Do you guys really believe that all ATV riders break the law?

mike, "Ithaca, You are being really dumb
Why don't you give MD a break, I thought Bullies were supposed to out grow it by around the 6th grade.
Every time she posts something you and "others" jump all over everything she posts. this last crack about a fricking sage was the lamest yet"

Whoops! Don't you know that kinda post can get you a warning from Calif Hunter?
LOL Michaelr ,no problem on my end, it show's the
type of people that are out there claiming to be hunter's LOL .
I wonder how many hunter's on this forum leave NO TRACE AT ALL,thats a truly bold statment to make .
WOW .... GOOD read....


While reading I had several Comments. But I read slow and It's been about 1 hour reading through all this stuff.

One thing I do HAve to Say Is I'd Back Delw Up on Calling someone in for a Picture they post or a Story they Tell. I think that bringing in Something personal to a Forum means you're a Piece of Chit. That being said I think whoever wrote that (I can't remember now maybe Ithica ?!?!) was probably joking... But the Memory of the Last Feascal Pisses me off !!!!

2nd, I have to agree that Buzz, Ithica, and Gunner are Over board. They do Gripe and Use the term FAATV rider as a General Blanket and probably shouldn't. But... they did make some good points and reading cjcj's post I would have thought it was legal to ride my ATV off trail to retrieve game. But looking at the % of places people hunt and what's Illegal, I'm guessing I'd of only been LEGAL 5-10% of the time. Reading what was written by Cj would have gotten me a ticket.

I also can't believe that 3 other people from 3 other states knew more or looked up or called to find out more then the AZ boys. Come on, that just makes it look bad for the ATV croud. You guys should have brought in Hanger69 (Or whatever his # is *HEHE*, to help out. He's good at looking up facts.

I believe that most enforcers won't bust ya or write a Ticket. HEll, deadI270 and me talked to a forest service guy telling us last year he can't write more then the Min fine and only one even though a String of rules are broken. Something about courts throw them out if they do. How chitty is the System if a cop can't write up tickets for Rules ya break and then most don't. Why even have a Rules/laws then.

As an imparcial viewer I see both sides making toung in cheek posts and the other sides totally not seeing/getting it. Very funny from a 3rd party view.

I'd say Ithca has out done himself in this post in the funny department, Kudos ;)

Carry on, I'm sure you guys can Beat a horse and your Chests for another 5 pages !!!!!
Also, I'd like to Clear something up. I made the comment about Gunner Owning ATV's and several people jumped on that one and are still using it. It was a Joke at the time and funny that people are still bringing it up.

Unless I'm mistaken he actually doesn't own an ATV. (unless he does but then I'd be mad because We backpack all our Bait into the Hills on roads we should have been using ATV's on at one of our sites) !!!!!
I guess it's all how someone looks at it :rolleyes: .... The sad part is not only do the 4-wheler riders not knowing what they are doing is wrong, The law doesn't either it sounds like !!!!

I don't think the Example you gave is right. The right Example would be is Aunt MAY told you could speed through Mayberry... Andy could still give you a ticket ;)

Unlike most people here, Were I hunt there are NO 4-wheelers so I don't have an Issue with them ever
cjcj, "it was Cfree who called first and even posted the Ph.#"

Go back to cfree's post on 9/14 @ 16:30 and read the next few posts also. He never said he called AZGF. I figured it would take me less time to call AZGF and get an answer than it would to read 100 more posts of speculation and arguments in this topic. As soon as the lady who answered at AZGF was not specific about the law I knew I had to press for more info. Believe me, it's not easy to get some bureaucrat to check with a superior and find out if she's correct or not. :D She was quite pissed off when I kept asking questions like a lawyer. Probably figured I was some outta state attorney pain in the ass! :D

As for Moosie's analysis of my posts; I made the comment about MD damaging sagebrush to stir things up and because I wanted to start promoting the sale of hunter skyhooks for loading game and general lifting around camp. They're a great labor saving device nobody should be without.

