Caribou Gear

DEER, how many........


Grand poopa
Dec 9, 2000
Boise, Idaho
Can you shoot in your STATE... NAme the State and Gender of deer and What weapon if thats Prudent....

Idaho We can Shoot one deer, Unless we (as Residents) buy a 2nd tag at out of state prices on a first come first serve case.....

The weapon doesn't matter.. Just one in General. If we do a Special draw then we are limited to that draw....

Whats it like in your state ?~?~?~~?
In Colorado you can only shoot one deer, regardless of gender or weapon. EXCEPT, there is one, or a very few units where they are trying to reduce (wipe out) the deer herd because of Chronic Wasting Disease. In this(these) units you can buy as many either-gender tags as you want. They are only valid on private property though, and you have to have the name of a landowner who has given you permission PRIOR to buying any tags.

In illinois I am allowed 2 for firearms season, we get a either sex tag and an bonus antlerless only if I want it.

Bowhunting, I can get as many as I would like to pay for.

When you get a bow tag it is good for one either sex and one antlerless only deer.

Fill it then I can get another and so on and so on.

We are limited to two bucks a year reguardless of the method, eg= muzzleloader, bow, shotgun.

We also have a handgun season which is antlerless only.
In Arizona, the annual bag limit for all big game is 1 of each species per year, regardless of weapon. You can buy a tag on one of the Indian reservations and extend that limit. :cool:
Lets see.....theres landowner tags, bonus tags, bow tags.....I think I could shoot 5 deer here if I wanted to but only 2 could be bucks.(one with gun,one with bow)
In PA a hunter is allowed 1 buck a season - makes no difference what weapong he/she uses. It is possible (in some counties) to obtain as many doe permits as your wallet can handle. In Erie county - where I hunt - you can obtain a max of 2 doe permits (this year). I have one doe permit. I just talked to a farmer today that has authorized me to kill an additional 8 doe off his property - crop damage. Another farmer who has 400 acres wants me to kill more deer on his property - crop damage permits. If I get 8 permits from him that will make my total available of 18 deer (1 being a buck). The crop damage tags are for doe only.

The local food bank will have a lot of additional deer meat this season


You can leaglly kill 6 deer in Ohio. 1 antlered deer per yr. regardless of what you use.

I also have permission for 6 deer damage permits - archery only- antlerless only.
These do not go toward my total.
Down here it depends what county your in as to the number of bucks your allowed to kill, but I think your allowed to shoot 3 or 4 does with your tag..... Might oughtta check this out before November.

:cool: :cool: :cool: :cool:
awwll poop!..........i can only give an approximate can kill about 20 - 30 deer (either sex)here in maryland. ill get back to ya on an exact number when i get the book out.......but i reckon thats about right!...JB

<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 06 September 2001 06:52: Message edited by: J.B. ]</font>
Here in New Mexico we are limited to one deer. We can only hunt during one open season with one weapon choice. We can only hunt within the particular unit for which that license is usued to hunt in, and our seasons are only a few days long.

its one here in AZ. used to be 2 as long as your first one was a draw 2nd one could be archery or even over the counter( but that was 15 years ago... I hear that if you sign up for preditation hunts you are allowed more than one deer if they call you for the hunt.(not sure though). If you really must have 2+ deer a year here in AZ there is always your vehicle,I here its unlimited for the life of your vehicle..

Ky there's statewide two tags,antlered and antlerless
bonus archery one tag,antlerless
bonus zone one two tags,antlerless
WMA quota hunt two tags,antlered,and antlerless
that's seven
Here in California it's 2 deer--usually bucks, forked horn or better--there are limited entry hunts for does though---weapon is your choice depending on the seasons though--archery and muzzleloading seasons are, of course those weapons only---chris
Texas, my liscense this year has 12 tags but only 7 are for deer, 4 are for turkey and one is for a red drum fish. The 7 deer tags are:
#5 whitetail antlerless in any county with an open season.
#6 whitetail antlerless in any county with an open season.
#7 whitetail buck in a 3 buck county or west zone 1 buck county or antlerless in any 5 deer county.
#8 whitetail buck in a 2 or 3 buck county or east zone 1 buck county or antlerless except in a 2 antlerless county.
#9 whitetail buck in a 2 or 3 buck county or antlerless except in a 2 antlerless county.
#10 Mule deer county antlerless only. (Note:I've never been on a ranch where they let us use this tag as they are all wanting more mule deer.)
#11 Mule deer county buck or antlerless.

Fallow, axis, sika, Pere David, Barasingha, and red deer are unlimited.

We can hunt all this with bow, or rifle, or pistol, or muzzleloader. Whitetail and mule bow is Oct. basically, general season, I.e. any weapon is Nov.-Dec. Muzzleloader is Jan.

There's also landowner permits. If you are hunting in the hill country of Texas on a lease managed by the Texas Parks and Wildlife, I've heard of each guy having 8 extra tags a couple of years, and they scramble to get guests to come shoot them. There's a lot of deer some places there. All these tags are subject to landowner permission and many people get a lease with one buck and one doe permitted so the landowner keeps his deer heard up. We have to use our tags correctly also. I always save the buck or doe tag for the end of season as I can hunt a big buck till the end or shoot a doe the last day if I wanted to.

There's plenty of hunting here, e.g. hogs are unlimited with no season and night hunting is ok, i.e. actually legal.
In Wisconsin, we can bag at least 4 deer. You get 2 tags with a bow license and 2 tags with a gun license. With the bow license, one tag is for antlerless deer (can be used in bow season, in either of the 2 Zone T seasons or the regular gun season) in any Zone T Game Management Unit, the other (regular) tag is buck or antlerless. With the gun license, one tag is for antlerless deer (can be used in bow season, in either of the 2 Zone T seasons or the regular gun season) in any Zone T Game Management Unit, the other (regular) tag is buck only in non-Zone T Unit and buck or antlerless in any Zone T Game Management Unit. The Zone T seasons are 4 days in late October and 4 days in early December. Our regular gun season is nine days during the week of Thanksgiving. There may be extra antlerless tags available for the non-Zone T Units which the DNR will sell for $12. I don't know if these will be available yet.

<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 13 September 2001 13:18: Message edited by: jackfish ]</font>
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