De-publicize, De-glorify and De-monetize Western State Hunting

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That's great and I'm positive there a lot of areas where folks are in total agreement with him.

But I don't think it excuses his complacency & advocacy for things like the Mesa & Anticline debacle that have led to less hunter opportunity & severely diminished wildlife populations. In fact, since he's hot-to-trot on how money influences these decisions, it made me wonder how much money those companies gave his newspaper when he was advocating for the company line.

Then, to complain about NR crowding under a diminished resource he helped adcvocate for is kinda horsechit.
My experience with the Sublette County boom greatly changed they way I felt about O&G, to the point that I editorialized against any new O&G projects in Sublette County after the Anticline. The change for me come not only from the environmental impact to the desert and air quality, but also my home town.

One thing none of use realized when these projects were approve in the late 1990s and early 2000s was the impact to deer. I certainly don't recall the G&F taking a strong stand against approval.

However, if want to continue to look into me for inconsistency, you should be able to find plenty.
Wasnt sure what the bub bub was on this thread so looked around the web a bit, just a bit here my 2 cents here in Pa we cant bait bear,or deer we can use lights and hunt yotes at night . If a state has a law and its different than that so be it and if im in that state I hunt with in the law. Some guys can shoot very well at 1000 yrds Ive never done it but I do believe this is still the United States of America and we have freedom and personal choice and Im not going to tell someone what they can an cant do Esp standing on a soap box as it seems
As far as how Randy does things I dont watch or have any hunting shows on my Tv but I like his stuff thats one reason im here, as far as I know hes the only one out their helping the N/R guys to get out west n get it done
If it was me I wouldnt be throwing stones
as far as I know hes the only one out their helping the N/R guys to get out west n get it done
If it was me I wouldnt be throwing stones
@mtnprst is throwing stones at guys like these:

Sorry if you’re one of the tools in that video and that you had to drive all the way to Colorado to shoot a tiny, immature deer. But then again that was the only objective in the playbook: get a tag, kill something, and film yourself for a YouTube episode, and then sell your gear at the end.
If you watch this video in light of what @mtnprst is saying, you realize the problem, and it’s only getting worse. It WILL ruin hunting in more ways than one. I feel that Randy’s content is much more in an advocacy light, but I still feel that it has encouraged gomers like these and thousands of others, to join “the industry” and try their hand at fame and glory and a little bonus $.
@mtnprst is throwing stones at guys like these:

Sorry if you’re one of the tools in that video and that you had to drive all the way to Colorado to shoot a tiny, immature deer. But then again that was the only objective in the playbook: get a tag, kill something, and film yourself for a YouTube episode, and then sell your gear at the end.
If you watch this video in light of what @mtnprst is saying, you realize the problem, and it’s only getting worse. It WILL ruin hunting in more ways than one. I feel that Randy’s content is much more in an advocacy light, but I still feel that it has encouraged gomers like these and thousands of others, to join “the industry” and try their hand at fame and glory and a little bonus $.
But do they not possibly bring more people into hunting? Potentially breed advocates for the cause? A trophy is in the eye of the beholder and maybe just maybe it’s done to show that even “you” CAN do it too? There are many people in many different stages of their hunting evolution. Not all are right not all are wrong. Does it shed a negative light on our cause? Possibly but it could also be lighting a fire for the next generation of hunting advocates to fill our shoes. Just a thought.
@mtnprst is throwing stones at guys like these:

Sorry if you’re one of the tools in that video and that you had to drive all the way to Colorado to shoot a tiny, immature deer. But then again that was the only objective in the playbook: get a tag, kill something, and film yourself for a YouTube episode, and then sell your gear at the end.
If you watch this video in light of what @mtnprst is saying, you realize the problem, and it’s only getting worse. It WILL ruin hunting in more ways than one. I feel that Randy’s content is much more in an advocacy light, but I still feel that it has encouraged gomers like these and thousands of others, to join “the industry” and try their hand at fame and glory and a little bonus $.
Not saying these guys aren’t tools, but that tiny, immature buck looks tasty to me and if one like him steps out in front of me within range in Colorado this fall I’m shooting at him.
@mtnprst is throwing stones at guys like these:

Sorry if you’re one of the tools in that video and that you had to drive all the way to Colorado to shoot a tiny, immature deer. But then again that was the only objective in the playbook: get a tag, kill something, and film yourself for a YouTube episode, and then sell your gear at the end.
If you watch this video in light of what @mtnprst is saying, you realize the problem, and it’s only getting worse. It WILL ruin hunting in more ways than one. I feel that Randy’s content is much more in an advocacy light, but I still feel that it has encouraged gomers like these and thousands of others, to join “the industry” and try their hand at fame and glory and a little bonus $.
Meh, pretty douchey video but I’ve seen lots of guys shoot dinks even in some excellent deer units. Can’t imagine a non hunter watching a video like that anyways. Heck, a video like that makes western hunting look like it sucks.

