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Devaluing Non-Residents

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Wow, you've been taking lessons from buzz now huh? Funny how a year ago you messaged me saying how you didn't like him, now you're a fan.

I never said tags should be free, and I also never said I wouldn't buy a tag. But if you're offering, I'd gladly send you my Venmo and you can pay for my elk tag. I appreciate the opportunity to hunt, but at what point will you be priced out of NR hunting? Everyone has a limit right? I'm well off enough to ride increases out for years. It's not going to affect me any time soon. But I know plenty of people aren't in the same position I am and they might be getting a lot closer to their limits. If you want to turn it in to a rich mans sport, then do so. But that goes against the whole DIY public land hunting that many of us do.
It's entirely possible to not like or agree somebody and still have view points that align on different topics. As far as it becoming a rich man's game there's a lot of reasons many are willing to pay such high prices. One big reason is loss of access around home. I know that's certainly the case for me. As I was trying to justify the special elk price a couples nights ago I thought to myself you know for the $2k I still can't even lease a remotely decent piece of property to hunt around home. (I don't lease but I also really don't have anywhere to hunt deer around home anymore due to leasing become so common). That's if I could even convince someone to lease it to me. Or for $2k I could go on what was considered the hunt of a lifetime when I was growing up. That's what's driven the prices up is competition here at home and people seeking out other opportunities to hunt imo or a large contributing factor anyhow. If I still had the amount of property to hunt for free $2k tag won't even be a consideration. For that matter leaving town to hunt would probably be something that would only happen once a decade or once a lifetime.
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It's entirely possible to not like or agree somebody and still have view points that align on different topics. As far as it becoming a rich man's game there's a lot of reasons many are willing to pay such high prices. One big reason is loss of access around home. I know that's certainly the case for me. As I was trying to justify the special elk price a couples nughts ago I thought to myself you know for the $2k I still can't even lease a remotely piece of property to hunt around home. (I don't lease but I also really don't have anywhere to hunt deer around home anymore due to leasing become so common). That's if I could even convince someone to lease it to me. Or for $2k I could go on what was considered the hunt of a lifetime when I was growing up. That's what's driven the prices up is competition here at home and people seeking out other opportunities to hunt imo or a large contributing factor anyhow. If I still had the amount of property to hunt for free $2k tag won't even be a consideration. For that matter leaving town to hunt would probably be something that would only happen once a decade or once a lifetime.
Also for the record I didn't put the money in for the special.
Wow, you've been taking lessons from buzz now huh? Funny how a year ago you messaged me saying how you didn't like him, now you're a fan.

I never said tags should be free, and I also never said I wouldn't buy a tag. But if you're offering, I'd gladly send you my Venmo and you can pay for my elk tag. I appreciate the opportunity to hunt, but at what point will you be priced out of NR hunting? Everyone has a limit right? I'm well off enough to ride increases out for years. It's not going to affect me any time soon. But I know plenty of people aren't in the same position I am and they might be getting a lot closer to their limits. If you want to turn it in to a rich mans sport, then do so. But that goes against the whole DIY public land hunting that many of us do.
NR tag prices have very very little to do with why hunting may become only a rich man's game.
And @rjthehunter As far as buzz goes. He completely understands that I think he comes across as a total ass. I sent him a link on how to not be an asshole so he would be aware.
That being said it doesn't mean I can't agree with him some of the time and disagree with him some of the time or still think he is an ass some of the time for that matter. Just like half the people on here probably think I'm an ass some of the time. Just like I think your a whiny wind bag of an ass some of the time who just wants to start arguments.
Reposting your tables @Oak because they deserve to be seen again.

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The fact that several NR on this very thread can look at these numbers, coupled with the drastic increases in NR demand over the same time period, and then keep right on trucking with the “I don’t get enough opportunity”, is exactly why NR shouldn’t get a bigger slice of the pie IMO. They are disturbingly clueless (or careless, not sure which) about current wildlife population trends and the management of threats to those populations in the West. There still seems to be this weird Frontier mentality that animals are unlimited, shoot all you want, residents are just greedy…blah blah blah. The above type of population decline is observable in many big game species in most Western States, and should be really f-ing alarming to anyone, R or NR. If we keep on this trend, no one will be hunting anything, regardless of residency down the road.

To suggest, as many on here seem to be, that your NR “advocacy” is dependent on residents pimping out the declining remains of our dwindling herds just so you can shoot stuff more frequently and on the cheap is why residents will continue to tell you to pound sand. That type of “advocacy” is rarely valuable, and isn’t worth the cost IMO.

