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Heres 2 that I shot in 3 years. I was lucky to get drawn for one let alone 2 in the same unit 1 year apart.
Unit 9 the first one was shot on the east side of the highway in the pine trees, I saw it on a flat way way away while going home opening morning. Yup had some problems at the shop right after I left so I told april I was going to get some sleep then would be home by 9am(opening morning) to get them straightend out... Then I would come back up friday night and be home sat. night...
I was a little late I shot my antelope right when the sun came up still made it home by 10:30-11:00am..
I saw a small herd of them out in an opening about 200 yards x 600 yards in the think pines. but they were about a mile away. I drove up to a spot I could pull over and darted through pine trees to get close enough. crawled on my belly for a while. (it was also opening day for muzzy bull elk) seems I kicked out a big elk and a guy shot it right behind me.... the antelope that I saw was biigger than the one I shot, he was standing up about 400 yards broadside. I was using a 243 with a 24x leupold and a harris bypod. I set the bypod down and couldnt see due to the tall grass. when I put the gun barrel up on a small pine tree and found the antelope he looked smaller and was 700+ yards away. I was thinking it was the same animal but the distance just made it look smaller. I shot hit it in the neck and it dropped like a rock. all the others took off.
As I am walking up to the antelope there was a small gulley and the org one was laying there and got up and ran. he was definatly bigger by about 2-3 inches and had alot more mass. seems the org. one had layed down and the one I shot stood up when I was repostioning my rifle for a better shot. Hell this was my first antelope tag and I was still happy, not as big as I was hoping for but bigger than most I have seen in that unit.... Oh yeah when I was cleaning my antelope the 2 guys that shot the big bullstopped by to let me know they got a big one that I had kicked out while stalking this lope. they said it was in the 350-375 range. kinda funny cause the night before they asked me if I seen any elk and I told them just in the desert areas when I was driving up and have never seen any elk with in 3 miles of this area( they hadnt either and were thinking of moving that afternoon)... I asked them if they had seen and antelope and they laughed and said antelope dont hang in the pines... we were both laughing about that in the AM.


This antelope I shot on the second day of the hunt (2 years later)with a good friend of mine. we glassed lots of antelope but I wanted a perfect heart shaped one. saw some real nice non-typicles and lots of dinks...

( I will type this story later I have to get working and will be back late tonight) I have this hunt on vid also including the piss poor shot and the kill)


bowhuntinmaniac, how is this one? Not quite as nice as the others posted but I knew if I posted a pick that others would start.
This is my only one to date. Didn't draw this year again, maybe next year????
Hey BT,
I say any 'lope with a bow is awesome. Great job and Congrats to ya!! Let's here the story.
I have only taken 1 so far with a bow, and it doesn't good to draw a tag in AZ anymore. With the credit card thing, plus they cut tags BAD this year.
Damn Blacktimber! in that 3rd pic is that you or Frasier Crane???

Delw, I just subbed my app for unit 9 rifle and unit 1 bow. If i draw i may be picking your brain a bit....
You draw I'll be more than happy to show you around.
Cause I know I wont draw this year, maybe my daughter will.... but you never know

Why wont you draw?? dont you even have a chance? I only have one point but i at least have a prayer in the archery tag.
I got drawn twice in 3 years, I think it would be very unlikley I get another...... But you never know....
I am really hoping for my bighorn tag this year....
Oh shit omen... I forgot..... let me see if I can find a still real quick... I saw it when I was redoing my pc today...

--That was 6 days ago. That picture must be buried under a pile of manure ten feet high.

I have over 100 cds of back ups.....
On one of my harddrives I found alot of movie clips but all of elk not of the antelope.... I know its on that hard drive somewhere cause thats the one that has alot of elk vids on it.... Its only a 75 gig harddrive so it shouldnt take that long.... As far as the video tapes havent even looked for the missing few yet

6 Days hahaha more like 8 months is when you first posted this topic wasnt it?

Time to go and work on some boats be back in 6 days

DELW... Who can't find a Pic of soem BIG ASS CRITTER ?!?!
I'm guessing all that Backup is the "RB saga" ? Let it go....

Just make sure the server is backed up and thats all that simportant... Ohhh and Porn too, I guess
Yeah, what am I talkin''s been 8 friggin months. That pic is definitely buried under the widest and tallest steaming pile of manure I can imagine. And that's pretty big because I have a big imagination.
Omen said <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR> And it better not be me who you're calling Pee Wee. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

(I just went back and saw that, missed it first time around)

YAH, PEE WEE Herman.. I was letting everyone know who you were when I said I knew who you were .....
I'm guessing you took offence
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