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Dr. Welner Was Able To Silence Them!

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Originally Posted by JohnCushman
I just blew coffee out my nose...LOL

Hopefully you will join Toppgun in hell soon.

Do you think his comments reflect poorly on hunters, members of Fin's site, and, humanity in general?

It was no more out of line than you telling me I should go to hell and for John to join me! You are one big joke dude!!!
Jose might be an attention whoring troll...but it is out of line to denigrate anyone else in his family and you guys all know that. I would delete it.
If it weren't for the NRA lobbying the politicians in DC, where do you think we would be today as far as firearms that we're allowed to currently possess?

I'm not saying NRA has not been effective lobbying, 'just saying politics and the related money has become the primary mission, with much less involvement in teaching gun safety and gun handling for kids, which I strongly supported. Many other organizations and movements still focus on their primary mission while employing lobbyists and influencing legislation relative to their mission.
JoseCuervo, you seem to easily toss out what's not a factor and to attack others' opinions. What's missing from your rhetoric is any thoughtful analysis of cause or of potential remedies. Am I missing something constructive or positive you have offered?
Straight Arrow---The NRA is as involved in those things as they ever have been and more. I don't agree with their firm stance on some of this either and I dropped out for a time because of it, but they are the one chance with their clout in DC, whether we like it or not, to stop all these contemplated bans on stuff that are not causing these shootings.

Others: Sorry my joke to JC was a little on the nasty side, but the guy tends to grow on you like a hemmorhoid until it pops!
Do you really thinking watching more of The View is going to make me think it is the media's fault?

Again, what do you want the media to report on when 20 kids and their teachers get gunned down?

Do we really want to censor the media or ignore problems in this nation? Neither one of them seems American to me...

I never said to censor anybody, did the media report on the dead? Of course, they also sent reporters to find out about everything the gunman did and interview anybody who ever met him. Even the doctor in this segment doesn't hold the media 100% responsible.

I don't think anybody said it was the media to blame 100%, I am all for having common sense gun laws including an AWB, the media doesn't have clean hands on the issue though.

To not include the media as part of the problem is UnAmerican as well.

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This was on another forum and thought it was pretty good.
Dr. Welner was able to immediately disspell guns as the problem, and in all places...The View! :D The guy makes so much sense that these liberals that he is sitting in the midst of could do nothing but listen. I love the look on Whoopies face when he throws guns out of the picture. You could tell that they were about as uncomfortable as they could be! Loved it!

Thanks for posting this. My wife and I just watched the youtube clip. We got rid of video games a year ago and also decided that we won't support Hollywood's movie industry unless the movies contain nothing but positive energy in human interaction.

We have 4 kids ages 19 to 9 and we have been a stronger family since.
JoseCuervo, you seem to easily toss out what's not a factor and to attack others' opinions. What's missing from your rhetoric is any thoughtful analysis of cause or of potential remedies. Am I missing something constructive or positive you have offered?

Nope, I offered nothing "constructive or positive". Continue on getting your critical commentary on life from guests on The View.
Straight Arrow---The NRA is as involved in those things as they ever have been and more. I don't agree with their firm stance on some of this either and I dropped out for a time because of it, but they are the one chance with their clout in DC, whether we like it or not, to stop all these contemplated bans on stuff that are not causing these shootings.

Others: Sorry my joke to JC was a little on the nasty side, but the guy tends to grow on you like a hemmorhoid until it pops!

The fact you aren't man enough to acknowledge your lack of class, and need a Texan to point that out speaks volumes about your character. But, as a positive, you exposed Cushman as a classless person like yourself.

Hopefully the fires in Hades will soon be warming your soul.
I never said to censor anybody, did the media report on the dead? Of course, they also sent reporters to find out about everything the gun did and interview anybody who ever met him. Even the doctor in this segment doesn't hold the media 100% responsible.

I don't think anybody said it was the media to blame 100%, I am all for having common sense gun laws including an AWB, the media doesn't have clean hands on the issue though.

To not include the media as part of the problem is UnAmerican as well.


I don't know what else they would report on. Is there going to be some sort of sensationalism when there is a sensational story? Absolutely. But, to have a discussion about a mass shooting and not ask "who" and "why" seems like it would limit the discussion. I am not sure there is ANY blood on the media's hands for the 20 kids and their teachers in Connecticut.

