Ollin Magnetic Digiscoping System

Do you guys really believe that all ATV riders break the law?

Hey Marv,

The "Paws, You Got a Problem?" thread blew past the CJ Soapbox thread in no time flat. That one went 600 posts before Del shut it down...


You are aware that 17-455 allows the Gov't employees to travel cross country aren't you???

. The restrictions, prohibitions or permitted uses established pursuant to section 17-452 shall not apply to:

1. Public employees acting in the scope of their employment.
Well...I just know I'm going to regret jumping into this one, but, oh well.

I just purchased an ATV yesterday (yea for me!!) So, I guess my problem would be being lumped into the "Fat-Assed ATV Rider" crowd because of a purchase I made. I will immediately concede one point, and that is that I do, in fact, have a fat ass. So I guess that makes me a fat assed ATV rider.

So now, the question comes, will I hunt with it? The answer to that is...no. I, personally, do not see the value of road hunting. If I wanted to do that, I wouldn't have dropped the cash on the ATV, I would just drive my truck. I did get the ATV in Mossy Oak paint, because I think it expresses my personality as a hunter. I bought it for recreational use on approved roads and trails, which we have a lot of up here. I also need it for the plow...my driveway is waaaaay too big and our winters are waaaay too long.

So...I guess I don't appreciate being called names based upon my ATV ownership. I do believe that there are plenty of responsible ATV owners. Unfortunately, its the bad ones that get your attention. Let me give you an analogy. Have you ever gotten a bogus traffic ticket from a good cop?? Hell no, because a good cop wouldn't give you a bogus ticket. Chances are, you are never going to meet the good cop. Is it because there are no good cops?? Once again, hell no. There are plenty of good cops, in fact, I would say the majority of them are. But, when you get a bogus ticket, all of a sudden, all cops are bad in your eyes. The same thing applies in this situation. You don't see the good ATV riders because they are not attracting attention to themselves by doing stupid things. They are staying out of the way.

I would like to add that in my 15 years of hunting in Arizona (I started at 10 and moved to Alaska at 25) I NEVER...I repeat...NEVER witnessed any illegal activity on ATV's by hunters. I hunted deer in Kaibab, elk in the White Mountains, turkey on the Mogollon Rim, and javelina allllll over southern Arizona. Not to mention the countless bird and rabbit trips I took. In all that time, the only time I saw illegal activity was by young kids on dirt bikes and the souped up "non-hunting" ATV's. Of that, I saw plenty.

So please, don't include me in your little name calling because I have a fat ass and I ride an ATV. I ride responsibly...as I am sure many others do. Take a deep breath and realize that there are thousands of people who think that you are the epitomy of evil because you hunt. I am sure you would disagree if they said all hunters poach animals because hunters have been arrested for poaching. It is the same thing.

Thank you.
"Fat-Assed ATV Rider" originated here in SI and it's been great fun using the label. I hope nobody takes it very seriously. After all, we know there are some ATV riders who don't have fat asses and the ones who do might be able to get rid of them if they'd get off and do some walking. :D

The most amazing thing in this thread was Del asking the inital question "Do all break the law...". And then we come up with the AZ boys who say no, but refused to check with the Agency that has the Authority.

I would guess some MIGHT not break the law, but how do you know if you never ask the right questions to the right people? It took Ithica, who I doubt has any interest in hunting from an ATV in AZ to actually make a phone call.

It was funny to watch the refusal to make calls or check travel maps, or even worse, acknowledge that they don't know, but they would soon find out.

And a question, by your own admission, you have a Fat Ass, and you now have an ATV, so doesn't that make you a ___________ ???? Ahhhh, never mind...
Yes Gunner I know that Those Fat assed/lazy/ donut sucking/ Government employee`s are riding thru the woods perfectly legal [did i ever say they wern`t legal?] Man are you losing it? Why would us AZ boys have to check maps and make phone calls? Hey we know where were at, and we know where were going.
:D ...you must get lost alot [your lost here]
Thanks for admitting you damaged the sage brush. Pretty hard not to when you drag an animal up onto it
Damn now your nitpicking about someone putting an animal on the sage brush?
you guys are unbelieveable.

