Decolonizing conservation - shortcomings of NAMWC

I think I am being stalked...this is the second time where I have mentioned the amount of native DNA I have in an online setting and soon after started getting calls from numbers associated with the local reservation.

Once again, I identify as a white dude. I ain't joining.
Could we get some bona fide natives and anthropologists on this thread? I’ve read over all of the well-written insights here posted by we experts. Discourse appears to have devolved into righteous opines of those born into privilege.
Sorry, I won't be able to address anthropological issues right now. My recently acquired expertise in constitutional jurisprudence is desperately needed on other forums.;)
During the late Pleistocene, 40,000 to 10,000 years ago, North America lost over 50 percent of its large mammal species, mostly around 12,000 years ago, like due to overhunting. I'd wait for something better, like based on science and stuff.
During the late Pleistocene, 40,000 to 10,000 years ago, North America lost over 50 percent of its large mammal species, mostly around 12,000 years ago, like due to overhunting. I'd wait for something better, like based on science and stuff.
Oh, little ice age!
There are a few reservations up north that don't live up to those standards, To be fair though those reservations are faring better than the near by public land.
Go check out the Hoopah reservation in Northern Cali. You would be lucky to find a lizard alive there. Natives are like everyone else. Some value wildlife, some don't.
AND, many of those good ideas were never formed because of a systematic lack of opportunity for some to participate in education and innovation efforts, and a culture that placed less value on the ideas that were offered by non-white non-male scientists. Science tells us all human brains fall evenly across the IQ spectrum - if we have a world where only 5-10% of our brains (white, male, western, educated) get nurtured, educated, encouraged, and listened to it is humbling to think of all the great innovations we have lost. We have begun to make some progress but we are only 50 years from segregation - and there is good scientific data that shows that the sciences routinely under-promote the work of women and POC.

For example in 2020, female scientists in China and Brazil account for about 50% of innovations new enough and valuable enough to warrant a patent. In the US and western Europe, the number is closer to 17%. I don't have numbers for race as that is not tracked by the patent office, but I would expect a similar story.

We are tribal beings and there is no doubt we used this to routinely ignore the "other". Race, religion, and gender all played a big part in who got to have a "serious idea" over the time window of the industrial revolution and enlightenment. It is not racism to point that out and suggest we fix some of our mess. That being said, the 180 reversal of the "chosen" and the "other" is no improvement at all - here I am sure we are aligned.
Suggest you attend a UC Berkeley graduation. Homogenized education is no longer a thing. Watching the College World Series this week in both Baseball and Softball, it's not just Berkeley. Schools all over are extremely diverse.

My favs to win UT, tell me that is not a diverse group of kids, playing a sport known as America's National Pastime, being brilliant at it, enjoying their teammates. All in a red state at that.


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They lost me at the lands controlled by indigenous. They have the luxury of government assistance without having to truly "live off the land." Preeasy to preserve what you have when there is no consequence.
Let's try something not rooted in cancel culture. At the risk of upsetting some Utah folks, I met the author at the BHA Rendezvous 2022. He likes IPAs

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