What could the media do different? Ass-clown LaPierre was citing the media for being "wrong" when they claimed it was a "powerful' rifle and he was crowing about correcting them that the bullet was only travelling 3200fps as it tore into the innocent 6-year olds. I really don't think calling them "clips" instead of "magazines" is an indictment against the media.

I didn't agree with Tipper Gore when she wanted to blame Rock & Roll for the demise of our society, so I can't agree with those who want to blame video games and the media for what ails this country.

Why do you think most mass-murders are white guys? Do black kids and Hispanic kids not see the media or play video games?
I've been to hell. Taji, Iraq in 2004. I was wounded in my second IED blast, and a friend of mine was killed. I had other friends killed there after I was sent back to the States. I dream about that blast every night when I fall asleep. So, don't talk to me about going to 'hell'. I live it every day.

Oh, and by the way, My AR15s with high capacity magazines harmed or killed noone since I've had them, nor have my handguns, or rifles, or shotguns.
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I've been to hell. Taji, Iraq in 2004. I was wounded in my second IED blast, and a friend of mine was killed. I had other friends killed there after I was sent back to the States. I dream about that blast every night when I fall asleep. So, don't talk to me about going to 'hell'. I live it every day.

Oh, and by the way, My AR15s with high capacity magazines harmed or killed noone since I've had them, nor have my handguns, or rifles, or shotguns.

And that gives you an excuse for your lack of class and character.

Congrats on your life.
I don't know what else they would report on. Is there going to be some sort of sensationalism when there is a sensational story? Absolutely. But, to have a discussion about a mass shooting and not ask "who" and "why" seems like it would limit the discussion. I am not sure there is ANY blood on the media's hands for the 20 kids and their teachers in Connecticut.

What could the media do different? Ass-clown LaPierre was citing the media for being "wrong" when they claimed it was a "powerful' rifle and he was crowing about correcting them that the bullet was only travelling 3200fps as it tore into the innocent 6-year olds. I really don't think calling them "clips" instead of "magazines" is an indictment against the media.

I didn't agree with Tipper Gore when she wanted to blame Rock & Roll for the demise of our society, so I can't agree with those who want to blame video games and the media for what ails this country.

Why do you think most mass-murders are white guys? Do black kids and Hispanic kids not see the media or play video games?

Great thing about America is that we are all entitled to our opinions.

As for the race of the shooters I guess you can play that game but I will refrain. You may wish to check the murder rate in the black and Hispanic communities and ask the question again.

I guess media doesn't reflect society and the 24 hours "news" channels don't drive an agenda at all. I will remember that.

What the media reports on is up to them but to assign no role in our society to what goes on is either willfully ignorant or an outright cop out. TV time is too valuable and NOTHING goes on it without an agenda, goal or bias, including "news".

I hold the media in the same disdain as I do the NRA and while I may not hold them both equally to "blame" I don't dismiss the power and reach of the media in this situation.

And that gives you an excuse

What's your excuse? You enjoy playing the contrarian foil insulting respondents, exhibiting not a shred of social integrity unless it's some type of cronyistic ballwashing...and shit all over the site eliciting reciprocal insults.. The thread content doesn't mean squat to's all about making it about you.

This is not a compliment by the way.

Nope, I offered nothing "constructive or positive"
So Jose, I just want to make sure I am perfectly clear on what point you are trying to get across. The shooting at Newtown was only the fault of the Bushmaster firearm that was used. There was no other fault in the senseless deaths of 20 innocent school children other than the AR-15 rifle and it's high capacity magazines. And the removal of all these "AR-15" type firearms from the United States would remove the possibility that a brutal attack of this nature would ever happen again. Is this the position you are standing with?
Great thing about America is that we are all entitled to our opinions.

As for the race of the shooters I guess you can play that game but I will refrain. You may wish to check the murder rate in the black and Hispanic communities and ask the question again.

I guess media doesn't reflect society and the 24 hours "news" channels don't drive an agenda at all. I will remember that.

What the media reports on is up to them but to assign no role in our society to what goes on is either willfully ignorant or an outright cop out. TV time is too valuable and NOTHING goes on it without an agenda, goal or bias, including "news".

I hold the media in the same disdain as I do the NRA and while I may not hold them both equally to "blame" I don't dismiss the power and reach of the media in this situation.


