Danny Davis's Gun Tax and the The Pittman-Robertson Act


New member
Sep 28, 2017
Northern Illinois

So U.S. Rep. Danny Davis from Illinois is planning to introduce a bill this week called The Gun Violence Prevention and Safe Communities Act and it would increase federal excise taxes on shells from 11 percent to 50 percent and also increase the taxes on the sale of pistols and revolvers and rifles from 10 percent to 20 percent. Now the 11% got me thinking hey that's the same amount taxed in the Pittman-Robertson Act that can't be a coincidence so I did a little digging and I guess Rep. Danny Davis tried introducing this bill a few years back so I looked it up and it changes the Pittman-Robertson Act and were and how it gives out money by giving mostly if not all of it to anti-violence programs. Now I'm not sure what his new version of the bill will look like since it hasn't been introduced in congress yet we will have to wait and see what it says and keep and eye on it especially if going to try and redirect funding away from wildlife. What are ya'll thoughts?
Sounds like a back door way to get at funds that sportsman have been contributing to wildlife and similar resources for a long long time. Cowardly if you ask me and we can't let it happen.

So U.S. Rep. Danny Davis from Illinois is planning to introduce a bill this week called The Gun Violence Prevention and Safe Communities Act and it would increase federal excise taxes on shells from 11 percent to 50 percent and also increase the taxes on the sale of pistols and revolvers and rifles from 10 percent to 20 percent. Now the 11% got me thinking hey that's the same amount taxed in the Pittman-Robertson Act that can't be a coincidence so I did a little digging and I guess Rep. Danny Davis tried introducing this bill a few years back so I looked it up and it changes the Pittman-Robertson Act and were and how it gives out money by giving mostly if not all of it to anti-violence programs. Now I'm not sure what his new version of the bill will look like since it hasn't been introduced in congress yet we will have to wait and see what it says and keep and eye on it especially if going to try and redirect funding away from wildlife. What are ya'll thoughts?

Simple election year grandstanding by Rep Davis - no real chance for this bill to move even if other gun items do.
Danny Davis is my Rep. I'm not sure if there has ever been a general election challenger from the right side of the aisle so his battles will always be limited to primaries.

In Illinois you have establishment Democrats and the Progressive Wing that come to blows from time to time. He is an establishment Democrat that needs to keep some credibility with a gun bill that will never go anywhere. The district is a gerrymandered mess and somehow myself despite living in the most densely populated section of Chicago (and by default the Midwest) the district has 2 long narrow legs to the west and southwest that include nice downtown near Navy pier, Magnificent Mile and River North, shot up gangland west, shot up gangland southwest, nice near suburbs like Oak Park and crappy suburbs like Maywood all in an effort to create the most safe Democratic districts statewide.

There are rough political agreements in Illinois that the Republicans don't contest safe Democratic districts and the same is true in the Suburban Republican strongholds. Remember the Nazi running as a Republican that was in the news a few weeks back, that is a bordering district that is a Democratic stronghold where Republicans don't go with real candidates or money.

I've contacted his office a few times about Western public land issues like public land transfer and sage grouse initiatives and I got zero response and confused secretaries while my state Senators have always sent form letters back on the issues at some point. He doesn't understand the extent of Pittman-Robertson and he doesn't care. Its just a low grade political play once you understand the background.
Here is the text relating to Pittman-Robertson

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