And, while "fatassed ATV crowd" might not be 100% accurate, it's one of those fun nicknames that will probably stick (I hope). Kinda like the nicknames you hung on kids in school and they hated the nickname but it stuck with them for the rest of their life because everybody loved it. (Like a kid I knew named "Gummy" McBride because his brains were all gummed up) :D
Moosie i disagree with you about out of state guys calling.etc] it was Cfree who called first and even posted the Ph.# And Yes i did make a "general" statement about retrieving game and if you look back Buzz`s responce was [CJ your full of crap] Instead of CJ where and under what circumstances can you? [go offroad] He took the "low" road and he in return made a smart ass "general" statement. If he had responded with proper manners and "hunttalk etiquette" he would have gotton a good manners response from me. But then he stepped it up saying he could have bet me and taken my money [Buzz/Gunner would have lost that bet as i offered it 2-3 times] they never took the bet. If i say its ok to do something legal and it is, what differance does it make if its 5%..25%--50%..100% the statement still is true, yes i admit and agree it varies from jurisdiction BLM/statetrust/etc. But i have had more experiance than Buzz while hunting in AZ, and have had on many occasions help from G&F/ forest service/etc. load up an elk. and if these guys pull up and offer me help i take it, I also have a C.H.A.M.P. permit, but i didn`t even go there, since the anti no no boys were so adamant, that you couldn`t go offroad. Look back at what G&F told Ithaca, Had Ithaca not "pressed" G&F for more info. he would have thought it would be ok to retrieve anywhere in the state [which of course its not] Then they tell Delw that the G&F cops can`t tell him whether he can go get his game offroad, they are the ones writing the tickets right? Who is out and about during hunting season the most its G&F,and its a fact if the G&F tells you you can then you can [yes you might actually be breaking a BLM/forest servive reg.] But if Barney and Andy tell you its OK to speed thru Mayberry then you can. its that simple.
Would muddy conditions count? More habitat damage with muddy conditions would seem to disqualify ATVs off road for game retrievel. Probably not much time when there's mud in AZ, though,

But everybody would be better off if the fatassed ATV crowd wasn't always looking for a loophole to slither thru and just left the ATVs home. That goes for every state.
I believe I could use any of the:
Many USDA primitive, seldom maintained National Forest System roads that are generally available for OHV use, including ATV's.

From you own posting:

Unit 41
OHV Use: Most of Unit 41 mule deer inhabit large flat areas that can be negotiated by various types of OHV vehicles. Most of the land in Unit 41 is under the jurisdiction of the BLM. Vehicles are restricted to existing roads, trails and large desert washes on BLM land. Travel across country is not permitted under any circumstance. Operators of OHV's are also responsible for damage to native plants. These regulations are enforced by both the Arizona Game and Fish Department and BLM Rangers.

There is a small amount of state land scattered throughout the unit. OHV use on state land is restricted to existing trails and roads, however, a vehicle may be used to retrieve a downed and legally taken big game animal on or off road . Operators of OHV's retrieving downed big game are still responsible for damage to native plants. [\quote]

With further review of AZ other game units, it appears that there is state and public trust land in many units that allow the off road retrieval of game.

But nowhere do I see anything that says I can't load my dead critter on my ATV and haul it back to camp. EG, it is now, your turn to show that using an ATV to retrieve game is illegal. Please be specific about what makes the loading of dead critters onto ATVs illegal (show sources). From my readings it says some areas are closed to travel, but nowhere do I see anything that says I can't take the animal to an open trail or road and load it on my ATV.

You're turn at the plate.......

IT, you ever get the feeling that nobody is listening? That's because we aren't. :D
And Ten,

The only reason you know about the Tonto, is because somebody smarter than you actually went to the land managing agency and found the information.

You just proved the point. The Fat-Assed crowd would break the law every chance they get, if it wasn't for other people having to restrict them.
EG, don't try to sidestep the answer that you still failed to provide. I used your citation of the Tontosite as an example of YOUR incorrectness (misrepresentation). The Tonto is not the only national forest in AZ, but I can show:
What exceptions for cross-country travel would be allowed under this proposal?
The following exceptions allowing cross-country travel would apply unless currently restricted by a site-specific analysis and decision:

.... Motorized wheeled cross-country travel by the most direct route would be allowed to retrieve a legally tagged big game animal other than turkey or javelina. Through subsequent site-specific planning big game retrieval could be restricted.

From the BLM:
Limited areas are areas which are restricted at certain times, in certain areas, and/or to certain vehicular use. Most lands managed by Arizona BLM are designated as limited areas. In most BLM managed areas, the limitations are to most designated roads and trails, existing roads and trails, or in some cases, drywashes. Some areas are marked, but many are not. Overland vehicle travel is not permitted in these areas with "limited" designations. Check with our field offices regarding specific roads and trails, if in doubt.

You still haven't shown me where it is illegal to load my dead critter on my ATV......
Keep twisting snake, and I'll keep disproving you evidence.
Uhhhh... Ten,

You just keep proving the point. It is the specific managing agency that has the authority to set the travel restrictions on each piece of dirt.

If you don't check with the Agency, then you are no better than that guy that is the head of the Blue Ribbers, and now has some illegal,allegedly, activities to explain.
Here's the toy I picked up this weekend - useless for hauling game (not 4wd, rack only on the back with all the weight already there - it'll flip, etc) but loads of fun!


My son and I had a blast at the OHV rec area on Saturday! (Just to show that some people do buy these kind of toys for riding and not hunting...)
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