc?)

I was assuming the ass-clown on The View was blaming the journalists.

Not sure what the ass clown meant but to me Media means all of the above. Hollywood glorifies gun violence, video grams, cable TV, Cable News channels etc.

"Other than calling old people "funny" or "Texan", or, in some cases, both, I try not to insult people. If I fail at that goal, I apologise, and vow to work harder in the coming year. I will not apologise for asking people where they got a bat-shit crazy idea that has the intellectual depth of pond water."

You got to be kidding me! You insult more people with your posts than everyone else on this site put together!!! Read what you posted in response to John and tell me that wasn't cruel! I guess I will take back my apology, as you just don't get it and never will!

Please tell me what I posted in response to John that was out of line vis a vis YOUR comments.
Not sure what the ass clown meant but to me Media means all of the above. Hollywood glorifies gun violence, video grams, cable TV, Cable News channels etc.


I was likely using the more narrow "media" of my beloved Fox News, Weekly Standard, Drudge Report and similar reliable sources for my knowledge on all things in the world.
ENOUGH! Go hug your kids, kiss your wife or play with your dog. All these personal attacks are almost funny for a while, but they solve nothing. I think we should all stop replying to any of it and let this good thread gone bad, just die of natural causes and slide off the main page... I'm done reading it anyway.

My point was that I quit watching some episode of The View when the guy started blaming the media for the kids in Newtown being killed. Please see my initial post.

If you want to have an intellectually honest discussion about "mass murders" and resulting gun control discussions and want to absolve the easy access to AR's and high capacity magazines and blame video games and the media, then you are fooling yourself to being intellectually honest.

I'd be happy to have an intellectually honest discussion about mass murders and the resulting gun control issues. Although I do find it interesting that you want to have an "intellectually honest" discussion about mass murders, yet you focus only on the "easy access" to AR's and high capacity magazines and yet you are bold enough to feel that the psychiatrist on the View was an "ass-clown" because he focused on what he believed the problem to be. It seems your "intellectually honest" discussion is only relevant as it is defined by you and you alone.

So far your only contribution to this topic has been quite plainly that you feel it is the fault of the "easy access to AR's" that has been the only contributing factor to the mass murders in this country. If that is not the case, please do enlighten me as to where in this topic I can find your "intellectually honest" opinion as to why people are choosing to use their "easy access to AR's and high capacity magazines" to commit mass murders. I would also like to hear your solution on what we should then do when people start choosing other means of committing mass murder? Or is it your contention that mass murder will stop if we erase the "easy access to AR's?"
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I'd be happy to have an intellectually honest discussion about mass murders and the resulting gun control issues. Although I do find it interesting that you want to have an "intellectually honest" discussion about mass murders, yet you focus only on the "easy access" to AR's and high capacity magazines and yet you are bold enough to feel that the psychiatrist on the View was an "asshat" because he focused on what he believed the problem to be. It seems your "intellectually honest" discussion is only relevant as it is defined by you and you alone.

Exactly. We can agree on that.

So far your only contribution to this topic has been quite plainly that you feel it is the fault of the "easy access to AR's" that has been the only contributing factor to the mass murders in this country. If that is not the case, please do enlighten me as to where in this topic I can find your "intellectually honest" opinion as to why people are choosing to use their "easy access to AR's and high capacity magazines" to commit mass murders. I would also like to hear your solution on what we should then do when people start choosing other means of committing mass murder? Or is it your contention that mass murder will stop if we erase the "easy access to AR's?"

I thought this topic was about the "mostest, wonderfulest, amazingest" guest on The View who was able to silence a bunch of old hens sitting around a table by blaming the media. (and, then subsequently, I came to learn thru others who actually watch The View and posted on this thread, that it was also the fault of video games.)

Do you "honestly" think that many of the posters above are able to have an "intellectually honest" discussion about the topic? For the most part, only Nemont above was able to have either an "honest", or "intellectual" discussion, and, guess what, I learned from him, and I have intelligent insight. If you think Topgun or Cushman are intellectual, or honest, then you and I probably won't be able to have an "intellectually honest" discussion.
JC---John posted that he was wounded in Iraq and a number of his friend were killed and you came back with:
"And that gives you an excuse for your lack of class and character.
Congrats on your life."