Alright, back to my self imposed exile…
Agreed and well put with documentation.

Here is a graph showing declining pronghorn numbers also.

The state gov is who is to blame... depending on the sale of tags to finance their projects and looking at wildlife as a commodity to be traded as a money maker.

I still say over grazing and over selling tags are the two biggest culprits, followed by unpredictable weather... in which we could soften the blow of bad weather events by proper management while keeping the health of wildlife herds in mind and quality of the hunting experience in mind.
And @rjthehunter As far as buzz goes. He completely understands that I think he comes across as a total ass. I sent him a link on how to not be an asshole so he would be aware.
That being said it doesn't mean I can't agree with him some of the time and disagree with him some of the time or still think he is an ass some of the time for that matter. Just like half the people on here probably think I'm an ass some of the time. Just like I think your a whiny wind bag of an ass some of the time who just wants to start arguments.
Go back and see who started the stone throwing and name calling. Then go back to every single discussion I've had with buzz. See a common theme? You'll think what you want until you go back and find where the thread turned into a pissing match. Same scenario on every interaction I have with buzz. I ask a question he doesn't like or make a good point, and he starts spamming pictures and calling me names.

I definitely get your point of view. I'm a whiney wind bag for wondering why NRs are being treated like the enemy all the time.
I definitely get your point of view. I'm a whiney wind bag for wondering why NRs are being treated like the enemy all the time.
So go cry about it. I hunt out of state to. It is what it is. I'm not a resident of 49 states therefore I pay a premium to hunt in those 49 states. That money works for wildlife on all levels. My money could definitely be spent on way worse things. Nobody is giving me the finger or treating me like the enemy. Residents speak with a lot of rhetoric about NRs, but I've never had issues with any face to face. Always been pleasant interactions. The rhetoric is just historical banter that will never change. Mostly good natured ribbing.
Non residents have been blamed for the decline in deer numbers in WY in this thread multiple times already...
Well, I guess stop giving them your money and teach them a lesson. I don't know what else to tell you. Like has been posted here there's hundreds/ thousands waiting in line behind you to take your place.
All in all RJ I get what you're saying, NR money and federal money fund the locals of all states who don't seem to pay their fair's been happening for years. I personally would love to see WY and other states make their local hunters pay half what a NR does for a tag, but we all know that won't go far. If I pay $375, they should pay $187.50 for the same tag....and so on...but states will never do it and I agree, if the federal money and NR money dried up I know things would change. We all know it will never happen either, so there is not reason to complain about it. Hunters are lazy when it comes to things like this...I have stated that a few times here. Really all you can do is just live with it, cash in those points and stop hunting, unfortunately this will never change in our lifetime.
Well, I guess stop giving them your money and teach them a lesson. I don't know what else to tell you. Like has been posted here there's hundreds/ thousands waiting in line behind you to take your place.
Like I said previously, I'm not going to stop hunting. I'm not being priced out of it, but know people that are.
So go cry about it. I hunt out of state to. It is what it is. I'm not a resident of 49 states therefore I pay a premium to hunt in those 49 states. That money works for wildlife on all levels. My money could definitely be spent on way worse things. Nobody is giving me the finger or treating me like the enemy. Residents speak with a lot of rhetoric about NRs, but I've never had issues with any face to face. Always been pleasant interactions. The rhetoric is just historical banter that will never change. Mostly good natured ribbing.
You're right, we shouldn't talk about the issues. That always helps.
The premise is all wrong from the get go. There are no middle fingers and NRs aren’t considered the enemy. Rework the thesis if you don’t wanna get constantly shit on by buzz and others .
Was it really wrong from the get go? Did you read the article and my questions on it from post #1?

All in all RJ I get what you're saying, NR money and federal money fund the locals of all states who don't seem to pay their fair's been happening for years. I personally would love to see WY and other states make their local hunters pay half what a NR does for a tag, but we all know that won't go far. If I pay $375, they should pay $187.50 for the same tag....and so on...but states will never do it and I agree, if the federal money and NR money dried up I know things would change. We all know it will never happen either, so there is not reason to complain about it. Hunters are lazy when it comes to things like this...I have stated that a few times here. Really all you can do is just live with it, cash in those points and stop hunting, unfortunately this will never change in our lifetime.
The NR money will never dry up, because there's lots of loaded people out there. Apparently we shouldn't talk about this on the internet though. People get pretty upset about it.
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