Also, I’m not sure of the premise of this whole thing - other than Colorado unlimited OTC elk, non-residents are limited by tag #’s anyways. For instance, if there’s 7250 (or there about) Wyoming NR elk tags what’s the difference to residents if 72k NR’s apply or 7251? Or is it just that the invading NR’s are more willing to hunt the back country now after seeing these lame videos instead of just drinking beer in a truck camp like a good NR hunter should?
A certain amount of what I read on this thread really pissed me off.

Earlier today while waiting on Zoom to testify, they called Rob's name. I was very glad to know he was speaking before the Commission like Buzz and myself about the state giving antelope licenses to a bunch of "good ole boys".

None of us will ever agree 100% with one another. The first time I met Buzz we each testified on different sides of the same issue. Later, out in the hall, I thought he was going to punch me out right there in the Capital! But later, after he got to see and hear my ideas and beliefs, he contacted me to say we would do better to work together on what we both agreed on, than to fight over a few disagreements.

Sound wisdom there.
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Hunting seems doomed either way, this thread is proof of that.

If I had my way I'd lock the borders of mn down to any nr fishermen, especially those from Iowa. Stay in your own state and fish for the Iowa walleye, the bullhead.

Not really sure taking the dbag youtubers out the equation would slow the spread of the anti-poop movement. The world has gotten mentally constipated to rational thinking, facts, real reality, objectivity, agreeing to disagree or the obstacle that they may in fact be a narcissist, seems impossible to comprehend. Smartassiedness, wrapped in hypocrisy abounds in people demonizing others, for doing what they are trying to do, climbing on a higher horse or stepping off a cliff thinking it was a step closer to the higher road, one step up from the high road. Don't expect to be taken to serious, and don't take anyone to serious who thinks using the term circle jerk in a high road argument, with zero sense of humor and values no one else's opinion because nobody could possibly be as smart.

Deflect, spin, repeat. A contrarian can be a good thing, but can also be a tool in an underutilized tool box off ranting in the corner, yelling louder and louder to be heard but is eventually drowned out by their own deafness and defiance to listen to reason.

As long as there are humans, there'll always be problems with publicizing, glorifying and monetizing everything from religion, to government, to the oldest profession in the world. None of our motives are as pure as we convince ourselves they are. Looking in the mirror goes a long ways to reaching some understanding of the human condition.

Didn't like the dishonesty of a lot of hunting shows when I was growing up. Tuned a lot of that white noise out of hunting media. Still do. But really enjoy the ones that show the struggle, the failures and the butchering segments. Read how to do take care of an elk from the old guard in books, and the first elk I did was back in the early 2000's. Really have enjoyed seeing the meat care videos out and about. To hide all that in hopes of not offending the anti's is backtards. They are offended either way. The hippie dippie foodies that want to know where their food came from and learn, all be it a hard transition for some, has reached a lot of people who would have never even thought of this kind of gross activity as being not only acceptable, but helpful in knowing how the proccess works.

To think hiding in the shadows will somehow cure ignorance is futile. To think we can rid the hunting/fishing community of idiots, is like thinking we can clean the swamp of mud with mops, buckets, brooms and well meaning intentions.

Probably have spent to much time in cold swamps huffing the decaying matter fumes trying to get pics of waterfowl and sandhill cranes this week. Should probably just watch my own bobber and stop fanning the flames of a pointless argument.
@mtnprst is throwing stones at guys like these:

Sorry if you’re one of the tools in that video and that you had to drive all the way to Colorado to shoot a tiny, immature deer. But then again that was the only objective in the playbook: get a tag, kill something, and film yourself for a YouTube episode, and then sell your gear at the end.
If you watch this video in light of what @mtnprst is saying, you realize the problem, and it’s only getting worse. It WILL ruin hunting in more ways than one. I feel that Randy’s content is much more in an advocacy light, but I still feel that it has encouraged gomers like these and thousands of others, to join “the industry” and try their hand at fame and glory and a little bonus $.
Welcome to 2021, and the internet...

That’s just how our world works now. I have literally and this is kinda scary talked to multiple parents who say their kids want to be influencers when they grow up.

Hell there is a whole genre, where people make videos about playing videos games, get payed by the game company, and then go on podcasts about gaming sponsored by the gaming company.

When I said welcome to marketing I was being 100% serious.

The Madmen era is over, big glossy photos in field and stream not how we sell western hunting anymore.

Personally I don’t love it either, but 🤷‍♂️ access to information is easy DIY anything is much easier to achieve.... I’m sure my mechanic is pissed about losing money to YouTube tutorials.

