Laszlo Cravensworth
Well-known member
All in all RJ I get what you're saying, NR money and federal money fund the locals of all states who don't seem to pay their fair's been happening for years. I personally would love to see WY and other states make their local hunters pay half what a NR does for a tag, but we all know that won't go far. If I pay $375, they should pay $187.50 for the same tag....and so on...but states will never do it and I agree, if the federal money and NR money dried up I know things would change. We all know it will never happen either, so there is not reason to complain about it. Hunters are lazy when it comes to things like this...I have stated that a few times here. Really all you can do is just live with it, cash in those points and stop hunting, unfortunately this will never change in our lifetime.
That's some individual idealism though. There is no generally accepted belief or rule that suggests what residents or non-residents should be paying.
I'd advocate for most states to charge residents more, and I do think it's gotten rather expensive in some states for non-residents, but these numbers are for the residents/ game agencies of an individual state to determine. Hand waving about it from across the country is pointless in the same way that complaining about another states taxes is pointless. The only way to benefit from the system is to move to that state, and that frequently requires a sacrifice in one area or another.
Picking which states to hunt in as a non-resident is just the same as choosing what is the best state to retire in. I'm not going to complain that Hawaii taxes are too high for the average person to retire there, and non-resident tourists subsidize their economy so they should be more willing to share their sunshine with me...