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Does AA really work

Life is nothing but a series of choices. Bottom line? We choose to be who we really are! When shat happens we have no one to blame but our selves! You still have a chance to choose a different path. I'm sure most of us would have made other decisions for our lives at your age. Heck, I had a friends dad offer to put me through Medical School for a 10% cut of my profits after graduating! I was too greedy and didn't take him up on the offer. Wish I could rewind the clock and get that opportunity again!

Mini Moose, hang in there! If you really want to change things for the better, you will! If not...well then that's the choice you have to live with!

I think they just got air conditioning in Hell! I can't believe it, but I actually agree with Jose/Gunner for a change! LOL! :eek:
Mini, In these cases I often think about my own upbringing and how my father would have reacted if I were doing the things you have been doing (minor trouble, tattoos, piercings, and now a court date).

First of all, we wouldn't be concerned about the judge. I'd just be hoping I could live long enough to show up in court and I'd know that whatever sentence the judge handed down would be a cakewalk compared to what I was facing at home. :D My old man would be saying, "The judge has to wait in line 'til I'm done with you. Do you realize how stupid you've been and how much harm you could have caused yourself and someone else? You know how your mother would feel if you got killed in a traffic accident because you were speeding, drinking, not paying attention (or whatever you were doing)? Worse yet, you could have killed somebody else! etc. ,etc. etc., etc."

I can just hear him now! :MAD

So, Mini. Suck it up, take your lumps, think of all the things you didn't get caught doing, and smarten up. Good luck, too. We're all hoping for the best for you and we want you to live a long, happy, productive trouble free life as a responsible citizen of this great country.

PS Don't worry if you get thrown in the clink. After you're there for a year I'll bake you a cake with a hacksaw blade in it. ;)
"i have since quit drinkin except on ocassions when i deem it neccesary..... I.E. Weddings, Friends Birthdays.... ect ect, which means since i got my ticket, i have drank oh about 5 times, and that is in 3 months"......

Mini Moosie, and how much did you have to drink that 5 times in 3 months. 3 months is approximatlley 12 weeks, 5 times would be about every two and a half weeks your getting shot in the ass. Sounds to me like you have some self esteem problems, and do things to impress people. Blowing up a rest area, piercings, tat's, drinking, etc. Take a good look at yourself, see who and what you are, you can be more honest with yourself, than you can be talking to someone. You don't have to impress yourself, you cannot hide things from yourself. You know in your head what you've done, and how you really feel about it. First thing, when you go in front of the judge, go as a man, face up to what you did. Don't blame the cop, the system, or your parents. Tell the judge, yes sir, I did, I screwed up, I am trying to straighten out, and have enlisted in AA, and have a sponsor. Have your sponsor there with you, he will tell the judge, what he has seen and if your serious about straightening up. The most important thing you have to do is become COMFORTABLE with yourself, in most situations. I don't know your friends, so I cannot really comment on them, but if they tell you, you need help, then you do, and they are truly friends.

It took me half of my adult life to realize, what I am telling you. I was fortunate, and turned myself around. The main thing I had to do was become COMFORTABLE with who I am. Just a middle age guy, plugging away at life, trying to be as happy as can be. I have had one beer in the last 5 years, that was at my sons wedding in June. I impressed myself with drinking one, and not wanting another.
Listen to what your friends posted, and what your friends on the outside are telling you. Good Luck.
Mini i hope you can pull it together...AA is fine try it ... I like some of the steps, some i don`t... but the fact is if you are an addict drugs/booze whatever... you have to quit! addicts cannot just drink or sniff on social occassions. My wife comes from a long line of overachieving alchoholics... she went thru aa stayed sober 2 years .. fell off the wagon.. i put her thru rehab.. and told her if she messes up were done , and i am gone... she has been sober for 7 years.....everyones different.. it might take a couple of tries but its all up to you one else... dump your "enablers"
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