Yeti GOBOX Collection

Dog Toys

My Australian Shepard/Lab mix, now gone, destroyed everything immediately. I couldn’t find anything that he couldn’t destroy.
The black round ring from Goughnuts didn't stand any better of a chance against my dogs than did black Kong "snowmen".

Amazingly enough they're soft mouthed on birds.
Elk antlers

I was a big fan of antlers for the dogs, right up until I had to pay for surgery to have a broken tooth removed from our older dog. Nylabones are about the hardest thing they get to chew on these days.
Both of our labs have been as you describe- most things are destroyed in 30 minutes tops. I have bought nylabones sometimes but I’m not sure what I think of synthetic chews. More typically antlers or bones or cow hooves. The hooves are smelly though- be warned. They get most of my decent sheds to chew on.

Every once in a while I pick up what is labeled as a water buffalo horn at the farm and ranch store. Big curled horns that are super heavy. They last for months and the dogs go nuts for them.
Got two types of toys. Structured play and chew as you wish in the house. Structured play with balls, tugs, or just tossing snow with a "chuck it" is a lot of fun and action. Play a bit, followed with commands to sit, down, up, out, come, ok, gets results, mark and reward. These toys last because me with a toy and her, are more fun than, just her with the toy. I let her "Win" a lot. When she slows and I get the upper hand, I call "All Done" and put that toy away.
In the house, my girl can do what she wants with her toys. Many get destroyed, softer squeak types last longer.
No bone can survive!

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