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Deeded lands


Feb 6, 2021
This is prolly a dumb question but ....

Is it possible for an area of State or BLM land to be deeded and not public?

Please add some clarity to this to avoid any trespassing concerns.

Thank you in advance for any input.
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This is prolly a dumb question but .... is there something that identifies land that is deeded?

I know when looking at a map that State lands are blue, BLM is orange, Private is white .... but how does a person know if an area is deeded.

Can an area of state or BLM land also be deeded and not public? Does an onX map show this?

Please add some clarity to this to avoid any trespassing concerns.

Thank you in advance for any input.
Not clear on your question(s). My ONX shows name of owner on each tract, usually easy to see what is private and what is public. Remember there is a difference between public land within private land with no public access and public land with public access.
No idea what you are talking about - or where - but yes some state land (depending on state) is not accessible or huntable.
Hunting access is typically more complex than checking the colors of tracts on the map or determining "deed land".
It's not difficult, but it does include other factors and information, sometimes not evident on ONX or on a map.
Where would a person find those "other factors and information" ? .... for Wyoming?
Interesting post. There are certainly state lands in Maryland that are leased to private clubs etc for a variety of reasons. Onyx does not show them as non accessible although they are usually posted as such. It’s always best to make a call before heading in if you are not sure.
...and half the NM landowners believe that BLM or State land they lease, is theirs.
You may recall the shooting death of Robt Lavoy Finicum during the Bundy Malheur Wildlife Refuge standoff debacle. Finicum (from AZ & NM) had leased BLM and constructed stock water features and done other work on his leased mostly pasture land. He felt so strongly about then owing that land that he was willing to join the Bundy protest and then challenge law enforcement, which resulted in his death. There was a video produced by Lavoy and his daughter, highlighting their good stewardship of the land, but blatantly ignoring and denying that the land was LEASED PUBLIC LAND!
You may recall the shooting death of Robt Lavoy Finicum during the Bundy Malheur Wildlife Refuge standoff debacle. Finicum (from AZ & NM) had leased BLM and constructed stock water features and done other work on his leased mostly pasture land. He felt so strongly about then owing that land that he was willing to join the Bundy protest and then challenge law enforcement, which resulted in his death. There was a video produced by Lavoy and his daughter, highlighting their good stewardship of the land, but blatantly ignoring and denying that the land was LEASED PUBLIC LAND!
I remember it well. Bundy still owes millions on leases. Been spreading the hate I hear.

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