
Deer Stand by Shaky


New member
Mar 28, 2001
Ohio but my heart is always in the woods
Here is a pic that Shaky sent of the deer stand he said I will be in

Holy Cow Nut. That looks big enough for your whole family to hunt out of. I hope you connect on a big Pa whitetail.
If you look real carefull you can see me sitting on the top of the base as they lowered the top down over top of me.

I have more pics to send Nut,,,he is welcome to post them here.

If you look you can see green corners (vertically), that is 1 1/2" angle iron for added strength. We installed the cushy seats today. If you are familiar with the type of seats Cabela's sells to install in boats,,,thats what we bought and installed. The seat is mounted on a pnuematic stainless steel post that adjusts up and down 6 inches and swivels 360 degrees with absolutely zero noise. This week we are going to have the carpeting made to size and put it down on the floor to lesson the noise of ones feet on the bottom.

I sat in that exact stand today from 5pm till 6pm. I saw a total of 3 bucks, one 10 point that I guessed at around 140 B&C, 2 eight points that were duking it out over 2 does. They fought for over 15 minutes, not more then 200 yards from the stand. I would guess the 2 eight points at around 110 to 120 B&C. I saw 22 doe in the hour I was in the stand, they were anywhere from 53 yards to 360 yards measured with leice geovids.

If Nut isn't comfy enough or doesn't like the stand,,,to hell with him, lol.

Have a good one all,

This is just a bit of an explanation of the pics Nut posted for me.

1. The 2 tops inside the shop.

2. Setting up to put up the top on the stand Nut will be hunting out of. Thats me with the orange hat,,,showing my best side, lol.

3. This is Dave's stand in place and the stand Nut will be in is on the truck.

4. Here Dave and Myself are unloading the base for Dave's stand. We had them set, leveled and put 12 bags of sacrete in the 4 holes. It shouldn't move, lol.

5. This pic was taken outside our shop. I am the fugly one with the white beard.

I am 6' 5" amd Dave is 6' 6" so that gives you an idea how high the stands are - 8'.
We can easily stand up inside them.

Just when you've thought you've seen it all.... :D :D. Nice stands Shaky! Make sure 'Nut sights his rifle in shooting down hill, looks like the over 45 Degree elevation thing may come into play.

Now Shaky just do me one favor, If 'Nut climbs up into that thing wearing his pink dress and a "T", DON'T POST THE PICTURE. :D:D

Good luck hunting and have a safe season fellows! ;) WD
My room at college wasn't that big nor that nice!!! :D Sure makes those 2X4 platforms I hunted out of in IN look shabby!

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