PEAX Equipment

Do Nonresidents have a reasonable chance of drawing Bison, Moose, Sheep, or Goat tags

Late to the party…

No not residents do not have a reasonable chance of drawing sheep, goat, moose tags.

BUT, neither do residents.

If you want to hunt them DIY or for a reasonable rate, you are going to have to try and draw a tag.

Odds are horrible but it can be done. I killed a great moose in the Yukon a long time ago and have no interest in a little Shiras so I concentrate on sheep. I’ve drawn a CO Rocky and an AZ Desert. Along the way I’ve drawn a UT mountain goat and a September AK Musk Ox, both of which I did DIY and that meant the world to me.

If you have piles of money, just going on hunts is easy. I do not have that luxury.
Wow-that's awesome, those are some impressive tags to draw. Over how many years?
The moose in my freezer had no idea there was residents, non residents, or points. All it knew was a that loud sound hurt.
40 years ago you had a reasonable chance of drawing moose, sheep, or goat. Not so reasonable today. 40 years from now? Probably not good at all in the future.
Oh, and if Gianforte and Co. keep running the state, people like the Wilks Brothers probably won't let you hunt their moose, sheep, and goats.
Wow-that's awesome, those are some impressive tags to draw. Over how many years?

I did not understand the draw systems and how important it was to get into them until my late 20s so 22-23 years. I remember thinking “why would anyone pay $7 for a Wyoming sheep point”? Sure do wish I could go back in time and talk to a much younger me. Been very blessed to draw some great tags.
Zero chance if you do not apply. With a lot of luck you can draw with planning.
Some of my hunts. All DIY.
Wyoming moose
MT moose 2014
Idaho moose 2016 (my
Utah Rocky Bighorn Ram 2020
Nev. Desert Bighorn ram 2020
Colorado Mtn Goat 2021

Like I said, a lot of luck and planning. With the way states are treating non residents it is and will get harder and harder.
Wish you luck. 😎😎
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No, there is no reasonable chance of drawing unless maybe you put in for every animal in every state and you're still looking at probably a 20 year span to draw something.

I decided several years ago that not drawing wasn't going to stop me from hunting. I just use a camera instead of a gun. I've started going to my preferred mnt goat draw area each summer for a back country scouting trip. I still do the work and have a great feeling when I find the goat I'm after. When and if I do actually draw, I will know the area well. In the mean time, I'm having a blast scouting.

Coats aren't prime, but it's still a blast being up there with them
No, there is no reasonable chance of drawing unless maybe you put in for every animal in every state and you're still looking at probably a 20 year span to draw something.

I decided several years ago that not drawing wasn't going to stop me from hunting. I just use a camera instead of a gun. I've started going to my preferred mnt goat draw area each summer for a back country scouting trip. I still do the work and have a great feeling when I find the goat I'm after. When and if I do actually draw, I will know the area well. In the mean time, I'm having a blast scouting.

Coats aren't prime, but it's still a blast being up there with them
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This is an awesome idea. You’ll know the country better than any of the other tag holders when you do draw.
Not accurate. You can count up how many bull moose tags were awarded to NR. Or, if want a cow moose tag, count up how many cow moose tags were awarded to NR. Then look up how many NR applicants there were for bull. Or, cow. Now, divide species NR tags by species NR applicants. Those are your odds and in no year is that 30% much less 100%. GMU-level past results are simply no more relevant than using last month's lottery numbers for your ticket this week.

You can use some strategy on the GMU to select as your one and only choice. For example, a significant portion of NR sheep applicants chase a single sheep GMU. Apply for any other sheep GMU and your odds are higher than what would anticipate by dividing NR sheep tags awarded divided by all NR sheep applicants.
Not sure if that works or not, but it was my plan. I drew an Idaho California Bighorn tag about 15 years ago.