Got my deer from taxidermist Friday. DIY archery. It's not easy getting one like this off the grossly overhunted public land in Illinois. Took me 20 years but it's finally done.
This buck was killed in 2012 a couple of miles from where I grew up. He had been seen several times on our farm by various people but he was a bit of a ghost most times. It is shown at the Dixie Deer Classic where it was scored at 187 4/8; a toad in any state but for SE North Carolina it's a monster. My nephew says there's another one using the farm which is approaching this guy's dimensions, maybe his son.
This isn't mine, but a gentleman who lives in the community.
Well after seeing all of the nice bucks you lucky guys have been getting I'm glad North Dakota isn't changing their deer lottery system because there is a chance that I will get 3 ND buck tags for next season.
This was my first deer with a recurve bow. Comanche Peaks Wilderness. It was barely light enough to see and I was still-hunting. I came on two bucks sparing, five meters away. I went to my knees and they didn't notice me. I could not tell which was larger so I decided on the one that appeared to be winning, pushing the other back. When I drew, they both stopped and looked my way, broadside. The arrow went right through his heart. He's just a little guy but it was a memorable hunt.