Ollin Magnetic Digiscoping System

Devaluing Non-Residents

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More down-trodden NR friends...just sitting on the couch never holding a tag.






Hey rjthe"hunter",

Still want to make the claim that NR's are getting the shaft in Wyoming for opportunities?

I have alot more elk pictures from my NR family and friends before me move on to pronghorn....
Wrong, just over 50% of the GF budget comes from NR's in Wyoming....again, get your facts straight.

As for tag percentages, why don't you try actually looking instead of running your mouth...way more than the initial tag splits, and that actually is a FACT.

Semantic point to Buzz. It's license revenue, not all revenue.

Do we know what the WY contribution to PR/DJ was and how much NR PR/DJ WY has picked up?
Hey rjthe"hunter",

Still want to make the claim that NR's are getting the shaft in Wyoming for opportunities?

I have alot more elk pictures from my NR family and friends before me move on to pronghorn....
Buzz, no one cares. Seriously. I'm glad your friends can get an occasional tag and all the leftover antlerless tags they want. That's not what everyone is looking for.
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Buzz, no one cares. Seriously. I'm glad your friends can get an occasional tag and all the leftover antlerless tags they want. That's not what everyone is looking for.
Sorry you can't have a unit 100 bull tag every year...you aren't everyone, some NR's really deserve to call themselves hunters.
Outfitters are beneficiaries. So are the unemployed. So are anti-hunters.

The law is fairly specific, in that it defines individuals who are citizens.

Of course, this is all settled in courts if it comes to it, but no beneficiary should have primacy over another. Citizenship is the bar, not economic contributions.

I wouldn’t argue that it’s not complicated. It’s very complicated. But the trickle-down economic arguments will inevitably obfuscate the issue to the detriment of those who don’t have economic leverage. The plebes will lose when we start entertaining “worthiness” based on business benefit and land ownership. One could argue we already are.

Then define "Benefit."
Hey rj,

16 years straight for my buddies from AZ on pronghorn buck tags, at least 25-30 doe tags each as well.

Not enough opportunity?

Year one:


16 years later, with 14 more in between:

Theres one guy on HT (fellow dav) that i bet feels wyoming it extremly generous. He got the shaft as a NR when wyoming transfered him a exclusive November muley tag and a antelope tag (at no cost to him) to shot both of his species first. Wy has a amazing DAV program that is open to NRs, only one other state does anything for NRs and thats in price only.

Its bitching cause your a grumpy f!@k or your local hunting sucks season....
Sorry you can't have a unit 100 bull tag every year...you aren't everyone, some NR's really deserve to call themselves hunters.
You're really good at jumping to conclusions. Maybe people want the opportunity to harvest a bull? It's not always about the size. It's about the opportunity. Why do you think so many people play the lottery? Because there's a chance.

Just because shooting a late season cow elk out of a herd of 50 in a field isn't everyone's first choice, it doesn't mean we only want premiere tags.

I'm glad you've been part of harvesting so many cow elk. Nothing screams conservationist like stacking up offspring producing cows...

Are you done spamming yet?
Theres one guy on HT (fellow dav) that i bet feels wyoming it extremly generous. He got the shaft as a NR when wyoming transfered him a exclusive November muley tag and a antelope tag (at no cost to him) to shot both of his species first. Wy has a amazing DAV program that is open to NRs, only one other state does anything for NRs and thats in price only.

Its bitching cause your a grumpy f!@k or your local hunting sucks season....
I just wish there was a state with the same quality as WY that's even half as generous to NR's...
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i'm sitting at a conference and definitely did not read this whole thread. but holy crap i still get tags all the time in wyoming, nearly every year i have some sort of tag up there. and especially so if you're okay with no head gear on the animal.

there is still so much opportunity across the lower 48. if i wanted to i could probably forgo ever getting a resident tag in colorado again and have more tags across the lower 48 in multiple states than i could realistically have time to hunt. it would be cool if NR allocation in wyoming was higher, but it is what it is and i'm not gonna hold wildlife and public lands advocacy hostage because it's lower than i would prefer. i'm especially not gonna whine (though of course i wish it was higher, duh) about it when i advocate for higher R allocation in my own state.

in any case i apply every year in wyoming and likely always will and will enjoy it more than the last time every time i get to go up there and chase a critter. on top of that i will continue donate to access yes on every application no matter how often i draw.
For every one of the whiners who are talking about NR will stop buying tags at a certain price blah blah...There are 10 people waiting to buy your tag for the price you are complaining about. Supply < Demand ..When is the last time point creep ever went down in ANY state? Which means there are more people wanting the tags and always will be. Its rather comical when someone actually thinks they will ever bankrupt a state's game and fish revenue...which you never will thanks to the next person in line behind you.
I said it before and I'll say it again...dump your points in the western states, stop buying them unless you are trying to get to a certain level and then cash them on one a last hunt. Stop giving these states your hunting and your vacation dollars. Leave the hunting to the locals and call it a day. Then and only then will you know the answer to your question.
You're really good at jumping to conclusions. Maybe people want the opportunity to harvest a bull? It's not always about the size. It's about the opportunity. Why do you think so many people play the lottery? Because there's a chance.

Just because shooting a late season cow elk out of a herd of 50 in a field isn't everyone's first choice, it doesn't mean we only want premiere tags.

I'm glad you've been part of harvesting so many cow elk. Nothing screams conservationist like stacking up offspring producing cows...

Are you done spamming yet?
Yeah, my nephew has had 3 bull tags in Wyoming in the past 5 years and he was only 18 when he drew year before last. Only reason he didn't snag a 4th is because of college.

Oh, and get it right, most of the herds we kill cows out of are 200-1000 in size.

You'd know that if you ever hunted Wyoming.

Here's a "cow" my NR friend shot last year, second tag in a premier WY area.

i'm sitting at a conference and definitely did not read this whole thread. but holy crap i still get tags all the time in wyoming, nearly every year i have some sort of tag up there. and especially so if you're okay with no head gear on the animal.

there is still so much opportunity across the lower 48. if i wanted to i could probably forgo ever getting a resident tag in colorado again and have more tags across the lower 48 in multiple states than i could realistically have time to hunt. it would be cool if NR allocation in wyoming was higher, but it is what it is and i'm not gonna hold wildlife and public lands advocacy hostage because it's lower than i would prefer. i'm especially not gonna whine (though of course i wish it was higher, duh) about it when i advocate for higher R allocation in my own state.

in any case i apply every year in wyoming and likely always will and will enjoy it more than the last time every time i get to go up there and chase a critter. on top of that i will continue donate to access yes on every application no matter how often i draw.
This… had two cow tags last year and could have had three
Hey rjthe"hunter",

Still want to make the claim that NR's are getting the shaft in Wyoming for opportunities?

I have alot more elk pictures from my NR family and friends before me move on to pronghorn....
Look, I'm normally on your side when it comes to your feud with RJ, and to be totally honest I am on your side on this debate as well.... but maybe cool with the pics cause it comes across like you want us to measure your hog. We all measure hogs in our own way, so it wouldn't even be an accurate measurement. Some may measure from the base of the pelvis while others measure from the bottom.

I'm a proud NR Hunter. Always have been. Always will be. If there are 1,000,000 NR hunters, I am one of them. If there is only one NR Hunter, that hunter is me. If there are no longer any NR Hunters, I am dead.

Good chance I'll be back to WY for a third time in a row this fall. If bad comes to bad I'll just go fishing in Wyoming instead.
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