Dalton Hwy Caribou

Good to know. Seems to me like caribou can be one of the cheaper hunts to put together in Alaska. Might have to plan a dual purpose vacation for the fam in the next few years.
Isn't it amazing how two month's time (Aug - Oct) can put caribou at polar opposite ends of the palatability spectrum?

I've been lucky so far, haven't had a bad tasting one. I've heard they can be pretty nasty though. Had a chunk off a lat Oct bull, it was ok, September, good, August, best.

I've eaten a lot of different game meats both here and Africa. August Caribou is easily top five for sure.
The meat is great! I was amazed that the animal in the field had not smell at all!
We did spot and stalks, ambush, and hide in the path. I missed one stalking. The one we got we saw them a ways off and spread out 150 yards apiece and they walked up to my buddy. I hit it but not to good and it walk out about a 1/2 mile and laid down. We new we had to get more arrows in it and we could only get to about 90-100 yards before it would get up each time, so we decided to launch a few long distance arrows. Long shot (story), short we got it down with some long shoots. Hence the empty quivers. We only had three arrows apiece however. I love the new 3 arrow tight spot! Here is a link to a little video. https://video-sea1-1.xx.fbcdn.net/hvideo-xlf1/v/t42.1790-2/11954966_908536645880275_300651526_n.mp4?efg=eyJybHIiOjU2MywicmxhIjo1MTJ9&rl=563&vabr=313&oh=4174c60565e7eeb67753f15340fa99f8&oe=55E139E5
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