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Does AA really work

Mini Moose

New member
Dec 10, 2000
Pocatello, ID, USA
A Bunch of my Friends told me in order for me to get my life in order......(And to avoid getting sent to jail when i go to court next month) that i need to get involved in AA, Apparently it looks good to the judge if you make it look like your helping your self then they wont punish you

What do yall think
If the reason you are doing it is to BS the judge, then don't waste your time. If you want to do it to address a problem you have, then I think their approach/method is well tested and you would have a high chance of success.
With an attitude like that I think you might be better off in jail or better yet join the military.... you will more than likely grow up a little quicker.

As Jose said, if you believe that you need to change in this area of your life, and really want to change - it can work. But if you deny that you have a problem, it isn't going to work.
I was sentanced to out patient rehab because in high school I got too many underage drinking tickets. I was in something worse than A.A. and I can tell you right now that if you want to get your shit together go to A.A. because the judge could sentance you to something like I had to do. I had 3 hour classes 3 times a week plus I went to school and worked full time. I learned a lot in those classes and I went in with the same attitude you are implying in your post. But I left with a totally different view. I still drink, but I am a totally different person than when I went in. I even had to go to jail because of underage drinking. I'm 20 years old, almost 21 and I am still paying off the rehab classes I have to take a years ago. Because of my underage drinking I've had to pay almost 10,000 dollars in rehab and fines. That is no bullshit. In High School I won life of the party for the senior class, looking back I wish I would of won smartest senior.

If your friends say they think you should be in A.A. then that is something you should listen too, you are young and you will listen to your friends more than your parents etc. But A.A is probably not the first step for you, you might have to go talk to a counsler or rehab classes and THEN progress to A.A.

The judge is going to try to help you, I hope you realize that and good luck with being sober.

The Jugde will see through your ruse, so it does no good to try to BS him..He deals with people who try to bullshit him everyday.. The jails are full of innocent people..If your freinds think you have a drinking problem,,then I'll bet that,, YOU DO!!! But then drunks never listens to anyone but themselves...With your attitude I would suggest go to court so shitfaced that you can't see straight and then dare the Jugde to something about it..besides the jail might need a new punk for the bunks...

Come on guys, would you quit candy coating it, and tell him what you really think...... :D

Some sound advice got to want to help yourself......
If you have a drinking problem, AA can help. If you don't want the help, it won't do any good and it sure won't fool the judge. I guess I am echoing what the others have said.

When I first read the thread header..."Does AA really Work? " I thought it was poking fun at me.
This is a serious situation though that you are in Mini, I would have to agree with the rest. You need to face the truth and be responsible for your actions, if that means a harsh sentence from the be it.
Like the theme from the show Baretta...if you'er going to do the crime ya gotta do the time......

Oh, and by the way..... since retiring earlier this year I dont really work :D

Life is good, Give God the Glory....AA
Delw said:
With an attitude like that I think you might be better off in jail or better yet join the military.... you will more than likely grow up a little quicker.


Just curious, are you addressing mini or queervo in your above post? :D
Mini Me, If you're looking for an Answer I think they've already said it. What they needed to Follow up is Dump the Friends, Pull that Stupid Rebar out of your Face, lips, ears, and Probably your Jimmy...... and look into a Future.. not Just Hammering out a 3PM-Midnight Pizza job with an early morning Uhaul gig.

You're dad Drinks (A "little" to say the least) and you're there too. Not to dis him because I like him alot but......... think about what you guys you and your brother and Sister say about him most of the time when he's drinking. Thats what your Friends that don't drink, your Family and when you get married your kids will say about you.

You can do what you want, no-one's gunna get you away from the bottle but you. I'm guessing you should lay off the Other substances too, It's not jsut the Liquid stuff that's gunna get you, But thats jsut a Guess on my part..........

AA, You don't work anymore ? Then how do you have all that stinking money ?!?!!? :D
Oscar, I gave up on other substances long ago....... And you guys, are right ihave to help myself, but When i got my ticket i hadn't been drinkin, and i have since quit drinkin except on ocassions when i deem it neccesary..... I.E. Weddings, Friends Birthdays.... ect ect, which means since i got my ticket, i have drank oh about 5 times, and that is in 3 months...... asking if it would work with the judge cause he can't see what i have been doing, was my question....... My friends are telling me to go because they think it will help withthe judge, not because they think i have a problem........ But i knew i had a problem, and i made myself stop, i didn't need a class to tell me to do so...... just a little will power,

Plus Oscar, There is no rebar downstairs...... to much pain for me
LOL.... I'll take your word on the Downstairs ;)

Should I ask your Brother if your Lieing ? I'm guessing he'll fess up the truth :D

How'd you get a Ticket for Drinking if you weren't ? How old are you now ? With the Judge, wear a long sleve shirt to cover the Ink marks, try not to have an Attitude and Be very sorry and Always say Yes Sir. DON'T make excuses. like "I wasn't really drinking because you see the Cop gave me a ticket because he was an ass" or don't make anything up. I'd stick with a line like "Sir, I have made a few mistakes in the past in which I regret. I understand now that I need to straighten my life out and have gone to AA to ensure my path in the right direction stays that way. Hopefully you wil;l give me another chance and You won't regret it or ever see me in this court room again......"

Some BS line like that. Then don't be stupid and get caught next time ;)

So what are your Plans for the future.....? Any ?
Are the same friends giving you the above advice, are they the same friends that you were with when you got into trouble in the first place?
The more that I think about it mini I think you are going to jail, remember blowing up the rest area?????

might want to enlist really fast
Oh he made a post about that a few years ago, I think you were out of town. I will see if I can find it. it had something to do with a pipe bomb shortly after the bb gun incedent
Just come right out and tell the Judge what he already knows "Judge, I am young and dumb, I just need the direction of this court to help me adjust to being an adult, can you help me?" John
As the son of a deceased alco father (notice I said father and not dad) and seeing my brother start (but later stop) down the same road, I suggest you read Ernesto's post a couple more times Mini. See if you can spot the parts where drinking did his life any good....other than waste it. He's been there, done that, and got a hell of a lot smarter.

What the other guys said is true, you can't be doing this just to skate jail- it's gotta be for YOU and because YOU know it's the right thing to do.

Oscar seems to know who you hang with and that's going to have a lot of influence in your life.....kick them to the curb and surround yourself with people who care about you and not the next party down the street.

As far as the tats and I tell my kids, moderation- think how your gonna look to your grandkids with scrawny green "sleeves" and holes in your ears that they can use to play peek-a-boo! ;)

Good luck Mini, it's not an easy road but its the right one!
Just come right out and tell the Judge what he already knows "Judge, I am young and dumb, I just need the direction of this court to help me adjust to being an adult, can you help me?" John

this coming from the attorney representing you will go much further then any half witted attempts at fooling the judge with the old "i've been attending AA meetings sir" spiel...... "pipe bombs", "bb-gun incidents" ,"piercings", "ink marks" ...sounds like you have the "daddy didn’t beat my ass when I needed it syndrome"...... bubba has a cure for that......better wise up.
good luck