I don’t know what interests me more , the write up on the moose hunt , or the midget stripper stories from camp 🏕, we know you had some up there !!! Generally speaking we all know what happens on the mountain stays on the mountain 🏔 except this time ……
This is what happens when my mind has too much time to wander, in anticipation of the hunt story …..
John, you will have to put together a photo album or something with all of these good pictures. You can stop short of adorning said album with silly things, but do the book. You will look back at it many times.
The judges are waiting for the Master of Disaster, the Warrior of the Wasteland, the Ayatollah of Rock & Rolla - the one & only John "Humungus" Cushman himself to post up the polemic.
I just woke up from a nap. Breakfast at the hotel filled me up. Me and dad are going to dinner soon and I'll sit in the hot tub for a while and then have a few adult beverages while I start the narrative. Hotel life is rough.