
Don't count TK outta Jackson yet!!!!!!!


Active member
Jan 13, 2002
Salmon, ID
I know it's still a long time away but I have been trying to convince my dad to go to Jackson to hunt elk with all of you this year. He finally said that he will consider it. It would be tempting to take a speed run out there, for two or three days, and blast a cow if we didn't get a bull in Idaho. He also said that we can't commit to it right now but don't count us out. So hopefully if I keep on working on him by the time it rolls around he will wanna go out there. By the way, if we do make it out it will be Thanksgiving week, how many of you guys will still be there then??
Well, I will beings that I live here.

That is cool TK. I truely hope that you and your dad can make it.
Yes it is OTC, first come first serve, until the permits are gone. Last year they were $150 for a Non-Res. It was listed in the regs last year as $160. It is listed in the regs as $200 this year. You would also need a Wyoming Conservation Stamp which is either $10 or $12 I believe. You would also need to have on your person a Hunter Safety Certificate. A can of pepper spray is also requierd for anyone holding an area #79 permit. No size restriction on the pepper spray, so it could be just the pocket or purse size.
So Elky, it would only be about $200-$250 after everything?? And I would need my hunters safety certificate?? That and a little thing of pepper spray?? Why is that?? For if Russ and Kevin give me too much crap I can squirt it in their eyes??

I agree LB, it would be a blast!!
They still had permits in the beginning of November. They ran out right at the end of the season.

It would be no more than $200 plus the stamp at either $10 or $12. There is also a Elk Special Management Permit required starting this year. I think that is $10. So figutre on about $225 per person. I just don't remember the price of the stamp or the special mgt. permit.. When I get my bear tag and stamp, I will let you know how much the stamp and the mgt permit is.

The reason for the pepper spray is because a lot of area #79 is griz country and therefore required, but there is no size restrictions on it.
Well if that's the case let me figure out the price.

$225 for a permit.
$400 for gas. (There and back)
$200 for 4 or 5 nights at a motel.
$100 for food for 4 or 5 days.

That totals just under $1,000. Man it adds up fast. I'll see what I can talk the old man into doing.
Well I just used the figure from the price of diesel I saw today. $2.19 can you believe that crap?? Of course we can go about 20 miles away and get it for $1.75.
Trophy Killer, you didn't mention where in Kalifornia, you're located. (???)

When I lived in Studio City, I and my two hunting buds hunted near Jackson, a couple of times. From Studio City, it is 1,100 miles +/-, to Jackson. That's via Las Vegas, then northeast to Salt Lake City, Utah, then north to Logan, then north east up to Wyoming 89, then to Jackson.

It's a long haul but not really too bad, if you pound down beers all the way and shoot at highway road signs to break the monotony of driving.

Good luck. L.W.
Maybe Total Distance: 852.26 miles....

What size pepper spray fits in TK's purse??? <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>No size restriction on the pepper spray, so it could be just purse size <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR> It's a long haul but not really too bad, if you pound down beers all the way and shoot at highway road signs to break the monotony of driving.

I am glad to see somebody else who recognizes the sport in shooting road signs. You ever notice the cattle crossing signs in Nevada? That bull on them looks damn happy. I always figure he was worth more....
Alright TK,,,I hope that you'll be able to make the trip..Quick Draw and I are going to be there from the 17th until we get 2 elk(or the 30th, which ever comes first LOL)Its going to be a kick in the buns if everyone shows..


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