Dr. Welner Was Able To Silence Them!

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Maybe, just maybe Dr. Welner was talking over JC`s head like he was those ladies around him. He may really want us to explain the salient points so he could understand and be able to make a valid point of the video.
Poor Jose!
Pretty clear the best and most intelligent part of Jose ran down his mommas crack and ended up as a stain on the sheets. I really hope he doesn't have kids. Being raised by an idiot who spends his days in his mothers basement bouncing around online forums making stupid statements just to have internet fights with as many people as possible is a pathetic existence to say the least and could cause serious issues growing up with him as a role model.

BTW excellent points Straight Arrow
"Maybe, just maybe Dr. Welner was talking over JC`s head"

I don't believe that's too hard to do, LOL! JC's momma should have quit after giving his daddy the BJ!!!
1. The media artificially elevates murderers to celebrity status, with extreme emphasis and coverage.
2. The electronic gaming industry provides a venue which results in an abnormal "numbness" to the real horror and consequences of violence. (ie: even to the extent of "reward" for blowing away simulated human characters.)

'Just two of several salient points proferred by Dr. Welner. 'Too bad you did not see it through.

Got it, 20 kids are dead because the media killed them. 7 adults are dead because video games killed them.

Now I know why I don't watch The View. Glad you enjoy that sort of programming.

The problem is a tad more complicated than just taking away the AR and high cap magazines. The Doc is correct on giving advice to parents and he is also right that the media can't wait to report on the shooter.

I know I see idiot parents every day but the fact is that the shooter in this case could have completed his crime against these kids with the legal hand guns he had. I have no issue really with limited AR's and like weapons, or getting rid of high cap magazines but to pretend that the Media doesn't feed the delusion of going out in a blaze of glory is as stupid as the NRA position on the issue. Society has a problem with violence and that means everyone including the media, the mental health system, the schools, the gun lobby, the politicians, we parents, everybody has skin in this game.

To ignore what the doc states isn't any more helpful that listen to the rants of Wayne Lapierre. The Media gave this young man far more attention after the tragedy than he ever got before it. Suppose there are people who want attention so bad they will do things like this? Media share some blame just like the NRA does.

you enjoy that sort of programming.
You got that all wrong; I just opened it from this thread.

Got it, 20 kids are dead because the media killed them. 7 adults are dead because video games killed them.
You're doing better; you got that kinda, sorta right ... although it is a bit more complex.

The problem is a tad more complicated than just taking away the AR and high cap magazines. The Doc is correct on giving advice to parents and he is also right that the media can't wait to report on the shooter.

I know I see idiot parents every day but the fact is that the shooter in this case could have completed his crime against these kids with the legal hand guns he had. I have no issue really with limited AR's and like weapons, or getting rid of high cap magazines but to pretend that the Media doesn't feed the delusion of going out in a blaze of glory is as stupid as the NRA position on the issue. Society has a problem with violence and that means everyone including the media, the mental health system, the schools, the gun lobby, the politicians, we parents, everybody has skin in this game.

To ignore what the doc states isn't any more helpful that listen to the rants of Wayne Lapierre. The Media gave this young man far more attention after the tragedy than he ever got before it. Suppose there are people who want attention so bad they will do things like this? Media share some blame just like the NRA does.



I will acknowledge I was out of the country much of the last week, so I relied on my information from the BBC and CNN-International, but from what I saw, and what I saw on the internet, it appeared that the media focused much more on the 20 innocent kids than on the 1 nut-case killer with the AR.

I will defer to you if the media focused more on the killer than on the 20 innocent kids, the teacher who shieled some of the kids, the other teacher who had finally got a full-time teaching job, the psychiatrist who rand down the hall, etc...

But, even if you are correct, are you some how suggesting that the media should ignore one of the worst mass killings in a school in this country? I am sure the NRA would love it if we all ignored it and pretended it didn't happen, but, I can't see what purpose it would serve to silence the press.
Do you think an AR and a high capacity magazine played any role in the murder of 20 innocent children and their teachers?

Yes I do. That is why I advocate the NRA and those who wish to protect their current right to manufacture, sell, buy, own, shoot such firearms had better quickly develop a strategy to somehow control those firearms in a way to significantly reduce the further potential use in any shooting of a person or persons. Absent any meaningful strategy, I predict the ban will happen again, perhaps with more stringent regulations than before. That's what I think!.

NRA's "line-in-the-sand" position is a gross mistake in strategy, in my opinion. But then, I'm a used-to-be member who became highly disappointed when NRA's primary emphasis shifted away from gun safety and teaching kids to handle firearms to politics and lobbying.

But again, the whole enchilada is a bit more complex.
Straight Arrow---If it weren't for the NRA lobbying the politicians in DC, where do you think we would be today as far as firearms that we're allowed to currently possess?

Yes I do. That is why I advocate the NRA and those who wish to protect their current right to manufacture, sell, buy, own, shoot such firearms had better quickly develop a strategy to somehow control those firearms in a way to significantly reduce the further potential use in any shooting of a person or persons. Absent any meaningful strategy, I predict the ban will happen again, perhaps with more stringent regulations than before. That's what I think!.

NRA's "line-in-the-sand" position is a gross mistake in strategy, in my opinion. But then, I'm a used-to-be member who became highly disappointed when NRA's primary emphasis shifted away from gun safety and teaching kids to handle firearms to politics and lobbying.

But again, the whole enchilada is a bit more complex.

Then trotting out "experts" to blame video games, the media, parenting, Mayan calendars, horoscopes, global warming, teacher's unions, and anything else they can throw against the wall, hoping to stick serves no purpose but to deflect from the issue.

Again, like I said, I quit watching the video when he started blaming the media for the dead kids. It ain't the media's fault.
Do you think an AR and a high capacity magazine played any role in the murder of 20 innocent children and their teachers?
Does having estrogen play a role in why you and the women on the View think alike?
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Using the same logic it wasn't the guns fault either

Do you really thinking watching more of The View is going to make me think it is the media's fault?

Again, what do you want the media to report on when 20 kids and their teachers get gunned down?

Do we really want to censor the media or ignore problems in this nation? Neither one of them seems American to me...
Do you think an AR and a high capacity magazine played any role in the murder of 20 innocent children and their teachers?

Do you think if he was just a little less crazy, and used a revolver and a speed loader and only shot the kids once instead of up to 11 times he could have killed even more kids? Sounds to me his all out crazed state spared some lives because he did not conserve ammo.
Do you think being able to drive, the car had a role in the murder?
Do you think 32 oz sodas play a role in new yorkers being fat?
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