Was asking about "mass murders" not "regular" murders by blacks and Hispanics. We have long since given up caring about murder rates in minority populations in the US. (See Martin, Trayvon).

For some reason, mass murders tend to be carried out by white guys at a higher rate than would be expected based on exposure to media and video games.

As for the media, is there an actual complaint about the media and how they have some sort of blame for the deaths of the kids in Newton, or is it just general dislike for the media, or, just as LaPierre was doing, searching for any type of scapegoat that wasn't made by Bushmaster?

I don't see the "blood on their hands" of the media's fault.
What's your excuse? You enjoy playing the contrarian foil insulting respondents, exhibiting not a shred of social integrity unless it's some type of cronyistic ballwashing...and shit all over the site eliciting reciprocal insults.. The thread content doesn't mean squat to's all about making it about you.

This is not a compliment by the way.

Other than calling old people "funny" or "Texan", or, in some cases, both, I try not to insult people. If I fail at that goal, I apologise, and vow to work harder in the coming year. I will not apologise for asking people where they got a bat-shit crazy idea that has the intellectual depth of pond water.

But you know that.
So Jose, I just want to make sure I am perfectly clear on what point you are trying to get across. The shooting at Newtown was only the fault of the Bushmaster firearm that was used. There was no other fault in the senseless deaths of 20 innocent school children other than the AR-15 rifle and it's high capacity magazines. And the removal of all these "AR-15" type firearms from the United States would remove the possibility that a brutal attack of this nature would ever happen again. Is this the position you are standing with?


My point was that I quit watching some episode of The View when the guy started blaming the media for the kids in Newtown being killed. Please see my initial post.

If you want to have an intellectually honest discussion about "mass murders" and resulting gun control discussions and want to absolve the easy access to AR's and high capacity magazines and blame video games and the media, then you are fooling yourself to being intellectually honest.
Was asking about "mass murders" not "regular" murders by blacks and Hispanics. We have long since given up caring about murder rates in minority populations in the US. (See Martin, Trayvon).

For some reason, mass murders tend to be carried out by white guys at a higher rate than would be expected based on exposure to media and video games.

As for the media, is there an actual complaint about the media and how they have some sort of blame for the deaths of the kids in Newton, or is it just general dislike for the media, or, just as LaPierre was doing, searching for any type of scapegoat that wasn't made by Bushmaster?

I don't see the "blood on their hands" of the media's fault.

I don't make excuses for the Bushmaster, I also don't make excuses for the media. Neither the Bushmaster nor the media was breaking the law, both most likely contributed to the carnage but the shooter is the ultimate problem.

I don't like or support the NRA position but not sure you can say the NRA has blood on it's hands either. Like I said I am all for doing what is necessary to reduce the number of these mass killing from happening.

The research of Fox and Levin (2005) found that most mass murderers have the following characteristics:

they are male (94.4 %)
they are 20 to 29 years of age (43.3 %)
they are White (62.9 %)
they have a relationship with the victim of some kind (family 39.4 %; other 38.2 %)

Ethnic groups: white 79.96%, black 12.85%, Asian 4.43%, Amerindian and Alaska native 0.97%, native Hawaiian and other Pacific islander 0.18%, two or more races 1.61% (July 2007 estimate)
note: a separate listing for Hispanic is not included because the US Census Bureau considers Hispanic to mean persons of Spanish/Hispanic/Latino origin including those of Mexican, Cuban, Puerto Rican, Dominican Republic, Spanish, and Central or South American origin living in the US who may be of any race or ethnic group (white, black, Asian, etc.); about 15.1% of the total US population is Hispanic

Definition: This entry provides an ordered listing of ethnic groups starting with the largest and normally includes the percent of total population.

Source: CIA World Factbook - Unless otherwise noted, information in this page is accurate as of July 26, 2012

As a percent of population White's appear to have just as many mass killing incidents as all other ethnic groups.

So media has zero influence on people's choices? Might want to tell that to the advertisers who spend billions each year in getting their product onto media outlets and into the public.

Think as you wish, doesn't mean media doesn't have an impact. Unlike Wayne Lapierre, I don't blame media for what happen, I do believe media plays a role in putting ideas into people's head and that all the violent images seen in media, regardless of the context affects people decisions.

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