If you want you can be part of team pup- and - suds with me we have shitty gear but we’re soul skaters hunters so we got that going for us.

Van Life

Make up

Kitchen Aid
Also cracks me up when people say Randy ruined XYZ, his videos have like 80k views some of the more popular 250k, meateater have some in the 500k to 1MM, then there are the non-consumptive user videos, skiing/biking/hiking/camping/vanlife etc.

There are a pile of biking videos with 200MM views, hell look at the view count of videos I posted above.

The video you shared as 1,900 views...

Actually if you go through Meateater’s channel their most popular videos are tutorials about butchering and this

I not mad about that...
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wllm 1313 gots it right Randy hasnt ruined squat
You folks that live out west may not get just how tough it is to drive 30 hrs go someplace you havent been hike into huge mtns with hopes to fill a tag n bring home some meat, Randy sure helps with that and this site is huge too!!! gear reviews asking questions,talking with guys that do it every yr
And to bust on someone for shooting a sm deer just isnt right, I busted my butt for a week for my 1st mule deer wasnt the biggest but hes on my wall I was that happy with it and did it with a great friend
A lot of my gear has been upgraded from info here buying a $700 pack isnt easy from a web site but with all the info here it was a lot easier
So I kinda look at it if your gona be on here n complaine abt the owner well, ill stop at that
everyone have a great day


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@mtnprst is throwing stones at guys like these:

Sorry if you’re one of the tools in that video and that you had to drive all the way to Colorado to shoot a tiny, immature deer. But then again that was the only objective in the playbook: get a tag, kill something, and film yourself for a YouTube episode, and then sell your gear at the end.
If you watch this video in light of what @mtnprst is saying, you realize the problem, and it’s only getting worse. It WILL ruin hunting in more ways than one. I feel that Randy’s content is much more in an advocacy light, but I still feel that it has encouraged gomers like these and thousands of others, to join “the industry” and try their hand at fame and glory and a little bonus $.
Didn't bother watching the video as I hate those things, but that is a beautiful buck. Not everyone wants to shoot a monster that's so tough you have to cut the gravy with a knife. Have I shot the big ones? Yeah, a couple. But if I saw that buck, I'd shoot it for sure and enjoy it for a couple of years. Every animal obtained by fair chase is a trophy.
wllm 1313 gots it right Randy hasnt ruined squat
You folks that live out west may not get just how tough it is to drive 30 hrs go someplace you havent been hike into huge mtns with hopes to fill a tag n bring home some meat, Randy sure helps with that and this site is huge too!!! gear reviews asking questions,talking with guys that do it every yr
And to bust on someone for shooting a sm deer just isnt right, I busted my butt for a week for my 1st mule deer wasnt the biggest but hes on my wall I was that happy with it and did it with a great friend
A lot of my gear has been upgraded from info here buying a $700 pack isnt easy from a web site but with all the info here it was a lot easier
So I kinda look at it if your gona be on here n complaine abt the owner well, ill stop at that
everyone have a great day
@dgc1963 thats a nice buck sir 👍🏼
I got all these in one photo.

Great, now I just have to pick which camp I am in;
1. Get off my lawn
2. I like hunting
3. Dink shooter
4. Van camper

1) Get off my lawn-Taken on private property open to public access by a non-resident with leftover reduced-price tags.

2) I like hunting- My wife and I drove 30 hours to hunt for only two mule deer doe and two pronghorn doe. She killed her first deer with a rifle (one of two pictured below). This remains as of my fondest hunting memories.

3) Dink shooter- We didn't even apply for buck tags, purely a doe hunting trip.

4) Van Camper- Loaded into a super sweet rental van that we drove all over the country after totalling my wifes Ford Explorer.


Got the game warden called on me for being "suspicious", "killing multiple bucks", and there was "no way they aren't poaching". I believe it was definitely the sketchy white panel van with Utah plates hunting doe a week before buck season opened.
@mtnprst is throwing stones at guys like these:

Sorry if you’re one of the tools in that video and that you had to drive all the way to Colorado to shoot a tiny, immature deer. But then again that was the only objective in the playbook: get a tag, kill something, and film yourself for a YouTube episode, and then sell your gear at the end.
If you watch this video in light of what @mtnprst is saying, you realize the problem, and it’s only getting worse. It WILL ruin hunting in more ways than one. I feel that Randy’s content is much more in an advocacy light, but I still feel that it has encouraged gomers like these and thousands of others, to join “the industry” and try their hand at fame and glory and a little bonus $.
You are just butt hurt because you followed, subscribed, tagged, commented, and featured that film on you social media story and still did not win the marsupial bino harness..

That’s 16 minutes of my life I won’t get back, so you can GFY on top of not winning that prize.
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