NEW SITKA Ambient 75

Deer Season 21-22. It begins…

Good luck! How do you like that saddle? Thinking I may have to add that as an option next season
Good luck! How do you like that saddle? Thinking I may have to add that as an option next season

So far I like it. Still refining my system. I have been in it for 3.5 hours this morning and it is plenty comfortable. I like that it isn’t bulky and pretty light. Should be able to pack it and a quartered deer with my metcalf, no problem.

Lot of mobility in the tree as well.
So I picked a really awful spot by going off of past experience. Sometimes it works, sometimes not so much. Never saw one acorn on the ground in this creek drainage. 2 squirells is all I managed to see in 2 days. Weren’t even birds around. Weird.

I did have some excitement on Saturday morning when a buxom lass and her man pulled up and parked at the pull off we were camped at within 30 feet of my step pops tent and announced that this was their spot and they were hunting it and proceeded to start unloading stands. Now, we sawed our way in to this spot on Friday morning about daybreak because there were still logs across the road from last falls hurricane, confirmed by my forays down this road not long after said hurricane and then again during spring turkey. They were basically told they can hunt wherever they want but they ain’t parking in our camp especially with another pull off 200 yard back the way they came. They finally left never to be seen again… The joys of dealing with the public on public land.

Not sure if I will hunt one of the WMA’s by the house or down on the lease this weekend… but now that I started I can’t stop.
I was able to break away from the confounded laptop and company phone early enough to make a short sit down on the old home place this evening. Not much for sign on the half mile walk in. Usually once the pressure ramps up on the surrounding hunting club things get going here. It is good to be back in a place that has been so good to me over the last 30+ years. I miss this being hardwoods interspersed with longleaf pine like it was when I was a kid but it is still home.
4015C0AD-98F4-4805-92F6-C3D233688350.jpegWell, I was supposed to be sitting on a ridge about 3.5 miles in to an Ozark Mountain wilderness area this morning, instead I am 350 yards from my back door on the back of my place looking for a fat deer of any kind besides a young buck. I am not sure how long I will be able to stomach the “kiddo stand”…
Thought I would update this thread. Long story short is I hunted about 6 days of the last 10 and haven't pulled the trigger. I always say I am gonna shoot the first fatty that walks out and then just end up watching them. The deer numbers seem to be down here at home and out on the old homeplace that I have leased. The public land around the house, about 100,000 acres worth, has a disappointing amount of deer sign. I am hoping with some more scouting I can find them. With a failed mast crop, it is going to be a tough winter on the deer, for down here anyway.

I am still pretty bummed I had to cancel my backpack hunt in Arkansas last week. I did a stress on Wednesday. They had to run me like a dog to get the heart rate they wanted. The doc said that was a promising sign that the ticker is probably ok. I have an echocardiogram scheduled in a little over a week, but doc said he suspects it will be fine too. They did a gallbladder ultrasound yesterday, still waiting on the results. Something is up, just have to find out what it is. Hopefully it is something minor and easily treatable.
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Got the ultrasound results back, my family doctor says it shows a fatty liver. Being referred back to the GI doctor for that.

Did a little poking around online and since I am not much of a drinker, less than a drink a month on average, I am probably looking at some dietary changes and a more stringent exercise regimen at the least. That still doesn't really explain all my symptoms so the search will continue. I just hope the echo on my heart is good and I can get back to my normal activity level in the meantime. That is 2 weeks out. I am feeling pretty good so I am going to boost up the activity level a little. Just have to make sure I don't get a deer down by myself a couple miles from the road I guess.
E34747AA-41E7-4325-8EE4-06613D5B7A29.jpegWell I finally pulled the trigger on a deer. Brings the tally to two hogs and this fine piece of venison.

Had some strange feelings when I walked up on him. Not sure if it was because my first shot went a little high and I had to finish him with a follow up or exactly what was going on, but I felt some extra remorse beyond what I always feel. After a few moments and after I had done my customary after the kill thank you and moments of silence and reflection, I had thoughts like “maybe I should have let him walk”, “ he is only a 3 year old” etc. I don’t want to dishonor a deer by feeling that way. I got over it and I am glad to have him. Maybe I am just getting soft in my middle age…