If you think that was an okay post, then you Sir, and I use that word with disdain, are the one that needs to get a life and quit being a troll on every subject that comes up on these Forums!
Exactly. We can agree on that.

I thought this topic was about the "mostest, wonderfulest, amazingest" guest on The View who was able to silence a bunch of old hens sitting around a table by blaming the media. (and, then subsequently, I came to learn thru others who actually watch The View and posted on this thread, that it was also the fault of video games.)

Do you "honestly" think that many of the posters above are able to have an "intellectually honest" discussion about the topic? For the most part, only Nemont above was able to have either an "honest", or "intellectual" discussion, and, guess what, I learned from him, and I have intelligent insight. If you think Topgun or Cushman are intellectual, or honest, then you and I probably won't be able to have an "intellectually honest" discussion.

Haha. No, I don't truly believe that everyone can have an intellectually honest discussion about the topic. Although the original poster started the topic regarding a forensic psychiatrist and his opinion, the topic is truly about mass murder and how do we stop it. These are extremely polarizing issues for everyone in this regard, issues which deal with the very foundation of our country and it's constitutional amendments. This kind of discussion brings out the best and worst of people and unfortunately makes people spew insults at people they don't know without thought or regard for another individuals opinion, and you are as guilty of this as others in this topic.

Now I would never pretend to be Switzerland in this whole debate and certainly have strong opinions of my own, towards both the first and second amendments. But I think unless you and I can agree that it will take a multi faceted approach to the mass murders that this country has seen in the last 15-20 years, there will be no answer or slowing of the deaths of the innocent, and it will also be the end of our discussion.
........ The thread content doesn't mean squat to's all about making it about you.

Harley has spoken with great truth as it relates to those who troll more for dramatic effect and less to engage in useful discussion.

Regardless of any value some comments may impart, the manner and tone of Jose's replies, however relevant or irrelevant his points may be, regardless of what context his comments have or don't have to the topic of discussion, are lost in the delivery.

No doubt Jose is a very smart guy, as demonstrated by his ability to get hundreds of people wound around the axle by expressing his opinions in his normal corrosive manner. Yet, intelligence and decency are not always co-existent traits, especially in the anonymity that comes with internet forums. His posts often prove that.

Had he much concern for actually giving others a different perspective for consideration; to try have an intelligent discussion that could sway opinions; he would do so in a manner showing a little more respect for others here, and their opinions.

Rather, this game to him is most often nothing more than mental midget wrestling, with no holds barred, all for the sake of getting a reply, causing what good he might contribute to be completely lost in the juvenile manner in which the acne is delivered. The often-conveyed arrogance and self-claim of intellectual superiority can cause all value of the message to be lost.

Comments such as that posted by Top Gun, where this thread started heading south quicker than normal, are no more tasteful than some of what Jose posts. An example of how a trolling will take down the level of discourse.

Regardless the motivations for such behavior and the times my eyes are open by differing points of view, I have no doubt that the time has come for me to re-think the policy of trolling behavior on this website. Too much value comes from this site and the people on all sides of the topics to let it be ruined by lack of maturity in the replies of a few.

I try to walk that line where differing opinions provide positive interaction, thinking the desire to have intellectual discussion will prevent the pendulum from swinging to where the posts are nothing more than personal attacks worth no value to anyone. My soft grip on moderating threads may not always be a good thing, as shown in the tone of the gun control threads over the last ten days.

The deterioration of this thread, and how it happened, gives me forage to ruminate on over the coming week. I always thought that the human condition wanted to advance ideas for the benefit of progress, rather than using the process of discussion to advance one's personal standing among competing ideas. Maybe I have too much faith in fellow man.

Mrs. Fin just walked over after looking at the intense expression on my face, knowing my personality is of very high tolerance, yet can be followed by serious unannounced eruption once such tolerance is exceeded. She read my post, walked away, and said, "This may not be good."

The thread is locked for now.
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