Next time you walk in the forest make sure you are on a desginated path you dont want to be damaging any habitat.


If I lose some more weight, can I at least be a "skinny ass ATV rider"???

Oh and BTW, I appreciate you capitalizing "Fat Ass". It makes it sound much more official that way!!! :D :D :D
Gunner you're right...I forgot (thank gawd) about the Paws thread. All that ass kickin' stacked up the posts pretty dang fast...probably more on that thread then on P.F.'s entire forum :rolleyes:

Next time you walk in the forest make sure you are on a desginated path you dont want to be damaging any habitat.
....that damage could never happen, after all, some of the folks on this board can walk on water ;) ;)
"Thanks for admitting you damaged the sage brush. Pretty hard not to when you drag an animal up onto it "

Ithaca ,Are you for real ? ROFLMAO.
Going by the standards set forth by Ithaca , we should make sure where and how that animal tip's over before we shoot it ?
Ithaca ,are you really a hunter?
Because I don't know anyone that hunt's big game that hasn't had one tip over in some nasty crap and they have had to damage some native plant to take care of it ,roll it over,tie it up,drag it,hang it in a tree,
use a horse,come on get real .
MarvB you know every time a good fight breaks out here on S.I., it has a good chance of catching my soapbox. :D Hey i shot a whitetail a few years back and the thing took out a couple of cholla cactus as it was rolling down the hill, i was digging cacti out of that thing before i could gut it. So should i include myself as a "habitat destroyer"? or was it the deers fault?
Potlatch's 670,000 acres of Idaho forestlands are open to public recreation
With some exceptions and seasonal restrictions, company forestlands are open to the public for a wide range of recreational pursuits. To protect the forest values we all enjoy, the company has established a few simple, common sense guidelines. The guidelines are summarized in an interactive document and can be downloaded in a four-panel brochure from this page. For your convenience, we are also providing a general map of Potlatch's Idaho lands.

You'll need Abode reader to open the brochure.

I'll start a new topic with this one. Brochures are available at all ATV venders in North Idaho (or on the net).
Uhhh... Ten, you gotta try and keep up with us on these topics....

As you proved, it is the owner/Agency that dictates travel policy. Not the fish and game.
Good post Ten Bears...nothing wrong with good information. Gunner would you say that if G&F can write tickets for offroad travel/game retrieval that they also can tell you/grant permission to go offroad [BLM/F.S.] we already know they can on state lands, But if they can write tickets on BLM/national forest, what gives them "jurisdiction"........I don`t see where a F.service cop could enforce G&F laws/regs?
MD, "Because I don't know anyone that hunt's big game that hasn't had one tip over in some nasty crap and they have had to damage some native plant to take care of it ,roll it over,tie it up,drag it,hang it in a tree,"

It's real easy to carry a hunter's skyhook on your ATV and use that to load game instead of damaging the trees and vegetation. I think Cabela's has them.
Here is the latest for big game hunting- nicknamed the SPARD (Sagebrush Protection Aerial Removal Device) it has become the latest rage in removal of downed game from sensitve habitats....optional ATV/Helipad available at additonal cost.



LOL MarvB,I will be sure to put that baby on my christmas list this year.

"It's real easy to carry a hunter's skyhook on your ATV and use that to load game instead of damaging the trees and vegetation. I think Cabela's has them."

WOW what a good idea Ithaca, Im sure it also comes with that new (beam me up scotty animal transporter & gut removal system ) so no dead animal ever has to hit the ground again and assault the tree's or vegetation and leave nasty innard's laying around .

:rolleyes: :rolleyes:

Could an obsession some of the radical environmental people have stem from being in a constant state of constipation brought on by the fear of taking a dump in the outdoor's and causing damage to the trees and vegetation.
Ithaca, You are being really dumb :rolleyes:
Why don't you give MD a break, I thought Bullies were supposed to out grow it by around the 6th grade.
Every time she posts something you and "others" jump all over everything she posts. this last crack about a fricking sage was the lamest yet

There are other ways besides a helicopter to not leave tracks on the ground. Of course it is hard on the fish, but it saves the vegitation...

Looks like the guy on the front is starting to get a bit of a Fat... :rolleyes:

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